

老桑说 2019-10-19

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金色池塘On Golden Pond




《金色池塘》(On Golden Pond)(1981年出版)是一部经典电影,它改编自百老汇戏剧,探讨了家庭代际间的冲突。


















Realize that nobody had a perfect childhood




“你不觉得所有的人回忆童年的时候,都会有某些事情让他感到痛苦和遗憾吗?别让这些事毁了你的生活,亲爱的。你现在是个大孩子了。你对这些不感到厌倦吗? 总是无聊,无聊。生活是在不断进步的,切尔西。希望你能跟上。”




02理解他人的观点Understand the other person's perspective









03不同年龄段的人看待事物的方式不同Understand that different age groups see things differently
















On Golden Pond:

three steps to achieve family harmony

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

opening scene

I know we’re all supposed to get along with our family members. In China, the importance of family harmony is particularly revered, being one of the central tenets of Confucianism. Yet despite our best efforts, conflicts between parents and children come about, creating long-lasting wounds and deep-seated guilt.

On Golden Pond (1981) is a classic film, adapted from a Broadway play, that explores intergenerational conflict. In the movie we meet 80-year-old Norman Thayer (played by Henry Fonda, also known for his role in 12 Angry Men), his wife Ethyl (played by Katharine Hepburn), and their fortysomething daughter Chelsea (played by Henry’s real-life daughter Jane). 

Even though the movie lost the Academy Award for Best Picture to Chariots of Fire that year, Henry Fonda won the Academy Award for Best Actor and Katharine Hepburn won Best Actress. It is rare for Best Actor and Best Actress to be awarded to actors in the same film, a testament to their superb acting. The movie tugged at the heartstrings of many.

Norman is a crotchety teacher, long retired from the University of Pennsylvania. For their nearly 50 years of marriage, he and Ethyl have spent their summers in their cabin on a lake. As they reach their golden years, this time “on golden pond” is symbolic of their struggles with aging. Norman is fascinated with death and dying, whereas Ethyl tries to be positive and look ahead.

On Golden Pond was filmed on the Squam Lake in New Hampshire. My cousins Kathy and Julie live an hour away, and last month we took a boat ride around the lake together, enjoying the scenery where the movie was filmed 40 years ago. Given strict environmental regulations and heavily forested shores, Squam Lake has changed little during this time.

Squam Lake 

Chelsea is Norman and Ethyl’s only child. She long ago left home, having become successful in faraway Los Angeles. She and her father (whom she calls “Norman” and not “Dad”) have never gotten along. Norman was very critical of her, perhaps secretly having wanted a son. No matter what she did, Chelsea felt she could never earn her father’s love and respect—even as an adult.

Norman’s ridicule and Chelsea’s anger come to a head in the movie. Chelsea pays her parents a visit on the lake, after having been away from them for a long time. Tension arises as soon as she arrives. Ethyl tries to mediate, but the emotions are too raw to be patched over. Chelsea feels like the young “fat girl” she used to be, and Norman feels rebuffed by Chelsea’s scorn.

Chelsea’s second husband Bill and 13-year-old stepson Billy also visit for part of Chelsea’s trip. Norman is curt to Bill, but he and Billy gradually come to like each other. This further fans Chelsea’s resentment, wondering how Norman can be good to Billy and not to her. Chelsea’s alienation and feelings of inadequacy resurface, culminating in a nasty outburst. 

Yet despite this checkered past, Norman and Jane finally reconcile in the movie’s heart-wrenching conclusion. Here are three themes from the movie that may help you, too, reconcile with an older family member with whom you may have had a conflict simmering for some time.

01Realize that nobody had a perfect childhood

In one scene, Jane complains to her mother how Norman never treated her right, and his caustic remarks toward her on this trip have poured salt on old wounds. Ethyl was hoping that Chelsea might have grown up by now, but in fact, is still festering. Rather than commiserate with Chelsea, Ethyl gives her this stern, but sensible, advice:

 “Don't you think that everyone looks back on their childhood with a certain amount of bitterness and regret about something? It doesn’t have to ruin your life, darling. You're a big girl now. Aren't you tired of it all? Bore, bore, bore. Life marches by, Chels. I suggest you get on with it.”

Ethyl was saying that everybody has some anger and bitterness left over from childhood. What matters is not how you start in life, but how you finish. As you mature, rather than dwell on how you were wronged, it’s better to forgive and let go, accepting your parents for who they are. Otherwise, the constant dredging up of the past will wear you out.

If you are dealing with unhealed wounds, consider Ethyl’s advice. By holding on to anger, you’re only holding yourself back. Rather, forgive those who have offended you, and try to see how they may have done their best under the circumstances. Otherwise, your life will pass you by, and you will have wasted precious moments on anger and not your own development.

02Understand the other person's perspective

Toward the end of the movie, Chelsea tells Ethyl she wants to have a friendship with Norman. Yet she complains how she feels she is always answering to Norman, even though she lives far away. Ethyl is unsympathetic, saying, “Norman is 80 years old. He has heart palpitations and trouble remembering things. Just exactly when do you expect this friendship to begin?”

Chelsea then confesses, “I’m afraid of him.” Ethyl quips right back, “Well, he’s afraid of you. So you should get along fine.” Ethyl understands that they were afraid of each other. Chelsea feared judgment, and Norman rejection, so they each wore masks rather than exposing themselves to an honest vulnerability that is naturally part of a loving relationship. 

Chelsea musters up her courage, walks down to the lake where her father had just been fishing, and says she wants to have a relationship as a father and daughter should. Norman is startled. And then Chelsea says, “It seems that you and me have been mad at each other for so long…” Norman replies, “I didn’t think we were mad. I just thought we didn’t like each other.”

Norman and Chelsea reconcile

Communication helped each to see the other’s perspective. Norman thought Chelsea didn’t like him, and Chelsea thought Norman was mad at her. This misunderstanding was the root of the tension, creating fear and mistrust. Yet once they talked it out, their relationship took a turn for the better. At the end of the movie, they embrace, and Chelsea calls Norman, “Dad.”

Shortly after filming the movie, Henry Fonda died. His daughter accepted his Academy Award for him posthumously. The movie mirrored Henry and Jane’s tensions in real life. Their tear-jerking reconciliation at the end of the movie feels so real because, as Jane later reported, it was a true reconciliation captured on film.

Jane Fonda accepts father's Academy Award

03Understand that different age groups see things differently

In one scene, Norman lights a fire in the fireplace, but does not put the fireplace screen over it, causing the area around the hearth to go ablaze. Norman is embarrassed and then blames young Billy, who actually helped extinguish the fire. Although Ethyl would not have accepted a younger person shirking responsibility, she is sympathetic to Norman’s shame.

Billy smarts from this false accusation, but Ethyl comforts him, saying, “He wasn't yelling at you, you know. He was yelling at life. It means he’s like an old lion. He has to remind himself that he can still roar. Billy, sometimes you have to look hard at a person and remember that he's doing the best he can. He’s just trying to find his way, that’s all, just like you.”

Norman's 80th Birthday 

Ethyl was saying that we need to deeply understand another person before reacting to them. Billy’s inclination was to be angry at Norman’s wrongful accusation, but Ethyl told Billy just to let it go and try to see Norman’s struggles with aging. She took a higher view of the situation, urging Billy not to be so hard on Norman…or on himself.

If you have a conflict with a parent or older relative, remember they were once your age, but you were never theirs. Over time, people see the world differently. In On Golden Pond, Norman and Ethyl confront their fear of dying. Middle-aged Chelsea is trapped in her own selfish world of self-pity, but she built a bridge of understanding to close the gap between her and Norman.

At all times, Ethyl puts the burden on Chelsea to make peace with Norman, regardless of the wrongs that were committed against her in the past. This is a lesson for intergenerational conflict. The young should recognize that they can’t change the past and, if there was no abuse of violence, just accept their parents for who they are. This mindset promotes family unity.

Squam Lake 

My friend, On Golden Pond explores how aging parents and adult children can carry the same resentments and grudges that formed decades ago. Know that nobody had a perfect childhood, seek to listen and understand, and realize that our elders see the world in a way we don’t. This tolerance will bridge the gap, foster forgiveness, and allow the latent friendships to blossom.

{  今日英文速记卡  }

1.Deep-seated \ ˈdēp-ˈsē-təd \

a)含义:adj. 根深蒂固的


i.Yet despite our best efforts, conflicts between parents and children come about, creating long-lasting wounds and deep-seated guilt.


ii.To the paper industry of deep-seated predicament, this is an interest good news undoubtedly.


c)近义词:deep-rooted, entrenched, hard-core

2. Tug \ ˈtəg \

a)含义:v. (迅速地)拉,拖;触动


i.The movie tugged at the heartstrings of many.


ii.He longed to give it a quick tug, but dared not do so.


c)近义词:drag, pull, tow

3.Crotchety \ ˈkrä-chə-tē \

a)含义:adj. 反复无常的;脾气古怪的


i.Norman is a crotchety teacher, long retired from the University of Pennsylvania. 


ii.It seems that he is in crotchety opposition to his father.


c)近义词:crabby, cranky, cross

4.Ridicule \ ˈri-də-ˌkyül \

a)含义:v. 嘲笑


i.Norman’s ridicule and Chelsea’s anger come to a head in the movie. 


ii.The right attitude to take is not to let insults, sarcasm, rudeness, ridicule, or mockery bother you.

正确的态度应该是不要让那些侮辱、讽刺、无礼、 奚落或是嘲笑烦忧你。

c)近义词:derision, mockery, sport


\ kə-ˈmi-zə-ˌrāt \

a)含义:v. 同情;怜悯


i.Rather than commiserate with Chelsea, Ethyl gives her this stern, but sensible, advice.


ii.Martha's friends all came over to her house to commiserate over being laid off at the company.


c)近义词:feel (for), pity, sympathize (with)

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


