
翻译备考 | 关键词汉译英 | 046 |“违章”








break the regulation, disobey the regulation, violate the regulation, be against regulations, go against regulations, work against regulations, operate against regulations, drive against traffic regulations, unauthorized construction, unauthorized building works, unauthorized building, unauthorized house




You are against the regulation to park your car here.


It is against the regulation for you to park your car here.

这句话的逻辑主语是“你在这里停车'而不是"你"。此外,英语没有You are against the regulation to do sth 这样的句型。

"违章”就是“违反规章或法规,尤其指违反交通法规”。英语可以译为to break the regulationto disobey the regulationto violate the regulation。例如:


1. 谁也无权违反校规。

Nobody has the right to break the school regulations.

2. 违章者将受到惩罚。

Those who broke the regulations would be punished.

3. 公司可以警告、惩罚或甚至开除那些违反规章和纪律的人。

The corporation may warn, punish or even fire those who disobey the regulation and discipline.

4. 下雪或其他恶劣的天气状况并不是可以违章的正当理由。

Snow or other severe weather conditions are not valid reasons to disobey the regulations.

5. 那些违章的人面临严重的罪名。

Those who disobey the regulations are faced with serious charges.

6. 他因违反交通法规而被罚款。

He was fined for violating traffic regulations.


"违章”还可以译为 to be against regulations, to go against regulations。例如:


7. 超速驾驶是违章的。

It is against traffic regulations to drive over the speed limit.

8. 司机闯红灯是违章的。

1) It is against traffic regulations for a driver to go through a red light.

2) It is against traffic regulations for a driver to drive through a red light.

3) It is against traffic regulations for a driver to run a red light.

9. 酒醉开车是违章的。

Driving while intoxicated is against traffic regulations.

10. 乱穿马路是违章的。

Jaywalking is against traffic regulations,

11. 行人在红灯亮时走过十字路口是违章的。

It is against traffic regulations for a pedestrian to go through an intersection when the light is red.

12. 作弊违反考场规则。

Cheating goes against exam room regulations.

13. 直排轮滑者要注意:在马路上轮滑是违章的。

Inline skaters are to note that it is against traffic regulations to skate on roads.

14. 这个摩托车手不戴头盔驾车,那是违章的。

The motorcyclist drove without a helmet, which was against traffic regulations.


“违章作业”可以译为 to work against regulations, to operate against regulations。例如:


15. 违章作业是危险的。

Working against regulations is dangerous.

16. 禁止煤矿工人违章作业。

Coal miners are forbidden to operate against regulations.

17. 乘坐违章作业的车辆旅行是不安全的。

It is not safe for you to travel by vehicles that operate against regulations. 

"违章幵车”可以译为 to drive against traffic regulations。例如:


18. 他因违章开车而被罚款。

He was fined for driving against traffic regulations.


“违章建筑”的第一个意思是指“未经授权或批准而私自搭建的建筑物”。英语可以译为unauthorized construction, unauthorized building works, unauthorized building, unauthorized house 等。例如:


19. 铁路当局采取了步驟来清除沿铁路主干线的违章建筑。

The railway authorities took steps to remove the unauthorized constructions along the main rail-line.

20. 地方当局要求这家工厂拆除这些违章建筑。

The local authorities required the factory to tear down these unauthorized constructions.

21. 违章建筑是应该被拆除的非法建筑物。

Unauthorized building works are illegal works that should be removed.

22. 违章建筑一定会拆除。

An unauthorized building is liable for demolition.

23. 这些在公共露天空地上建造的违章房屋将被拆除。

These unauthorized houses constructed on the public open space will be demolished.


"违章建筑”的第二个意思是指"无视规章而私自搭建的建筑物”。英语可以译为house/building that was put up in defiance of regulations。例如:



These residents have knocked down the houses that were put up in defiance of regulations on the public meadow.


These buildings that were put up in defiance of regulations are not under the protection of law.


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干货来了:BBC经典纪录片《美丽中国》Wild China









