
《中国日报》给NBA总裁亚当·肖华的回信:言论自由是有底线的 freedom of speech has limitations

中国日报网 北极光翻译 2023-11-03












I recognize our initial statement left people angered, confused or unclear on who we are or what the NBA stands for. Let me be more clear.我意识到我们之前的声明让人感到愤慨和困惑,没说清我们是谁、NBA的立场。我会做出更清晰的解释。

Over the last three decades, the NBA has developed a great affinity for the people of China. We have seen how basketball can be an important form of people-to-people exchange that deepens ties between the United States and China.在过去三十年,NBA对中国人民产生了巨大的吸引力。篮球成为一种重要的人文交流,加强了中美人民的情感纽带。

At the same time, we recognize that our two countries have different political systems and beliefs. And like many global brands, we bring our business to places with different political systems around the world.同时,我们认识到两国具有不同的政治制度和价值观。和全球其他许多品牌一样,我们的业务扩展到各个不同政治制度的国家。

But for those who question our motivation, this is about far more than growing our business.但是对于那些质疑我们动机的人来说,我们不只是在扩展自己的商业领域。

Values of equality, respect and freedom of expression have long defined the NBA — and will continue to do so. As an American-based basketball league operating globally, among our greatest contributions are these values of the game.长久以来,平等、尊重、言论自由的价值观定义了NBA,将来也会如此。作为一个扎根在美国的全球性篮球联赛,传递这样的价值观是我们最大的贡献之一。

In fact, one of the enduring strengths of the NBA is our diversity — of views, backgrounds, ethnicities, genders and religions. Twenty-five percent of NBA players were born outside of the United States and our colleagues work in league offices around the world, including in Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Taipei.事实上,NBA经久不衰的原因之一就是我们的包容性,接纳不同的观点、背景、种族、性别和宗教。现在有25%的球员都不出生在美国,我们的同事在世界各地工作,包括北京、香港、上海和台北。

With that diversity comes the belief that whatever our differences, we respect and value each other; and, what we have in common, including a belief in the power of sports to make a difference, remains our bedrock principle.多样性带来一种信念:无论我们有何不同,都尊重和珍视彼此。我们的共同之处,包括坚信体育的力量可以带来改变,仍然是我们的基本原则。

It is inevitable that people around the world — including from America and China — will have different viewpoints over different issues. It is not the role of the NBA to adjudicate those differences.世界各地的人,包括美国和中国,对不同的问题有不同观点,这是无法避免的。裁决这些分歧不是NBA的职责。

However, the NBA will not put itself in a position of regulating what players, employees and team owners say or will not say on these issues. We simply could not operate that way.然而,NBA不会去监管球员、雇员和球队老板在这些问题上该说什么,不该说什么。我们不能那么做。

Basketball runs deep in the hearts and minds of our two peoples. At a time when divides between nations grow deeper and wider, we believe sports can be a unifying force that focuses on what we have in common as human beings rather than our differences.篮球深深扎根于两国球迷的心灵和思想,在一个国家与国家间分歧日益加深扩大的时代,我们相信体育可以成为一种凝聚人心的力量,让我们更关注作为人类的共同之处,而不是我们之间的差异。




Dear Mr Adam Silver,


Thank you for your statements. They are clear enough, but we would welcome more efforts from you to further clarify your standpoint.


Over the last three decades, the NBA has gained enormous influence in China, and we see how basketball can bridge the cultural gaps between China and the US.


We are glad that you recognize that our two countries have different political systems and beliefs. As an institution with global business and influence, that recognition helps the NBA to deepen ties and promote understanding with different cultures.


It would be much better if you could understand a bit more about the values of China, a huge market for your organization. State sovereignty, national integrity, and national esteem – These are mainstream values in China’s public opinion fields, with largest consensus among all Chinese people. They are also the core concepts recognized by the whole Chinese nation.


In history, Chinese civilization, like its counterparts, suffered enormous invasions and conquests from the outside, yet it is the only one that survived all the catastrophes. One of the most important reasons for this is our sense of unity – Wherever a Chinese person goes, in whichever country or region he/she resides, love and passion for the motherland ties us together.


Those ties define the Chinese nation. We are open to the world and tolerant to all civilizations; We welcome anybody regardless of his/her race or religious belief. The Chinese nation is never based on blood, but on culture, on the recognition, love, and appreciation of our common home, China.


We respect freedom of speech, and we defend people’s rights to speak even though we do not agree with their viewpoints. However, we understand that in the US or any other Western country, freedom of speech has its limitations; Discrimination against the vulnerable, prejudice based on color, race, or religion, and the so-called “defense” of certain figures that committed anti-human deeds in history might all lead to trouble, even criminal charges.


We respect these as the bottom lines of freedom of speech in Western societies, and we hope the West can also respect our bottom lines.


Basketball runs deep in the hearts and minds of our two peoples. At a time when the divides between nations are becoming deeper and wider, we hope sports can help to narrow these divides through mutual respect, instead of widening them via irresponsible words.

Zhang Zhouxiang, China Daily writer 

(作者:张周项 )





5日上午,莫雷在其推特账号发表疑似支持“港独”的言论,内容是近几个月香港暴力分子常喊的一句口号:“为自由而战,和香港在一起(Fight for freedom, Stand with Hong Kong)”,引发众怒。



We recognize that the views expressed by Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey have deeply offended many of our friends and fans in China, which is regrettable. While Daryl has made it clear that his tweet does not represent the Rockets or the NBA, the values of the league support individuals' educating themselves and sharing their views on matters important to them. We have great respect for the history and culture of China and hope that sports and the NBA can be used as a unifying force to bridge cultural divides and bring people together.


对于莫雷的言论,火箭队老板菲尔蒂塔(Tilman Fertitta)5日紧急发布推特划清界限:
“Listen....@dmorey does NOT speak for the @HoustonRockets.”“听着……莫雷说的话不代表休斯顿火箭队。”


I have the best general manager in the league... We got a huge backlash, and I wanted to make clear that [the organization] has no [political] position. We're here to play basketball and not to offend anybody.
China's official basketball association says it has decided to suspend exchanges and cooperation with the Houston Rockets following a tweet by the team's general manager in support of the so-called pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong.
The Chinese Basketball Association (CBA), chaired by Yao Ming, said Sunday on its Weibo account that Daryl Morey had made "improper remarks regarding Hong Kong" to which it expressed its "strong opposition."

6日晚,中华人民共和国驻休斯敦总领事馆(The Chinese Consulate General in Houston)也就此事作出回应。

We are deeply shocked by the erroneous comments on Hong Kong made by Mr. Daryl Morey, general manager of the Houston Rockets. We have lodged representations and expressed strong dissatisfaction with the Houston Rockets, and urged the latter to correct the error and take immediate concrete measures to eliminate the adverse impact.


At the moment, ending violence and chaos and restoring order has become the widest common consensus and the strongest appeal of all social sectors in Hong Kong. Anybody with conscience would support the efforts made by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to safeguard Hong Kong's social stability.


Brooklyn Nets owner Joe Tsai criticised Mr Morey for his "damaging" tweet, saying he misjudged how strongly many Chinese people felt about Hong Kong.

布鲁克林网老板蔡崇信(Joe Tsai)批评了莫雷的“破坏性”推文,说他不能正确判断很多中国人对香港现状的强烈感受。



"Although the West advocates complete freedom of speech, without basic understanding of major social and political issues, I do not think they should have the freedom to make such statements."


"The Rockets have received a lot of Chinese sponsorship in the past 17 years. ESPN has also made tens of millions of dollars annually in China over the past four years. China should make these institutions pay for it (Morey's comment).”



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