本刊Tangier讯 据摩洛哥王国Revista América sin fronteras(《美洲无国界》杂志),International forum for Creativity and Humanity(国际创意与人文论坛)官方消息,2024年度LFCH文学艺术奖已于六月在摩洛哥丹吉尔揭晓,并由LFCH主席Dr. Aziz Ahi(阿齐兹·阿希博士)代表摩洛哥王国,向54位世界诗人、艺术家签发了获奖证书,以表彰他们在文化、文学、艺术和和平领域的贡献。其中包括中国诗人张智博士、蒋宜茂先生、唐诗博士。
Angela Kosta
Dr. Zhang Zhi
Aziz Mountassir
Umutay Ehralieva
Jiang Yimao
Jasna Gugić
Dr. Tang Shi
Kamal Dhungana
Danijela Trajković
Arslan Bayır Baygenç Kitap
Taghrid BouMerhi
মাসুদুল হক
Carlos Jarquín
Anna Ferriero
Natalia Esquivel Benitez
Zbigniew Roth
Shailesh Veer
Pedro Alfonso Morales Ruiz
Jorge Carrion
Mbizo WaChirasha
Алексей Калакутин
Yehudit Malik-Shiran
Yoss Appelbaum
Zehava Neter
Noa Calif
Shoki Cohen שוקי כהן
Naama mashiach cohen נעמה משיח כהן
Yehoram Galili יהורם גלילי - סופר, משורר ועורך ספרותי יהורם גלילי
Elizabeth Loren International designer אליזבט לורן מעצבת עולמית
Yair Ben Haim יאיר בן־חיים
Reuven Shabat ראובן שבת
Yafit Saranga
Batyah Gazit
Shuki Gutman שוקי גוטמן
Tali Dvir Livnat טלי דביר-לבנת Tali Dvir
Jose Luis Rubio Zarzuela
Mujo Bucpapaj
Убайдулло Сангинов Убайдулло Сангинов
Jerry Langdon
Sabyasachi Nazrul
Niloy Rafiq
Awadifo Olga Kili
Deepika Singh
Nikola Yozgof-Orbach Nikola Orbach
Herzel Hakak הרצל חקק
Balfour Hakak
neomi tidhar
Orit Seren
Agron Shele
Marlene Pasini
Dr.Nurit Jacobs Cederboum נורית יעקבס צדרבוים
Dibran Fylli
Popi Hansdak
Congratulations to all 54 legendary world poets and artists. My heartfelt thanks to the ambassador of peace, the honorable president of LFCH - Dr. Aziz Ahi, dear to the soul, who awarded 54 of the world's poets with a certificate of recognition and appreciation from the International Forum for Creativity and Humanity on behalf of the Kingdom of Morocco for their contribution in the field of culture, literature, art, and peace, from the light of life, The voice of human freedom, hope, love and humanity and deep alive the dream for world peace, regardless of color, race, religion and nationality, we are all equal, children of God, my wonderful creations, the nature of creation, a blessing and a great light to the rainbow of spirit, the art of my heart and soul is so excited, “We are The Butterflies of peace in the holy halo light flowers of the great God Embracing with our home land wings, love, humanity, hope and faith, The voice of Life, The human voice of the Living Freedom dream”-Iris Calif