Tencent's WeChat introduced new emojis to its existing emoji set on Wednesday. The new emojis include, among others, a face with rolling eyes, a “let me see” face, one that is sighing, and a cracked up smiling face.
The "let me see" emoji, which features a face with a peeking eye, has become a heated topic among net users because of its resemblance to Prince Yongqi in the hit TV drama, Princess Huanzhu.
The top five most popular emojis used by WeChat users in 2019 were facepalm, grin, chuckle, thumb-up and rose, according to a report released by Tencent's WeChat in January.微信1月发布的报告显示,2019年最受微信网友欢迎的5个表情分别是:捂脸、呲牙、偷笑、强、玫瑰。
For users born in the 2000s, their favorite WeChat emoji would probably be the widely used "facepalm".00后最爱用的微信表情大概是“捂脸”。
Most post-90s WeChat users are late risers compared with other groups, and the emoji "face with tears of joy" rules their online social life.大多数90后都是晚起的人儿,社交生活充满了“笑哭”的表情。
If you were born in the 1980s, your reading taste hasn't changed much over the last three years, as you still stick to news on national affairs. And a "toothy grin" is your emoji of the year.生于80后的朋友,阅读兴趣三年来变化不大,始终心系国家大事。一个呲牙笑的表情是他们的最爱。
WeChat users born in the 1970s are an optimistic group, who like to use the "smiling face with hand over mouth" emoji and are hooked on Wechat Moments.70后微信用户是乐观主义者,爱用捂嘴笑的表情包,热衷于刷朋友圈。
Users over 55 are the early-bird group who have found many ways to entertain themselves online, such as browsing Wechat Moments, reading and shopping.55岁以上的朋友早起早睡,日间线上娱乐丰富,如刷朋友圈、阅读、购物。
They like to cheer up other people, so their favorite emoji is "giving a thumbs-up".他们热衷给别人点赞,最爱的表情包是