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作者:Lingo Mastery
The Vocabulary Builder Workbook
专注于多主题夯实,补短板强弱项English for Everyone: English Vocabulary Builder
图解主题词汇全方位、系统化分类图示Merriam-Webster’s Vocabulary Builder
两面派(two-faced)vs 老好人(yes-man) 碰个头(touch base) vs 抢风头(show somebody up) 一身铜臭味(stinking rich) vs 手头紧(short on cash) 吃回扣(kickback) vs 搞快钱(make a quick buck) 板上钉钉(cast in stone) vs 悬而未决(up in the air) 掉链子(drop the ball) vs 采取强硬态度(play hardball) vs 出难题、耍手段(throw a curveball)
小人物(a cog in the machine / small fry) vs 大人物(big cheese/wig/shoot/fish) 明星产品/摇钱树(cash cow) vs 卖爆了(sell like hotcakes) 拿得出手的(bring to the table) vs 有两把刷子(be really something) 倒霉、运气不佳(tough break) vs 祸不单行/双重打击(face a double whammy) 寒暄(small talk) vs 模棱两可的话(double talk) vs 有关工作或公事的谈话(shop talk) vs 激励、鼓舞士气的话(pep talk) vs 打击对手士气的言论(trash talk)
The English language is a never-ending journey of knowledge and cultural understanding – think of all the useful pieces of historical information you now know! Language is a key to understanding people and places, and now you are in possession of that key!