
弗吉尼亚•费尔南德斯•科拉多[西班牙] 夏天【英汉对照,樱娘 译】

野鬼DIABLO 国际诗歌翻译研究中心 2023-11-13

Virginia Fernández Collado [Spain]



I live in a wasteland in the world. I walk from me to the center, from the world to the star, from the night to the abyss. I want solitude, shelter, life, singing birds. I am in the desert land, walking towards its center. I choose, from the crack, the wound, from its opening, the sky. Wings flying everywhere, be the apple trees, my house.


I believe in trees and mountains, in forests and rivers, in arid expanses and in all the geography through which our laments and our joys travel. I believe in the earth, creator of animals and men. I believe in the sun with which we warm ourselves and thanks to which we contemplate the extreme beauty of the land by which flowers and thorns can live. I believe in the night by which the day becomes beautiful. I believe in the rain that wets us and makes us grow the seed that will feed us. Praise be to the land on which we live and breathe every day.


Beloved, what solitude is this that invites recollection? What loneliness do you bring me to? Where will the night stay? Where will the fears go? What loneliness will this be if it is not called snow?

Beloved, the rain is trembling like a moon over the sea. He has not seen the stars. He has not seen the fish. The rain has a cloak, everything covers it. He has not seen the sky. Blind, the rain falls. The rain is trembling like a moon over the sea, it is unexpected rain, always unexpected rain. Do not fear the snow, white clouds bring winter. Heaven is a chorus of seraphim.


The morning is white,

the sea is white,

the sky is white.

One morning I woke up

and white flooded our hearts.

But also, the night.


The night like a throat that screams, the night like a cliff, the night, the night darkens, the night is my countenance, the night is a forest, the night, an animal that lurks. The rivers die on the maps spilling dry tears. Summer passes.




















         (樱娘 译;Tr. Madam Cherry)

About the author

Virginia Fernández Collado, born in Almería (Spain) in 1977. She teaches Business Administration in Secondary School. She has completed doctoral courses in Applied Economics, she has a master's degree in “Tax Consulting” from the GADE business school in Madrid. She has published in "The urban newspaper" in Santiago de Chile and in Quillota (Chile). She has collaborated in the magazine “Axarquia”. Some of their poems appear in joint books. She has published the books Predator, ed. The office, 2015, Poems 2006-2016, editions of Genal and the Kati Fund Foundation, 2017, Forest, Kati Fund, 2020, Rain Poems 2006-2016, Kati Fund, 2020, Layla's songs, Kati Fund, 2020; and in the field of methodology, she has published the Educational Programming Guide. Accounting and taxation professional module. Oppositions of secondary education teachers, Kati Fund, 2020, among others. She has coordinated several poetic anthologies, including Anthology of Contemporary Women's Poetry, Fondo Kati, 2020, with the participation of 75 poets from 29 countries. She has been invited by the Maison de France in Granada for the Poetry Autumn Festival of Granada (2016) and (2018). She has been the representative of Spain in the Meeting of Latin American poets, in the Dama de Baza Poetry and Humanism Classroom, (Baza, Granada, Spain 2016). She has been the guest poet at the V Noche Sahiliana in Granada, Spain, organized by the Mahmud Kati Foundation and the Alhambra Board of Trustees (2017). She has participated in various poetic meetings. She has received the 1st Prize (poetry modality) in the XIII Young Creation Contest, City of Almería in 2011. She was a finalist in the Ciudad de Baza International Poetry Contest in 2017. She is a member of the Department of Literature at the Institute of Almeria Studies. She has been a jury in the I International Prize for Short Stories “Maestro Francisco González Ruíz”. She has been a member of the IEA Publications Assessment Commission in the 2020 call. She is currently working on her doctoral thesis at the Complutense University of Madrid on the life and work of the Spanish exile poet María Enciso. She participated in the 32nd International Poetry Festival of Medellín (Colombia, 2022).


  弗吉尼亚·费尔南德斯·科拉多,1977年出生于阿尔梅里亚(西班牙)。她在中学教工商管理。已经完成了应用经济学的博士学位课程,拥有马德里GADE商学院的“税务咨询”硕士学位。她曾在智利圣地亚哥和基洛塔(智利)的《都市报》发表文章。曾与《阿萨尔基亚》杂志合作,他们的一些诗歌合著出版。她出版的书籍包括《捕食者》,主编。《办公室》,2015年;《诗歌》,2006-2016年,盖纳尔和卡蒂基金会版本,2017年;《森林》,卡蒂基金,2020年;《雨诗》,2006-2016年,卡蒂基金,2020年;在方法论领域,她出版了《教育编程指南》,财税专业模块。《中等教育教师的异议》,凯蒂基金,2020年,等等。她协调了多部诗歌选集,包括卡蒂基金2020年《当代女性诗歌选集》,来自29个国家的75位诗人参与其中。她曾受法国格拉纳达之家邀请参加格拉纳达诗歌秋季节(2016年)和(2018年)。她曾作为西班牙代表参加拉丁美洲诗人会议和Dama de Baza诗歌与人文主义课堂(西班牙格拉纳达,巴萨, 2016)。她曾担任马哈茂德·卡蒂基金会和阿尔罕布拉理事会(2017年)在西班牙格拉纳达举办的V Noche Sahiliana的客座诗人。她参加过各种诗会。2011年获阿尔梅里亚市第十三届青年创作大赛一等奖(诗歌形态)。她是2017年Ciudad de Baza国际诗歌比赛的决赛选手。阿尔梅里亚研究所文学系的一员。曾担任国际短篇小说奖“大师弗朗西斯科·冈萨雷斯·鲁伊斯”的评委。曾是2020年国际能源署出版物评估委员会的成员。目前正在马德里康普顿斯大学撰写博士论文,主题是西班牙流亡诗人玛丽亚·恩希索的生平与作品。参加第32届麦德林国际诗歌节(哥伦比亚,2022年)。




About the translator

    Madam Cherry,original name Wei Wang, was born in Heilongjiang Province, China. Now she resides in Dalian,China.

    She graduated from Dongbei University of Finance and Economics in 1988 with a master’s degree in Economics. She is a Certified Public accountant in China. She loves to write and translate poetry, is also a poetess and a translator, and guest editor of Rendition of International Poetry Quarterly (formerly known as: the World Poets Quarterly). Her main translated works are published in Rendition of International Poetry Quarterly, and other modern poetry and Chinese classical poetry works are scattered in some journals and magazines at home and abroad, for example:  Poetry MagazineNew Poetry in Metrical FormMetrical PoetryPoetry Sky (in America, E-book)Chinese Fine and Short LiteratureChinese Contemporary Poetsand so on. She publishes her works under the pseudonym of Madam Cherry.





