On the coastal wetlands by the Yellow Sea in eastern China, You'll notice a strange-looking deer walking around.在中国东部黄海的滨海湿地上有一种长相很奇怪的鹿正在悠闲地散步。
It has a head shaped like a horse, giant antlers like a deer, hooves like a cow, and the tail of a donkey.它的头脸像马 角像鹿 蹄像牛 尾像驴。
These are Milu deer, a species native to China.它们是中国特有的物种 麋鹿。
But it disappeared from China, for nearly 100 years.曾经在中国消失了近100年。
The fact that they have now returned to China is the result of a remarkable century old animal protection collaboration between two countries.现在它们又回到了中国这是两个国家长达一个世纪的关于动物保护的一个了不起的故事。
Archaeological studies have found that the Milu deer were once common in eastern China, but by the nineteenth century their numbers had dropped drastically.考古研究发现麋鹿曾广泛生活在中国东部但是到了19世纪他们的数量急剧减少。
Most of the Milu deer were raised in the Emperor's hunting grounds outside Beijing.绝大多数的麋鹿都被圈养在北京郊外的皇家猎苑。
The Europeans who came to China at the time believed the species to be very rare, and many were taken back to Europe.那时候有很多欧洲人来了中国后觉得这种物种很稀奇也引发了他们将这种物种带回欧洲的热潮。
When the Emperor's hunting grounds were destroyed by a heavy flooding.不幸的是 在一次洪水之后。
The Milu deer were lost, never to be seen in the area again.原来在皇家猎苑的麋鹿散失了这之后再也没有人看过它们的身影。
Luckily, there were the Milu deer that had been shipped to foreign countries.但是幸好 有一些麋鹿被运到了国外。
A Duke in Britain had given shelter to 18 of these fortunate Milu deer, and they were well taken care of.英国的一位公爵为这仅存的18头麋鹿提供了庇护所并且为它们提供了很好的照顾。
By the mid-1980s, the Chinese government hoped the species could be restored in China once again, a suggestion supported by the Duke's descendants.到了80年代中期中国的政府希望能够在中国恢复这个物种并得到了这位公爵后代的支持。
In 1986, 39 of the Milu deer were flown to China from Britain to their ancestral home in Dafeng County in Jiangsu province.1986年终于有39头麋鹿从英国飞回了它的故乡中国东部江苏省大丰。
After two decades, the Milu deer population in China has increased to over 5000, with nearly 1350 roaming in the wild.经过20多年中国的麋鹿数量已经超过了5000头并且有近1350头是野生麋鹿。
Today, there is no longer any fears for their survival in their homeland.长按识别二维码可关注该微信公众平台
Journey to the West(西游记)全108集
Amazing China:37. 高山上的蓝宝石
Amazing China:38. 海岸线上的水墨画
Amazing China:39. 群山间的无暇美玉
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Amazing China:41. 秘境喀纳斯湖
Amazing China:42. 天山下的巨大草原
Amazing China:43. 海蚀地貌博物馆
Amazing China:44. 敬信湿地的候鸟大集会