Amazing China《美丽中国》全集
《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
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There was a famous tailor in Ming Dynasty. He could tailor clothes perfectly.
One day, a Royal Doctor asked him to make a court dress. After measuring his waist, the tailor asked: “How long have you been an official?” The Royal Doctor felt strange: “You’re just a tailor. Why are you asking this?” The tailor answered: “A young official is high-spirited. He walks with chest out. So the front of the clothes should be longer than the back. After being an official for years, the mood is slightly peaceful, so the front and the back should be of equal length. When an official is about to retire after a long time, he is depressed in his heart. He lowers his head and stoops down when he walks. So the front of the clothes should be shorter than the back. Therefore, If I don’t ask you that question, how can I make a perfect court dress for you?”明朝嘉靖年间,北京城中有位裁缝名气很响,他裁制的衣服,长短肥瘦,无不合体。一次,御史大夫请他去裁制一件朝服。裁缝量好了他的身腰尺寸,又问:“请教老爷,您当官当了多少年了?”御史大夫很奇怪:“你量体裁衣就够了,还要问这些干什么?”裁缝回答说:“年青相公初任高职,意高气盛,走路时挺胸凸肚,裁衣要后短前长;做官有了一定年资,意气微平,衣服应前后一般长短;当官年久而将迁退,则内心悒郁不振,走路时低头弯腰,做的衣服就应前短后长。所以,我如果不问明做官的年资,怎么能裁出称心合体的衣服来呢?”