
MTI备考|| 1月新闻热词汇总














只争朝夕,不负韶华 seize the day and live it to the fullest

2020 will also be a year of decisive victory for the elimination of poverty. The bugle has sounded. United as one, we shall work harder. The greater the difficulties are, the further we advance, strengthening our weak links even more and laying a more solid foundation to win the hard battle against poverty with determination, to lift all impoverished rural residents and counties out of poverty by current standards as scheduled.


长江禁渔 fishing ban in the Yangtze River basin

Starting from this year, the fishing ban will be observed in 332 conservation areas in the Yangtze River basin, which will also be expanded to all natural waterways of the river and its major tributaries from no later than Jan 1, 2021.

校园贷 campus loans

College students who fall into debt as a result of using peer-to-peer lending platforms cannot be included in a list of dishonest debtors, China's top court said on Thursday.

地区生产总值统一核算 unified regional calculation of gross domestic product

China will introduce unified regional calculation of gross domestic product (GDP) to enhance the accuracy of the results, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said Sunday.

拖欠工资 wage arrears

To ensure that rural migrant workers get their wages on time and in full, the regulation has clauses on clarifying the responsibilities of employers and related government departments, detailing rules for special areas and strengthening supervision.


党的先进性和纯洁性 the Party's advanced nature and purity

The CPC members should always maintain the enterprising spirit, ensure the Party's purity and advanced nature, and pass the test of the new era.


春运 Spring Festival travel rush

From Jan 10 to Feb 18, the total number of trips is likely to hit 3 billion, slightly up from the travel rush last year, with an 8-percent growth in train trips, 8.4-percent increase in air trips and 9.6-percent hike in waterway trips, according to a forecast from the National Development and Reform Commission.


Due to the continued expansion in high-speed railway operational length, the number of road trips is expected to decline to 2.43 billion.

国家最高科学技术奖 the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award

Science and technology personnel should grasp the main trends, seize opportunities, face problems squarely, and rise to challenges. They should aim for the frontiers of science and technology, lead the direction of its development, shoulder the heavy responsibilities bestowed by history, and be vanguards in innovation in the new era, in order to build China into a powerhouse of science and technology.


家用电器安全使用年限 standard life spans for home appliances

China unveiled its first set of standard life spans for home appliances on Friday to fend off safety risks and promote energy consciousness.


汇率操纵国 currency manipulator

In its semiannual Report on Macroeconomic and Foreign Exchange Policies of Major Trading Partners of the United States, the Treasury Department said no major US trading partner at this time met the relevant legislative criteria for currency manipulation.

强基计划 plan for strengthening basic academic disciplines

China has moved to step up the cultivation of innovative talent in certain basic academic disciplines such as mathematics and physics by launching a pilot enrollment scheme at more than 30 select universities, including Peking and Tsinghua, according to a guideline unveiled by the Ministry of Education Wednesday.

付费测试 paywall trial

Some official accounts will be able to charge readers for original content, WeChat said. The content creators can price articles from 1 yuan to 208 yuan, and WeChat will not take a cut on the revenues during the trial period.

千年胞波情谊 millennia-old pauk-phaw friendship


限塑令 plastics ban

The use of nondegradable plastic bags, for example, is expected to vanish in some major consuming sectors, including shopping malls, supermarkets and restaurant takeout services, first in metropolises by the end of this year and then in all major Chinese cities and all urban areas in coastal regions by the end of 2022.

新型冠状病毒 novel coronavirus

Coronaviruses are a broad family of viruses, but only six (the new one would make it seven) are known to infect people.

Signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.

药品集中采购 centralized procurement of drugs

Chinese authorities have released a list of 33 drugs for centralized procurement in large quantities by public healthcare institutions amid their steady efforts to reform the drug procurement system and make medicines more affordable to patients.


中缅命运共同体 China-Myanmar community with shared future

The comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between China and Myanmar has enjoyed sound foundation, and joint efforts to build a China-Myanmar community with a shared future will inject new impetus and vitality into the development of bilateral relations.


硬骨头六连 the hard-boned sixth company

The succession of victories the people's army has won has also demonstrated the great power of fighting spirit. The army's courageous and upright characteristics have been vividly portrayed by their courage to fight for victory or having no fear for suffering and death.





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