【关注】Communication and the Public 特刊征稿“重访数字化转型的媒介政治与社会想象”
Call for Papers
Communication and the Public (CAP)
Special Issue
Revisiting the Politics & Poetics of Digital Transformation: China and Beyond
Guest Editors:
Yu Hong, Zhejiang U
Yu Sun, Zhejiang U
Jian Lin, Zhejiang U
This Special Issue (SI) is dedicated to the 2022 Communication and the Public (CAP) Symposium on Revisting the Politics and Poetics of Digital Tranformation, July 1, 2022, Hagnzhou, China; nonetheless, this SI of the Journal of Communication and the Public is not limited only to the symposium participants. All interested authors with high-quality papers are invited to submit their contributions to the SI.
Digital transformation of various kinds characterized modernization trajectories from the 1970s and has in recent years gained new momentum for offering new imaginaries, techniques, and solutions amidst global crises, from the economic slowdown to the COVID-19 pandemic to the Russia-Ukraine war. Conceptualized as processes of socio-technical assemblage, digital transformation in the abstract terms speaks to the dialectic dynamics between technology and contexts. While all technology has politics and would replace, alter, or enforce traditional power relations, the actions of citizens, communities, corporations, institutions, and states destabilize any version of digital universalism and, thus, render the study of processes and contexts the utmost crucial. To understand the politics and poetics of digital transformation, we urge more scholarly attention to the institutional shaping of digital infrastructures, the sociology of datafication and automation as well as the social and political impacts of digital technologies in both local and global context.
For this specail issue, we hereby welcome theoretical and empirical works that explicate digital politics in various forms, at multiple scales, and with varied ramifications, including but not limited to the geopolitical economy of technology, institutional interests and social imaginaries that shape design decision, and digital architecture that shape subjectivities, knowledge, and power relations.
Contributions in the areas of political economy of communication, science and technology studies, political communication, internet governance research, critical infrastructure studies that advance our understanding of the politics and poetics of digital transformation are all welcome. Topics of abstracts could include but are not limited to:
1. Datafication and Digital Culture
2. Participation and the Digital Publics
3. Automation, AI and the Future of media
Specific Plans:
The submission to this special issue will go through a fast-track review. And the qualified manuscripts will be published in CAP online first on a rolling process.
The specific timeline is:
Extended abstracts: September 15, 2022
Potential contributors are expected to submit an extended abstract (300-500 words, no more than 800 words) no later than September 15, 2022. The abstract should include the primary literature, data, analytical methods, and preliminary conclusions, if applicable.
Contributors should email the extended abstract to the journal’s official email (communication-public@zju.edu.cn). If you have any inquries, please feel free to contact the guest editors (yu_sun@zju.edu.cn). Please also include the contributors’ biographic information and the corresponding authors’ contact information.
Full draft invitations and rejection notifications: September 30, 2022
The guest editors and the CAP editors will assess the extended abstracts. The authors will be informed of comments or suggestions within two weeks, including the acceptance or rejection.
Complete paper submission:December 30, 2022
The full publication is expected not later than December 30, 2022. The complete paper should be submitted via CAP’s online submission system. For detail submission guideline, please visit
https://journals.sagepub.com/author-instructions/CTP. Please indicate the submission is for this special issue.
Please be aware that the acceptance of abstracts doesn’t guarantee paper acceptance. All submissions will go through a thorough double-blind review process.
Special Issue Publication:
The special issue will publish the accepted manuscripts online first starting from the date of acceptance.
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