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保守时评 北美保守评论 2020-08-18


文 | LEE

朗读 | 海伦

川普总统本周二邀请了“美国转折点(Turning Point USA)”大使里根·埃斯库德小姐(Reagan Escudé)在亚利桑那州凤凰城举行的竞选集会上,就其亲身经历演讲。下面是演讲的内容:


几周前,我错过了“黑人生命宝贵(Black Lives Matter)”示威所带来的混乱。我在我的Instagram上做了一个视频,我说我对教会对“黑人生命宝贵”运动的反应很失望,我看到牧师们呼吁白人会友们跪下,为上帝赐给他们的皮肤道歉,我甚至对福音派牧师和领袖们也提出了这个问题,提醒他们种族主义是一个根深蒂固的问题,这是一个无法用任何法律或标志来解决的罪恶问题。

所以,当然,我的粉丝们一点也不欣赏这条消息,我的名字在所有的社交媒体上一时轰动了,人们对我说: “你知道吗,我羞于称你为我的朋友,我对你失去了所有的尊重。”





"杰米玛阿姨(Aunt Jemima)"商标被取消了,如果你不知道,南希·格林(Nancy Green, 厨师,活动家,第一个被聘用来宣传公司商标“杰米玛姨妈”的非裔美国模特)是第一个"杰米玛阿姨",她是美国梦的写照,她是一个自由奴隶,后来成为了我们喜爱的煎饼糖浆的代言人,我们今天的食品储藏室里也有这种糖浆。她为平等而战,现在左翼暴徒试图抹去她的遗产,我想说的是,我们作为一个国家是多么的荣幸,如果我们很关心一瓶煎饼糖浆的话。


吉米·坎摩尔(James Christian "Jimmy" Kimmel,1967年11月13日-是一位美国喜剧演员,配音演员,作家,电视制作人和主持人。他制作并主持了以他名字命名的ABC晚间秀节目《吉米·坎摩尔直播秀》)多年来一直称我们的总统是种族主义者,事实证明他就是种族主义者。





I graduated from the University of Louisiana in 2019 and I started my first job at a small private insurance company in Louisiana. A few weeks ago, I missed all this chaos that were seeing with the Black Lives Matter movement. I made a video on my Instagram and I talked about how disappointed I am in the church‘s reaction to the Black Lives Matter movement.
I’ve seen pastors call for white congregations to kneel and to apologize for the skin that God gave them. And I addressed that even to Evangelical pastors and leaders and reminded them that racism is a problem in the heart. it is a sin problem that cannot be resolved by any law or marks . 
And so, of course, my left followers didn’t appreciate this message at all. I had my name blasted all over social media and people told me “you know I’m ashamed of ever called you my friend,I’ve lost all respect for you.”
I love you all!and so a ex-co-worker of mine made a post on Facebook about me, calling me a racist and homophobic. She listed my place of employment and called for people to call my employer and have me fired. There were death threats made to the owners. There were threats to knock down the building. Law-enforcement had to get involved. Due to the crazy reaction from the left,my employer told me that they came to the conclusion that they needed to terminate my employment.
but here’s the thing,loosing my job is a small price to pay when God’s name is being glorified,and he will always make his name known.
I share this story with you because what happened to me as it is just a small example of something that’s happening on a much larger scale in our nation. 
"Aunt Jemima" was canceled and if you didn’t know and Nancy Green the original first aunt Jemima, she was a picture of the American dream. she was a free slave who went on to be the face of the pancake syrup that we love and we have in our pantry‘s today. she fought for equality and now the leftist mob is trying to erase her legacy. and may I mentioned how privileged we are as a nation if our big concern is a bottle of pancake syrup. 
And more recently We’re seeing a call for statues of Jesus Christ to be torn down. and now I am a little confused here because last week Jesus was a social justice warrior,and this week he is the face of white supremacy. 
And Jimmy Kimmel has been calling our president racist for years, and it turns out he’s the racist. Theres governors that are getting away with wearing black face that’s just sliding under the radar,so I want to encourage you all to stand firm in your beliefs. 
We need truth and cold hard facts now more than we ever have before. We are so blessed to have a president who stands on the front line “walks through the fire” every day to fight for our God giving American freedom. 
Do not apologize to the mobs,and thank you President Trump for never apologizing to the mobs.
For always standing firm. for being here for the American people and for fighting for our best interest, because you are the change that we need to see in America.
Thank you 

LYRICS “Keep America Great”

Camille & Haley

Keep America Great — Keep America Great Gotta stick to our guns, keep the freedom we’ve won — Keep America Great There will never be another USA — Freedom won’t come back if we give it away It’s time to vote, it’s time to pray — Let’s join as one, let me hear you say Vote Trump 2020 | Go Trump 2020 — Vote Trump 2020 | Go Trump! Keep America Strong — Keep America Strong Keeping government small, cutting taxes for all — Keep America Strong There will never be another USA — Freedom won’t come back if we give it away It’s time to vote, it’s time to pray — In 100 years may our flag still wave Vote Trump 2020 | Go Trump 2020 — Vote Trump 2020 | Go Trump! FOUR MORE YEARS | FOUR MORE YEARS | FOUR MORE YEARS | FOUR MORE YEARS There will never be another USA — Freedom won’t come back if we give it away It’s time to vote, it’s time to pray — Let’s join as one, let me hear you say Vote Trump 2020 | Go Trump 2020 — Vote Trump 2020 | Go Trump! Keep America Great Keep America Great















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