
jiimincaijing 2018-05-25

刚刚,北美传来坏消息,  阿里彻底怒了

去年(2017)1月10日, 马云在美国和特朗普见面,

特朗普当马云和记者的面说: "马云是一位了不起的、了不起的创业家,是世界上最了不起的创业家之一"(a great, great entrepreneur, one of the best in the world);

马云当记者面评价特朗普:" 我认为当选总统特朗普十分聪明......"( I think the president-elect is very smart......)



4724亿美元, 阿里总市值再次超过亚马逊


先是,2017年12月,阿里IPO 集体诉讼被上诉法庭裁定需要进行重审:

独家:美国为何要重审阿里IPO 集体诉讼案?(附法院判决书)

想告,就告吧 马云一句话,阿里市值重回2000亿



据新浪科技报道。北京时间1月13日上午消息,美国当地时间1月12日,美国贸易代表办公室发布有关2017年度知识产权保护的报告,淘宝等9家中国市场再次被列入其所谓“恶名市场”名单,占比约20%,其中有淘宝网等3家电商平台,和北京秀水市场等6家线下市场。3家线上中国市场分别是:淘宝网、敦煌网、TVPLUS, TVBROSWER and KUAIKAN;6家线下市场分别是:北京秀水市场、北京虹桥市场、深圳晶都市场、广州金祥内衣批发市场、广州金顺服装城、广州站西服装批发市场。


就在2017年USTR发布“恶名市场”名单后,阿里巴巴集团总裁白求恩(Michael Evans)发表署名博文,表示“无论我们采取了多少努力、在保护知识产权方面取得了多少成绩,USTR都没有兴趣也不愿了解正在发生的事实。” "In light of all this, it's clear that no matter how much action we take and progress we make, the USTR is not actually interested in seeing tangible results,"














北京秀水市场(Silk Market, Beijing )

北京虹桥市场(Hongqiao Market, Beijing )

深圳晶都市场(Shenzhen Jindu Garment Wholesale Market, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province)

广州金祥内衣批发市场(Jinxiang Foreign Trade Garment Market, Guangzhou (formerly known as the Jinbao)

广州金顺服装城(Jinshun Garment Market, Guangzhou)

广州站西服装批发市场(Zhanxi Area Markets, Guangzhou)


2017 Notorious Markets List Spotlights Global Piracy and Counterfeiting, Defends American Products and Workers

Washington, D.C. – United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer today announced the findings of the 2017 Special 301 Out-of-Cycle Review of Notorious Markets, also known as the Notorious Markets List (List).  The List highlights 25 online markets and 18 physical markets around the world that are reported to be engaging in and facilitating substantial copyright piracy and trademark counterfeiting. 

This activity harms the American economy by undermining the innovation and intellectual property rights (IPR) of U.S. owners of IPR in foreign markets.  Imports in counterfeit and pirated physical products is estimated at nearly half a trillion dollars, or around 2.5% of global imports.

“Marketplaces worldwide that contribute to illicit trade cause severe harm to the American economy, innovation, and workers,” said Ambassador Robert Lighthizer. “The Trump Administration is committed to holding intellectual property right violators accountable and intensifying efforts to combat counterfeiting and piracy.” 

The 2017 Notorious Markets List maintains its special focus on the distribution of pirated content and counterfeit goods online. This year, the report highlights illicit streaming devices as an emerging piracy model of growing concern. The report also calls on several e-commerce platforms to improve takedown procedures, proactive measures, and cooperation with right holders—particularly small and medium-sized businesses—to decrease the volume and prevalence of counterfeit and pirated goods on their platforms.   

Over the past year, some market owners and operators have made efforts to address the widespread availability of pirated or counterfeit goods in their markets.  Some governments also continue to institute novel strategies to combat piracy and counterfeiting. These strategies include: voluntary initiatives with advertising networks to cut off financial support for websites devoted to copyright infringement; installing intellectual property enforcement centers on-location in high-priority physical markets; and using skills training to reorient former counterfeit sellers towards operating legitimate businesses. At the same time, we vigilantly monitor marketplaces with a record of piracy and counterfeit goods. 

To read the full report, click here. 

Additional Background Information about the Notorious Markets List

USTR first identified notorious markets in the Special 301 Report in 2006.  Since February 2011, USTR has published annually the Notorious Markets List separately from the Special 301 Report, pursuant to an “Out-of-Cycle Review of Notorious Markets,” to increase public awareness and help market operators and governments prioritize IPR enforcement efforts that protect American businesses and their workers. 

The Out-of-Cycle Review of Notorious Markets identifies particularly notable online and physical markets that facilitate unfair competition with U.S. products. The report does not constitute an exhaustive list of all markets reported to deal in pirated or counterfeit goods around the world, nor does it reflect findings of legal violations or the U.S. Government’s analysis of the general IPR protection and enforcement climate in the country concerned. Such analysis is contained in the annual Special 301 Report issued at the end of April each year.

This announcement concludes the 2017 Out-of-Cycle Review of Notorious Markets, which USTR initiated on August 16, 2017, through publication in the Federal Register of a request for public comments.  The U.S. government agencies represented on the USTR-chaired Special 301 Subcommittee of the Trade Policy Staff Committee (TPSC) developed the Notorious Markets List based primarily on information received in response to the Federal Register request.  The request for comments and the public’s responses is online at www.regulations.gov, Docket number USTR-2017-0015.  Information about Special 301, the TPSC process, and other trade issues is available at www.ustr.gov



刚刚, 阿里向"国际先锋队”LAZADA 再掷重金10亿美元

亚马逊这些年的国际化步伐非常迅速, 目前在超过12个国家已经落地,而且国际化的收入比重在逐年上升,目前已经约三分之一的收入来自海外。而阿里的国际化收入比重目前还偏低。



美国对中国这家公司充满了恐惧和害怕, 恐惧和害怕......


刚刚, 美国对中兴通讯下毒手,开罚单11.9亿美元;算你狠


2016年11月,马就特朗普当选美国新总统,云接受CNN 采访的时候说:


马云接受CNN 采访谈美国新当选总统川普

看来, 阿里的2018,将会是需要迎接更多挑战的一年。 不过,可以预见的是,阿里的国际化布局并不会因此而放缓,只会加快。而且,阿里的国际化布局会结合包括蚂蚁金服(支付宝等)阿里整体生态向全球进军。

