
翻译备考 | 关键词汉译英 | 051 |“两岸”








twosides, both sides, either side,two banks, both banks, either bank, two sides ofthe Taiwan Straits, both sides of the Straits, across the Taiwan Straits, cross-Straits,relations between China’s mainland and Taiwan, relations between the two sidesof the Straits, cross-Straits relations;China’s mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao




People on the both sides of the Taiwan Straits are all Chinese.


People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are all Chinese.

both,all, either和neither等词作定语用时,规范的用法是前面不加定冠词the。笔者在Google上搜索时,发现有些中文网页用on the both sides of的说法,而英美人的网页上罕见这样的搭配。看来on both sides of才是地道的英语。

"两岸”的第一个意思是泛指江河、湖泊、海湾、海峡等水域两边的地方。英语可以译为 two sides, both sides, either side, two banks, both banks,either bank。如:

1. 有几百万人民生活在这条河的两岸。

There are millions of people living on the two sides of the river.

2. 这个海湾两岸的植被和花卉是非常相似的。

The vegetation and flora on the two sides of the gulf are very similar.

3. 河两岸都有一条自行车道。

There is a bike trail on both sides of the river.

4. 你在湖的两岸都可以找到船只登陆的地方。

You can find boat landings on either side of the lake.

5. 这座城市位于河的两岸。

1) The city lies on the two banks of the river.

2) The city is situated on the two banks of the river.

6. 河两岸有许多垂柳。

There are many weeping willows on both banks of the river.

7. 两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。

1) Monkey cries were heard on either bank all through the way while the boat passed by mountains swiftly in a row.

2) The screams of monkeys on either bank had scarcely ceased echoing in my earwhen my skiff had left behind it ten thousand ranges of hills.

"两岸的第二个意思是特指台湾海峡两边的地方,即我国大陆和台湾省,也称“海峡两岸”。英语可以译为two sides of the Taiwan Straits, both sides of the Straits。例如:

8. 中国是两岸同胞共同的家园。

China is the common homeland for the compatriots on both sides of the Straits.

9. 陈云林访台将推动两岸经济贸易合作。

ChenYunlin's visit to Taiwan will promote the economic and trade cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits.

10. 两岸的冲突与争议可以在和平发展进程中通过平等协商解决。

Conflicts and disputes between the two sides of the Straits could be resolved by equal consultations in the process of peaceful development.

11. 两岸政治分歧不应该被当作阻止三通的借口或障碍。

Political differences between the two sides of the Straits should not be used as a pretext or obstacle for obstructing the “three direct links”.

两岸作定语用,可以译为across the Taiwan Straits, cross-Straits. 例如:

12. 双方都希望进行更紧密的两岸金融合作以抵抗全球金融危机。

Both sides hope to have a closer cross-Straits financial cooperation to withstand the global financial crisis.

13. 两岸会谈将避免敏感的政治问题,而集中谈经济合作。

The cross-Straits talks will avoid sensitive political issues and focus on economiccooperation.

14. 两岸客运包机服务范围的扩大可以节省台商生产成本。

The extension of the cross-Straits charter passenger flight service will save Taiwan traders’ production cost.

15. 我相信海峡两岸具有智慧,而且能够通过会谈和谈判克服现存的问题.

I believe that the two sides across the Taiwan-Straits are wise and capable ofovercoming the existing problems through talks and negotiations.

"两岸关系可以译为relations between China’s mainland and Taiwanrelations between the two sides of the Straitscross-Straitsrelations。例如:

16. 海峡两岸三通将有助于推动两岸关系的发展。

The “three direct links” across the Taiwan Straits will help to promote the development of the relations between the two sides of the Straits.

17. 坚持一个中国原则,是发展两岸关系和实现和平统一的基础。

Adherence to the One-China Principle is the basis for the development of the cross-Straits relations and the realization of peaceful reunification.

18. 在他们的会谈中将不涉及与两岸关系相关的政治问题。

In their talks, no political issues pertaining to cross-Straits relations will be involved.

19. 两岸空中与海上直航将有助于改善两岸关系。

The direct transport links by air and sea between China’s mainland and Taiwan will help improve the relations between the two sides of the Straits. 


"两岸四地”,特指我国大陆、台湾、香港和澳门。英语可以译为China’s mainland, TaiwanHong Kong and Macao。例如:


20. 我们将做出具体努力推进两岸四地的经济合作。

We will make concrete efforts to boost economic cooperation between China’s mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao.

21. 今天,两岸四地的几十名大学生在我市举行了一场演讲比赛。

Today, dozens of college students from China’s mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao held a speech contest in our city.


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干货来了:BBC经典纪录片《美丽中国》Wild China









