同学们在听第一遍音频的时候最好先不要看文本,采用盲听的方式,看看自己能听懂多少。然后对照原文听第二遍,注意每个单词的发音。第三遍继续盲听,再对照,以此反复,精听至少4遍,直到自己能够听清每个单词及发音技巧。这个方法能够帮助你提升英语的语感和听力。如果同学们在听第一遍的时候已经能够听清 80% 的单词,证明你的英语水平真的很了不起哦。
The king of Chu had been a king for three years, but he never managed the state affairs. A minister was worried so he said to the king: “ I have a puzzle. Could you help me to solve it?” The king said: “ What is it?” The minister answered: “ There is a bird living in the South Mountains. It never sings or flies. Why?” The king smiled: “ In order to make its wings stronger, it never flies. And for knowing the situations, it never sings. Although it does not fly, it will fly straight into the sky afterwards; Even if it doesn’t sing, its singing must be surprising once it does. Don’t worry, I know what you mean.” After half a year, the king of Chu managed the state affairs. He abolished the unreasonable laws and made new laws. He fired the incompetent ministers and asked the learned people for help.The State of Chu became better and better. And the king became a leader of all the countries.楚庄王即位了三年,没管理过国家大事。大臣伍举很着急,进宫去对楚庄王说:“大王,我有个谜解不开,想请您猜一猜。”楚庄王说:“您就说吧!”伍举说:“有一只鸟停在南山上,三年来不飞也不叫,这是什么缘故呢?”楚庄王笑笑说:“三年不飞,为了让翅膀长得坚强些;三年不叫,为了看看周围的情形。它虽然不飞,一飞起来就直冲云霄;虽然不叫,一叫出声就让人吃惊(一鸣惊人)。您放心吧,我知道您的意思了。”又过了半年,楚庄王亲自管理起国家大事来。他废除了不合理的法令,制定了新的法令;罢免了不称职的大臣,请有学问的人来帮他办事。楚庄王把楚国治理得很好,后来成了各国君主的首领。