
双语 | 英国网红咆哮议长约翰·伯考哈佛演讲:自黑"矮冬瓜"?











Mark Gearan: But tonight we welcome the Right Honourable John Bercow, and it's my pleasure to introduce him, a well-known figure in UK politics. He's been the Commons Speaker since 2009, and I think it's fair to say, this is a Parliamentary Speaker who has a worldwide audience. He is certainly the most visible and certainly the most "viral" speaker in a generation. As he manages the Prime Minister's Question-and-answer period with shouts of...马克·吉兰:今晚,让我们欢迎尊敬的约翰·伯考阁下。我十分有幸在此介绍他。这位英国政坛的知名人物,自2009年起任下议院议长。可以这么说,这位议长的粉丝观众遍布全球。他不仅是最受关注的议长,也称得上是最实红最刷屏的网红议长。尤其是他在首相质询环节里,咆哮的那句经典台词...Audience: ORDER! Order!!观众:肃静!肃静!Mark Gearan: You have some competition here. Welcome to Harvard. He is the first Commons Speaker since World War II to have served along four prime ministers. And he himself has been elected to his leadership post four times.马克·吉兰:看来你有竞争对手了!欢迎来到哈佛大学。他是自二战以来,第一位曾与四位首相共事的下议院议长。自09年首次当选议长后,他又先后三次连任。He is not reluctant to exercise his power from the chair by wielding power with authority during these uncertain times, and certainly with Brexit. He's championed the rights of the Backbenchers, with granting more than 650 urgent questions from MPs, more than any other Speaker, to bring in his view ministers account for pressing issues of the day.在这个政治动荡的时代,他从不畏惧退缩。而是积极掌权,行使议长职责。尤其在脱欧问题上,他是后排议员的坚强后盾,发起了650多次紧急辩论,该数据超过其他所有议长。让政府大臣在当前的紧迫议题上,接受质询问责。So please join me in welcoming to the Kennedy School, to Harvard University for his first appearance here in the forum, the Right Honourable John Bercow!请各位与我一起,欢迎来到哈佛大学肯尼迪政治学院,首次参加肯尼迪政治论坛的,约翰·伯考阁下!John Bercow: Mark, thank you, bless you. I appreciate it.约翰·伯考:马克,谢谢你!十分感谢!Mark Gearan: Thank you.马克·吉兰:谢谢。John Bercow: Thank you, thank you. Orderrrrrr! Order!约翰·伯考:谢谢,感谢各位。肃静!肃静!Mark, thank you for the warmth and generosity of that welcome to which I don't know, friends, colleagues ladies and gentlemen, whether I'm entirely equal, but I shall strive to do my level best not to disappoint.马克,谢谢这段慷慨热情的欢迎致辞。朋友们,同僚们,女士们,先生们,过誉美言,在下受之有愧,我定将倾尽全力,不辜负各位厚望。Perhaps I can begin by saying that having heard myself introduced. I can hardly wait to hear myself speak. Whether you'll feel the same way at the end of my remarks is a matter for legitimate speculation and conjecture, but it seems apposite to begin by asking, can you hear me at the back and on the top?首先我要坦言,在听完此番对我的赞誉褒奖后,我都迫不及待想听自己发言了。不过,在我演说结束后,各位会作何感受,此刻,我并不想做无端臆测。发言前,我想先试问各位,后排和楼上的朋友能听到我说话吗?Audience: Yes!观众:能!John Bercow: Well, I want to thank you for that answer, which was of crystal clarity in the affirmative, and which marks if I may say so and I do, a notable improvement upon the last occasion, that I posed that question outside of the United States, Can you hear me at the back to an audience, in which some unhelpful wag replied: "Yes! But I'll happily change places with someone who can't."约翰·伯考:好的,感谢各位回复。感谢各位给出清晰明确的肯定回答。这让我不免慨叹,此情此景,较上一次得到了显著改善。那次,是在美国以外的某地。当时,我向后排席位询问同样的问题,一位仁兄戏谑大喊: "听得到!但我很乐意跟那些听不到的人交换座位!"【注释:"美国以外的某地"特指英国下议院,议长是在吐槽下议院议员不听话。So ladies and gentlemen, the fact that you can hear me, and that you appear not altogether distraught about that fact, is the source of modest succor and encouragement to me as I begin.女士们先生们,在座各位都能清楚听见。且各位并未因此而显得烦躁郁结,这为我的开篇演说给予了些许助益与鼓励。Mark, of course has a track record of public service, and of academic and professional leadership, which speaks for itself. I have in fact this evening on meeting him and shaking hands, dubbed him the "intellectual Gandalf" of the Harvard Kennedy School and the Institute of Politics.诚然,马克有担任公职的辉煌历史,在学术专业领域亦是领导有方。这点不言自明。今夜,我有幸与他会面握手,并将他奉为哈佛大学肯尼迪政治学院的 "知识分子甘道夫"。It is the most enormous pleasure, privilege and honour to be invited to speak to this gathering. I have long admired Harvard University as a whole, and the Kennedy School of Government and the Institute of Politics in particular. It seems to me that Harvard University is synonymous with the exploration and interplay of ideas on a scale unsurpassed by any academic institution anywhere in the world known to me.对我而言,能有幸受邀在此发表演说,真真是莫大的殊荣。久闻哈佛大名,不胜仰慕。尤其是肯尼迪政治学院。哈佛大学之于我,与"概念探索"和"思想碰撞"同义,其思想交流的规模,是我所知的世上任何学术机构,都无法比拟的。So for those of you who study here, you must be suffused with pride at how fortunate you are, what opportunities it presents, how you can gain both in the short as well as in the medium and long term, from experience of being taught here, self studying here, interacting with others here, and benefiting from truly global esteem in which this magnificent university is held. I am thrilled to be here beyond words.对于哈佛学生来说,你们的内心必定自豪满溢。你们何其幸运,面前机遇垂青。在哈佛,无论是从师或自学,亦或是与他人交流探讨,无论从短时或长远来看,都能受益良多,从这座无与伦比且备受尊崇的世界顶级大学获益。此刻,我内心的激动无以言表。Before I say anything that treats of my responsibilities. I am however conscious of one quite sensitive matter, which your natural courtesy may disincline you to raise with me directly, but which if unaddressed, will lurk potentially from my vantage point perilously in the undergrowth, and which I conclude therefore should be knocked on the head at the outset.在我对议长的职责,展开论述前,我意识到有一个异常敏感的问题。在座各位出于礼貌,不好直接向我发问,但倘若绝口不提,该问题便藏匿潜伏于暗处,伺机以待,危机四伏。因此我得出结论,最好一开始就摊开挑明。And that is the delicate and sensitive matter of height. Very specifically, it has been bruited in some of the more downmarket parts of the media that I'm the shortest man ever to be Speaker of the UK House of Commons.这个微妙且敏感的问题便是:身高问题。具体来说,某些低端英媒,多年来一直盛传,我是有史以来最矮的下议院议长。Ladies and gentleman, I want to assure you with all the force and rhetorical insistence at my command that there's nothing wrong with being short. I say to those who share that characteristic of vertical challenge with me. We short people should stick together. We may be short but we may also be perfectly formed. We're assuredly environmentally friendly, because we don't take up much space. And in any case we have to make a virtue of necessity and I do.女士们先生们,我要不遗余力,辞严义正地向各位确保,身材矮小,并无过错。我要向那些同样存在"海拔烦恼"的朋友说一句,我们矮小之人应团结一致。麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。我们短小精悍,绿色环保。因为我们不会占用过多空间。尺有所短,寸有所长,我们矮小之人只能尽其所长。I've always been short. I am now 56 years old and I remain short. And given the known impact of the aging process upon physiognomy, the overwhelming likelihood is that I shall become inexorably irrevocably shorter still.我打小个头就不高,如今56岁的我,依然保持短小身材。鉴于随着年龄衰老,身高也会逐渐缩短的科学道理,十之八九,我会愈发不可逆转地向地心引力缴械投降。And about the fact of that continued, and soon to be exacerbated shortness. I'm as intensely relaxed as Peter Mandelson.这矮小的命运,我在劫难逃。且在不久的将来,还会加剧更甚。与彼得·曼德尔森一样,我早就处之泰然了。【注释:彼得·曼德尔森:工党元老级人物】Doyen of New Labour, Svengali of the Third Way, once said that New Labour was intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich, but I'm not intensely relaxed about the matter of historical accuracy. You'd expect the Speaker forsooth to have done his research. If in no other respect, I hope at least in that respect not to disappoint you. I have done and it's quite wrong when some of these more downmarket new musical fifth-rate scribblers say, oh well, Bercow's the shortest man ever to be Speaker of the UK House of Commons. Quite wrong.这位新工党元老,"第三条道路"的斯文加利,他说,新工党早就对肮脏的富人视若平常,毫不在意了。但我绝不会在史实考据的问题上安之若素。不出各位所料,议长当然要做好考据研究,不敢说其他方面,至少在"调查考据"领域,我不会让各位失望。我的确做了详尽调查,  当这些廉价低端且毫无底线的所谓"砖家叫兽"声称,"'矮冬瓜'伯考是有史以来个头最矮的下议院议长"。简直大错特错。【注释:斯文加利:莫里耶经典小说<特丽尔比>Trilby中催眠、操控他人的音乐家,现在是摆布操纵的邪恶人物的代名词】Sir John Bussy, Speaker of the UK House of Commons, from 1394 to 1398. Sir John Wenlock, Speaker of the UK House of Commons from 1455 to 1456, and Sir Thomas Tresham, Speaker of the UK House of Commons in 1459, are all believed to have been shorter than I am. Although I do have to admit that, this was true only after all three of them had been beheaded.曾经的英国下议院议长,约翰·布什爵士,任期1394-1398年。还有约翰·文洛克爵士,于1455-1456年间任下议院议长。以及托马斯·特雷瑟姆爵士,1459年任下议院议长。这三位都是有据可考的,个头比我矮。不过我必须承认,只有当这三人被君主斩首后,这一事实才成立。Indeed no fewer than 7 of my predecessors met their end on the executioner's block. One was killed in battle, and a further poor unfortunate soul was brutally murdered. So you will understand thatthis does enable me to view the woes and challenges, which afflict and confront the House of Commons, and which in all candor periodically afflict and confront me with an appropriate sense of historical perspective.其实历史上,有不少于7位下议院议长,都在断头台上葬送了性命。还有一位死于战争。另一位可怜之人,不幸惨遭残忍谋杀。鉴于此,各位也会理解,这确实让我在面对下议院的争执与对峙时,能够以一种恰当的历史性眼光,理性看待各种困难麻烦与困境挑战。坦白说,这也时不时地让我内心痛苦挣扎。That is to say whatever else happens to me, I am not likely to lose my head, although there may be some who wish to contradict that proposition, because they have plans of which I know nothing.但换而言之,无论何事发生,至少我不大可能掉脑袋。除非某些人对此有异议,因为他们正在进行秘谋,而我对此一无所知。Ladies and gentlemen, it's a great joy to be here, but I hope I had given you a sense of what it is I do, chairing in the chamber, trying to deliver a better, more modernised, reformed institution, and getting out and about, not incarcerated in the Palace of Westminster, dressed up in a fancy uniform, and completely inaccessible to the outside world.女士们先生们,我很高兴来到这里,也希望诸位能更了解议长职责,负责主持议事程序,尝试建立更完善、更现代、更革新的议会机构。真正深入群众,而不是身着华丽制服,自我禁锢在威敏寺宫,与外部世界完全隔离。People who hold important public offices...I'm not important at all, other than I hope to my wife and children, but the office of Speaker is important, and I think people who occupy important public offices have got to get out there and make the case, talk to, hear from and engage with people.对担任重要公职的人来说...我并非什么重要人物,除了对我的妻子和子女而言。但议长之职尤为重要。在我看来,所有担任重要公职的人,都必须深入基层,服务群众,与广大人民座谈交流,倾听接触。There can be literally in university terms no greater honour anywhere in the world than to be invited to appear before the JFK Jr. forum. I am thrilled, you can probably tell it, and you will now be relieved beyond words in view of your stoicism, fortitude and forbearance to know, that my speech is definitively at an end.受邀来肯尼迪政治论坛演说,此份荣耀至高无上,全世界其他任何地方都无法比拟。我的激动之情溢于言表,相信大家都看得出。在座各位现在可以如释重负了。感谢你们的坚韧毅力,顽强意志与专注耐心。至此我的发言真的结束了。Thank you.谢谢。


John Bercow has promised to resign as Speaker of the House of Commons by the end of October. Below is his full resignation speech:

Colleagues, I would like to make a personal statement to the House. At the 2017 election, I promised my wife and children that it would be my last. This is a pledge that I intend to keep.

If the House votes tonight for an early general election, my tenure as Speaker and MP will end when this Parliament ends. If the House does not so vote, I have concluded that the least disruptive and most democratic course of action would be for me to stand down at the close of business on Thursday, October 31.

Least disruptive because that date will fall shortly after the votes on the Queen’s Speech expected on 21st and 22nd October. The week or so after that may be quite lively and it would be best to have an experienced figure in the chair for that short period.

Most democratic, because it will mean that a ballot is held when all members have some knowledge of the candidates. This is far preferable to a contest at the beginning of a parliament, when new MPs will not be similarly informed and may find themselves vulnerable to undue institutional influence.

We would not want anyone to be whipped senseless, would we? Throughout my time as speaker, I have sought to increase the relative authority of this legislature for which I will make absolutely no apology to anyone, anywhere, at any time. To deploy a perhaps dangerous phrase: I have also sought to be the backbenchers’ backstop.

I could not do so without the support of a small but superb team in Speakers’ House. The wider House staff, my Buckingham constituents and above all, my wife Sally and our three children, Oliver, Freddie and Jemima.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank them all profusely. I could also not have served without the repeated support of this House and its members past and present.

This is a wonderful place filled overwhelmingly by people who are motivated by their notion of the national interest, by their perception of the public good and by their duty not as democrats, but as representatives to do what they believe is right for our country. We degrade this parliament at our peril. I have served as a member of parliament for 22 years and for the last ten as speaker.

This has been – let me put it explicitly – the greatest privilege, an honour of my professional life for which I will be eternally grateful. I wish my successor in the chair the very best fortune in standing up for the rights of all honourable and right honourable members, individually and for parliament institutionally.

As the Speaker of the House of Commons. Thank you.

在英国女王90岁的生日上,萌萌的议长大人萌萌的歌功颂德,完美展现如何优雅而精致地... 拍马屁...

This is a land where men and women today are equal under the law and where Your people are respected, regardless of how they live, how they look or how they love. 



This is a nation of many races, faiths and customs, beginning now to be reflected in Parliament. All this progress has occurred during Your reign.


You have become, to many of us, a kaleidoscope Queen of a kaleidoscope country in a kaleidoscope Commonwealth. 

对我们来说 陛下您已经成为一统七彩联邦、百态之国的万能女王。

This gathering is one of many diverse events across these islands in tribute to You and this great anniversary. 


Our affection as a nation will rightly embrace the Duke of Edinburghand other members of Your family.


These will be moments striking for the sincerity expressed as much as for the scenery encountered.


Sixty years of stability.


Sixty years of security.


Sixty years of certainty.


Sixty years of sacrifice. 

六十载 陛下国耳忘家。

Sixty years of service. 

六十载 陛下鞠躬尽瘁。

May I thank You wholeheartedly for all that You have done, are doing and will do for the good of our country.




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