译海纵横 | “乘风破浪”终极大盘点
谁能想到叱咤风云的张雨绮的英文名是“Kitty” 李宇春为本档综艺创作的《无价之姐》歌名翻译为 Priceless 杨乃文的《推开世界的门》歌名译为 Through You (脑洞:是我在推开这扇门,门外是你也是我?) 噢,艾瑞巴迪原来是 everybody 孟佳小姐姐的那句 I want you tonight 在字幕中被翻译为“今晚望着你” 杜华女士的那句“你倭寇(vocal)很好,建议加入蛋撕(dance)组” 前夫哥雷佳音在微博上转发评论应援万茜,将 I pick you 一不小心就打成了 I PK you
Sisters Riding the Winds and Breaking the Waves (直译) Sisters Braving the Winds and Breaking the Waves Sisters Who Brave the Winds and Waves (将乘和破意译为一个词 brave )
A time will come to ride the wind and cleave the waves,
I’ll set my cloud-white sail and cross the sea which raves.
ride the wind and cleave the waves (cleave 给人海水瞬间被“劈”成两半一分为二的视觉冲击感) brave winds and break waves brave winds and waves (brave 一词简练、有力、传神)
brave the waves, set sail on a voyage乘风破浪,行稳致远
cleave the waves, sail steady and far乘风破浪,坚定前行
brave the waves, sail forward with resolve乘风破浪,到达彼岸
brave the waves, reach the shores of success
磅礴大气的乘风破浪式理想 vs 在浪潮中随波逐流的浮萍般小人物,明明都是相反的状态 《后会无期》讲述放肆的喜欢和克制的爱(continent love / unrestrained affection) 《飞驰人生》讲述怀揣着梦想之翼的天马在人生这个赛道上飞驰呼啸