Robert Bosisio Solo Exhibition
展期 Duration
姓名 /人数 / 到访时间 /联系电话
地址 Venue
NO.202, 2nd Floor, Sea World Culture & Arts Center, Shenzhen
万一空间正在展出意大利艺术家罗伯特·博西西奥(Robert Bosisio)在中国的首次个展:神奇的静止。此次展览将展出艺术家最具代表性的肖像(Portraits)与室内(Interiors)系列作品,并将聚焦作品本身超越现实时间和空间的沉寂静止感。展览将持续到2022年11月6日。
—— 罗伯特·博西西奥
” —— 康德(Immanuel Kant 1724-1804)
“ 一幅肖像画本身就带有缺席和存在。”
—— 布莱斯‧帕斯卡(Blaise Pascal 1623-1662)
Robert Bosisio
1963年出生于意大利特罗德纳,1988年毕业于维也纳应用艺术大学,师从维也纳行动主义代表人物阿道夫·弗罗纳(Adolf Frohner)教授,现生活与工作于意大利特罗德纳和德国柏林。艺术家的绘画作品介于抽象和具象之间,其展现的并非一个具体存在的个体,而是一个无名幻象的描述。他笔下的肖像作品神秘且失焦,兼具冷静的视角与模糊的轮廓;空间作品中则着重光感的色彩和极简的几何形态所构成的空间结构,作品中一望无际的地平线引发观者对远方意向追寻,呈现出一种超越现实时间和真实存在的沉寂静止与不可见感知。博西西奥的作品曾数次参与国际重要艺术展览,例如54届威尼斯双年展(La Biennale di Venezia, 2011),英国肖像大赛(BP Portrait Award, 2020)等。其作品也被多家艺术机构以及私人藏家收藏,例如雨果·沃滕基金会(Hugo Voeten Foundation)等,广受赞誉的奥斯卡获奖电影导演维姆·文德斯(Wim Wenders)也是博西西奥在欧洲的重要藏家之一。“让我的画面保持简单、冷静与真实对我来说很重要。”博西西奥以严肃的方式捍卫绘画的正当性,以独立与恳切的视角探索了绘画的边界。
Born in Trodena nel parco naturale, northern Italy, in 1963
Graduated from the University of Applied Arts Vienna in 1988
Taught by Professor Adolf Frohner(1934-2007), a representative of Viennese Actionism.
He currently lives and works in Trodena nel parco naturale, Italy and Berlin, Germany. His paintings lie between abstraction and figurativeness; they do not depict concrete individual objects, but descriptions of an anonymous illusion. His portrait paintings are mysterious and out of focus. They also have a calm perspective and blurry contour. His Interior series has high-saturated warm hues and spatial structure made by extremely simple geometric shapes. The unreachable horizon may stimulate the viewer to pursue and explore the distant and endless space that lies beyond, showing a sense of silence and invisibility that transcends both actual time and real existence.Robert Bosisio's paintings have been exhibited in many critical international exhibitions, such as the 54th International Art Biennale Exhibition Venice and the 2020 British Portrait Competition. They are also collected by art institutions and personal collectors, such as the Hugo Voeten Foundation and Oscar-awarded film director Wim Wenders, who is also one of the most important European collectors of Robert Bosisio."What matters to me is that my paintings remain simple, quiet and objective."("Mir ist es wichtig, daß meine Bilder einfach, ruhig und sachlich bleiben.") Robert Bosisio seriously defends the legitimacy of painting, exploring its boundaries from an independent and earnest perspective.
万一空间是由三位90后艺术从业者在深圳创立的艺术空间。其诞生于疫情席卷全球的2020年,在后疫情时代涌现对艺术与生命的全新思考。空间致力于消解当代与古代的边界,融合美学研究逻辑下的现当代与古代艺术,构建一个不同国家、时期和形式的艺术在同一语境下共容的场域。W.ONE SPACE is an art gallery founded in Shenzhen by three Generation Y art practitioners. It was established in 2020 during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. New perspectives on art and life have emerged in this post-pandemic era. W.ONE SPACE aims to melt the boundaries between present, future and the past by mixing contemporary and ancient art under the logic of aesthetic research, thus bringing together arts of different countries, different periods and different forms to interact and express in unity as ONE.