
DanXi Village WuSong waterfall Hiking Review | 淡溪村徒步回顾

Jackieko Amoylife 2020-09-11


 Video by Dmytry, it is awesome

Date: Jun 17th

Place: DanXi Village Wusong waterfall, Tongan

Participants: 33(Tour Bus) + 4(Self driving)

Distance: 6-8KM, 3.5 hrs, climb 500m+

Click to check more about DanXi Village:

▶ DANXI VILLAGE HIKING |  Little Tibet in Xiamen

▶ Dan Xi villiage & Wu Song waterfall

Departure | 出发


No one late for the bus ,we leave at 8AM sharp, great teamwork, thank you all.

 Great hikers with no one late, leave at 8AM sharp

QiCai Lake | 七彩池


The first stop we visited QiCai lake, the color of water is not way blue like before since no sunlight today and the water level is kinda low because of no much rain recently.

▲ Qicai lake

Tea Factory | 参观茶厂


Visited local Tea Factory, you can smell the fragrance of tea which is under processing in the factory far away, people say this is Wulong tea.

 Local Tea Factory

The Village | 淡溪村



DanXi village is one of the very northeast village of Xiamen, it is a quite and peace village, most of people staying there are old people since young people all go out to work or study, there are some local restaurant and shop there that you can have some snacks or water but can't serve many people at the same time.

 DanXi Village

Down to the Valley | 下峡谷


Wusong waterfall is at the bottom of the valley, we have to hike from the village straight down to the valley.

 Hike straight down to the valley

Wusong waterfall | 五松瀑布


▲ Video by Dmytry


There are not much water of the waterfall since no much rain recently but everyone are still way excited to see the waterfall and can't wait to get wet, look those guys with fantastic body shape, you can‘t tell how much hard work they done in the gym. "Nothing worth having come easy, and Hard work pay off" - Cristiano Ronaldo.

 Wusong waterfall

What we done | 我们干了啥



We picked up some rubblish which generated by others, and take back to the village for next action. we can't change people and we can't change the environment, but at least we can change ourself. don't leave any personal waste to outdoor and try to take way some which generated by others. I would like to say thank you so much for all people's support on this hiking event, especially to @Dima @Branden @Dmytry @Ana.

 Take good care of the places you had been to

Back to village | 回村子


Well, it is esay to down but kinda tough to up for some people. thanks beef for the DIY homemade desserts, that is way real awesome.

▲ Thanks Beef


Thanks for coming, hope to see you soon.




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AMOY LIFE Previous Hiking:

 Yun Ding Shan Hiking & Trees Planting

▶ 2018 Tianzhu Mountain Hiking Conference

▶ Recount of Jin Jing Hiking | 金井古镇徒步回顾

▶ Recount of Nan Tai Wu Hiking 

▶ Recount of Nan Tai Wu Hiking ②

▶ Recall of Quanzhou Hiking | 徒步回顾

▶ Recall of Dong Ping Shan Hiking on April 17th

〖Hiking〗前埔天心谷寻找心形石徒步登山 - 3月6日


〖Hiking〗Recall of New Year Hiking to Junying Villiage

〖Hiking〗Recall of Junying Villiage & XiongShi Waterfall Hiking

▶ XIKENG VILLAGE Hiking Review | 西坑村徒步


Life short, Play hard!


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