
TIPS | Q&A on daily activities during epidemic

Click to follow AnyShanghai 2020-09-10

People around the world are pooling wisdom to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

While staying at home seems to be the new normal of daily life during the outbreak, some activities are inevitable.

How do you avoid getting infected while going to supermarkets, shopping malls, and restaurants?

How to protect children and pregnant women during the epidemic?

Here are some tips offered by China's disease control and prevention experts.


Are there any prevention measures when going to restaurants?

Always wear a face mask when ordering food. Choose seats with good ventilation, sit away from other customers and avoid conversations with strangers. Make sure to keep the inside of the mask clean when taking it off to eat. If the restaurant is busy, order a takeout.



What are the things I should keep in mind when going to supermarkets or shopping malls?

The frequency of going to supermarkets or shopping malls should be as low as possible. Reduce staying time in these places and keep a safe distance from other customers, at least over 1 meter. It's advised to use electronic payment methods. Always wear a face mask and wash hands properly.



Are there any tips when using elevators in shopping malls?

Stay away from other customers when using elevators. Avoid direct contact with handrails and avoid pressing buttons with bare hands.



Is it OK to go to swimming pools or public bath?

The answer is NO.

Even after the outbreak, thorough disinfection of central conditioners, towels, slippers and water of these places should be strictly carried out before opening to the public.



How to protect children if they have to go to the hospital?

If it is not an emergency, making a reservation is preferred. Make sure children wear face masks during their stay at hospitals and avoid touching things with your hands. Thoroughly wash hands and face when you arrive home.



How can pregnant women ward off viruses when having prenatal check-ups at the hospital?

A separate entry & exit entrance is suggested for the obstetrical department. The prenatal check-up schedule should be flexibly adjusted according to personal needs. Prenatal consultations through the Internet and telephone are advised.


Source: Xinhua

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