
10月17日 | 国际消除贫穷日 | (附《中国的减贫行动与人权进步》白皮书记忆库下载)







Message on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty


17 October 2019


Ending extreme poverty is at the heart of the world’s efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and build a sustainable future for all. But success in leaving no one behind will remain elusive if we do not target the people who are farthest behind first.消除极端贫困是全球实现可持续发展目标、为所有人建设可持续未来的核心。但是,我们必须首先帮助深度贫困者脱贫,否则不让一个人掉队的目标就无法实现。This year’s observance focuses on “acting together to empower children, their families and communities to end poverty”, as we mark the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.今年是联合国《儿童权利公约》通过30周年,因此今年纪念活动的主题是“共同行动,实现儿童家庭社区赋权,消除贫困”。Children are more than twice as likely to live in extreme poverty than adults. Poverty condemns many children to lifelong disadvantage and perpetuates an intergenerational transfer of deprivation. Today’s children will also live with the devastating consequences of climate change if we fail to raise ambition now.儿童陷入极端贫困生活的可能性超过成年人的两倍。贫困使许多儿童终生处于不利地位,贫困也将代代相传。我们必须采取更加大胆的行动,今天的儿童才能避免气候变化的毁灭性后果。From conflict zones to cyberspace, from forced labour to sexual exploitation, girls are at particular risk, but they are also a force for change. For every additional year a girl remains in school, her average income over a lifetime increases, her chances of being married early decrease, and there are clear health and education benefits for her children, making it a key factor in breaking the cycle of poverty.从冲突地区到网络空间,从强迫劳动到性剥削,女童始终面临特殊的风险。但她们也是变革的力量。女童多上一年学,一生的平均收入就会增加,早婚的机会就会减少,其子女就能够接受教育并过上健康生活。因此,教育是打破贫困循环的关键。One of the keys to ending child poverty is addressing poverty in the household, from which it often stems. Access to quality social services must be a priority, yet today, almost two-thirds of children lack social protection coverage. Family-oriented policies are also indispensable, including flexible working arrangements, parental leave and childcare support.贫困往往源自家庭,因此消除儿童贫困的关键之一是解决家庭贫困。我们必须把提供优质社会服务作为工作重点,今天有几乎三分之二的儿童缺乏社会保护。涵盖灵活工作安排、育儿假、育儿支持的家庭友好政策同样不可或缺。On this International Day, let us recommit to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 1 and a fair globalization that works for all children, their families and communities.值此国际日之际,让我们再次作出承诺,努力实现可持续发展目标1,实现为所有儿童、家庭、社区服务的公平全球化。






消除贫困是人类梦寐以求的理想,是各国人民追求幸福生活的基本权利。Povertyeradication is and always has been a goal and a basic right of all peoples intheir pursuit of a happy life.多年来,中国共产党和中国政府从基本国情出发,把人民的生存权、发展权放在首位,致力于减贫脱贫,努力保障和改善民生,发展各项社会事业,使发展成果更多更公平惠及全体人民,保障人民平等参与、平等发展权利。Overthe years, based on the prevailing national conditions, the Communist Party ofChina (CPC) and the Chinese government have remained committed to a developmentconcept that puts people’s rights to subsistence and to development first.Committed to reducing and eliminating poverty, China has endeavored toguarantee and improve people’s well-being, and developed a full range of socialundertakings, so as to ensure that the results of development benefit all thepeople in a fairer way, and that all enjoy the rights to equal participationand equal development.2012年中国共产党十八大以来,在全面建成小康社会、实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的伟大进程中,以习近平同志为总书记的党中央,坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,实施精准扶贫、精准脱贫基本方略,中国的减贫行动更加扎实有效,为世界减贫事业作出了重大贡献,创造了世界人权发展新奇迹。Sincethe 18th National Congress of the CPC in November 2012, in the great cause ofbuilding a moderately prosperous society and realizing the Chinese Dream ofgreat rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the CPC Central Committee led byGeneral Secretary Xi Jinping has remained committed to a development conceptthat puts people first, and implemented the basic strategy of targeted povertyalleviation and elimination. China’s poverty reduction actions, both solid andeffective, have made a great contribution to the cause of international povertyreduction, and achieved remarkable results in world human rights development.贫困的广泛存在严重妨碍人权的充分实现和享有。减缓和消除贫困,是人权保障的重要内容。Povertyis so widespread that it has seriously hindered the fulfillment and enjoymentof human rights; reducing and eliminating poverty is therefore a major elementof human rights protection.多年来,中国政府坚持消除贫困、改善民生、逐步实现共同富裕,持续开展以农村扶贫开发为中心的减贫行动,努力实现脱贫致富。Overthe recent decades, the Chinese government has persevered in its attempts toeliminate poverty, improve people’s well-being, and gradually realize commonprosperity. It has made continuous development- oriented poverty-reductionefforts in rural areas to help those who are striving to escape from povertyand improve the quality of their lives.中国减贫行动涉及的范围十分广泛,既包括农村农业基础设施建设,提高贫困人口收入水平,也包括提供社会保障和卫生、教育、文化等公共服务。China’spoverty reduction actions are broad in extent; they include building rural andagricultural infrastructure, helping increase the incomes of impoverishedpopulation, and providing public services such as social security and healthcare, education and cultural services.这些扶贫措施在全面保障贫困人口的经济、社会、文化权利的同时,也为进一步保障其他人权创造了条件。Whilecomprehensively safeguarding the economic, social and cultural rights of thoseliving in poverty, these measures have created conditions for the protection ofother human rights.20世纪70年代末实行改革开放以来,中国政府不断加大扶贫力度,成立专门扶贫工作机构,确定重点扶持地区和群体,安排专项资金,制定适合现实国情的贫困标准和专门的优惠政策,确定了开发式扶贫方针。Sincethe initiation of reform and opening up in the late 1970s, the Chinesegovernment has worked without fail to alleviate poverty – establishing specialpoverty-relief institutions, determining targeted areas and population,allocating specialized funds, formulating poverty standards and specialpreferential policies adapted to China’s national conditions, and steering itspolicy of poverty alleviation through development.








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