
iWanna海外心理咨询师养成记 VOL. 3

iWanna心理服务 iWanna海外心理 2021-09-05























Samuel Johnson说过一句很有启发的话:“The best thing to knowing something is knowing where to find it.”毕业后,有马不停蹄投入工作或者下一个阶段学习的人,也会有人在上述的心理阶段徘徊或多或少的一段时间。教授们在这个时候往往会给我们有很大的帮助和指引,让我们对“where to find”那些我们渴望并需要的事物有着更清晰的思路。 iWanna在前不久的毕业季中,荣幸地收到了来自University of Pennsylvania, Counseling and Mental Health Program的Kyle Schultz教授给我们分享一下他的贴心祝福宝贵经验和独家建议。

Congratulations, you're done!!!


First and foremost, I think it is important for everyone who finished such an endeavor as undergraduate or graduate education to take some time to really let it sink in that you are finished. Completing a program is a major accomplishment for you personally and professionally and this shouldn't be forgotten or minimized.


Next, take a break! Even if for a week or two, give yourself some time to relax and readjust to not having to balance so many things at once (classes, practicum/internship, jobs, family, social life, etc.). Despite my demeanor being construed as more strict and serious, I actually do think it is important to relax and let loose a bit. In my own career, I didn't push too hard to get a job after school. 

I had a job making quite a bit of money at a local restaurant so I decided to take my time. Those who know me may not know that I took time off between the masters and the doctoral portion of my education and went traveling for two months in Europe and just worked for a year. I also took three months and traveled Southeast Asia after I finished my postdoc. I look back now and really believe that if I knew then what I know now, I would have traveled longer. 

I also would have taken a year off between undergrad and graduate school so that I could travel more. When I was in graduate school, I put the needed time into my studies but I spent much more of my "life" working in Philadelphia and living out my 20s. It never really affected school and I don't regret having more of a work-life balance in school.


After your break, it's time to get serious. First, everyone gets a job. I don't know anyone in the mental health field who got their doctorate or masters and never got a job in the field. It just doesn't happen. With that said, your first job should really be something that fulfills the hours required for licensure. In the mental health field, nothing could be more important. I am more inclined to suggest to students that they prize their supervised hours over their most desired position, at least in the beginning of your career. However, apply for your dream job, it never hurts to apply and ask if they offer supervision. Just don't hold out too long unless you have the financial resources to do so. Also, you don't want a large block of time on your resume in which you aren't doing something.

当你拿到了你的执照,你的选择就相对多很多了。我建议你们在完成supervision 小时数的最后3-4个月就开始找工作。并且找一个你认为在未来3-5年都愿意保持的工作,积累相对久的工作经历。如果你想要做supervisor 的话,当然也要寻找有提供往上晋升可能性的工作。

Once you get your license, you can apply for a lot more jobs and you can be a lot choosier. I would start to apply for jobs once you get in the last 3-4 months of completing your supervised hours. Apply for jobs that you feel you would want to stay at for 3-5 years so you can start to get longer-term experience. It is also in your best interest to look at jobs that have upward mobility, in case you want to try your hand as a supervisor.

贯穿你的职业,推荐你们多参与与你兴趣相符的社区组织。也推荐你们组建同辈互助小组。 最后更是推荐建立一份不断更新的书单。

Throughout your entire career, I would strongly suggest graduates become part of local organizations that are related to your interest. I am involved in a local and national organization for psychoanalysis as well as an LGBT organization. This not only helps keep me informed as to what is going on in my field but I have also gotten referrals from their list-serves (which you should be on and relatively active in posting on).

I would also suggest you consider forming peer consultation groups. I used to be part of two groups that met once a month each in which two people would present one case each for an hour. It was a great way to build collaborative relationships with people in my field and, again, it was a great way to start getting more referrals. You could also consider getting your own personal supervisor (even outside of your required hours) as a way to help hone your skills. Lastly, I would recommend developing an on-going reading list. I did more reading post-graduate school than I did in graduate school because we constantly have to be learning for our clients.


Lastly, enjoy your career! You have made it to a point when you can finally enjoy the benefits of your hard work. Don't rest too easy and make sure to stay up to date with continuing education and self-prescribed reading. I graduated six years ago and I am still loving what I do. The times of stress are often indicators that I need to slow down and I am so much better at recognizing and following through on that now than when I was earlier on in my career.






不要强迫我喝茶—论啪啪啪关系中的Consent Issue




作者|Ariel's Tail

编辑|Connie Gao、Katie Zhou



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