
翻译备考 | 关键词汉译英 | 044 |“ ”








escort, convoy, protect, guarantee, escort the emperor, help 




Overthe last 30 years, the legislature of our country has made a series of laws to escort the reform and opening-up to the outside world.


Overthe last 30 years, the legislature of our country has made a series of laws to guarantee the implementation of the reform and opening-up policies.

这里的"护航”是比喻意义,指“保证”或"保障'应译为to guarantee。而 to escort 的意思是 to go with sb to protect or guard them,即“护送”或 "护卫”,其宾语是人或交通工具,而不是抽象的事物。例如:


1. 总统在一组保镖的护卫下到达会议室。

The President arrived at the conference room, escorted by a group of bodyguards.

"护航"的第一个意思是"护送船只或飞机航行”。英语可以译为to escort, to convoy。例如:

2. 中国政府将派海军舰艇前往亚丁湾、索马里海域执行护航任务。

The Chinese government will deploy naval ships to the Gulf of Aden and the waters off the Somalia coast for escorting operations.

3. 中国三艘海军舰艇将为中国船只和替国际组织运送人道主义救济物资的船只护航,并执行反海盗巡逻任务。

The three Chinese naval ships will escort Chinese ships as well as ships carrying humanitarian relief materials for international organizations, and conduct anti-piracy patrols.

4. 这艘运兵船由两艘军舰护航。

1) The troop ship had an escort of two warships,

2) The troop ship was escorted by two warships,

3) The troop ship was convoyed by two warships,

5. 这艘商船由一艘驱逐舰护航。

1) This merchant ship had an escort of a destroyer.

2) This merchant ship was escorted by a destroyer.

3) This merchant ship was convoyed by a destroyer.

6. 这些船只将为运送联合国粮食援助到非洲国家的货轮护航。

The ships will escort cargo vessels carrying UN food aid to the African country.

7. 这架总统专机由喷气式战斗机护航。

The special plane for the President was escorted by jet fighters,

8. 这艘日本护航舰安排妤与中国进行互访。

1) The Japanese escort ship was scheduled to make a reciprocal visit to China.

2) The Japanese convoy ship was scheduled to make a reciprocal visit to China.

3) The Japanese convoying ship was scheduled to make a reciprocal visit to China.



英语动词可以译为to protect,to guarantee;名词可以译为guarantee。例如:


9. 发展农村经济,我们需要稳定的社会秩序为其保驾护航。

To develop rural economy, we need a stable social order as its guarantee.

10. 不断改进的信息技术为互联网的正常运转保驾护航。

The ever-improving information technology guarantees the normal operation of the Internet.

11. 你们真是幸运,有这样医德高尚而且医术精湛的医生为你们的健康保驾护航。

Youare really fortunate to have such doctors with high morality and consummate skill to protect your health.

12. 我们公司具有一支优秀的专业团队,为客户资产安全保驾护航,帮助客户实现增长财富的梦想。

Our company has an excellent professional team to protect the safety of our clients’ assets and help them to realize their dream of increasing wealth.


“保驾”的原义是"护卫皇帝”。英语可以译为toescort the emperor。例如:


13. 这位将军与御林军为皇帝保驾,去到皇家猎苑。

TheGeneral and the imperial guards escorted the emperor to the royal hunting ground.


现在,“保驾"用来泛指"保护或帮助某人”。英语可以译为toescort, to help。例如:

14. 放心吧!我一路上会给你保驾的。

Don’t worry. I’ll escort you all the way there.

15. 你开车时有老李保驾,怕什么?

What do you have to fear with Mr. Li to escort you when you drive?

16. 有全家人为你保驾,你一定会成功的。

You will certainly succeed, with your whole family to help you.


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干货来了:BBC经典纪录片《美丽中国》Wild China









