Amazing China《美丽中国》全集
《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
同学们在听第一遍音频的时候最好先不要看文本,采用盲听的方式,看看自己能听懂多少。然后对照原文听第二遍,注意每个单词的发音。第三遍继续盲听,再对照,以此反复,精听至少4遍,直到自己能够听清每个单词及发音技巧。这个方法能够帮助你提升英语的语感和听力。如果同学们在听第一遍的时候已经能够听清 80% 的单词,证明你的英语水平真的很了不起哦。
In the State of Chu, there was a man whose family was very poor. The man never worked hard but to think about getting rich overnight.
One day, he read in a book that the mantis would hide its body under a leaf when it was going to catch a cicada and no one could find it. He wanted a leaf like this.
Thereupon, he ran into the woods to look for such a leaf. Finally he found the leaf and was ready to get it. But he was in such a big hurry that, out of carelessness, the leaf dropped to the ground. So he had to put all the leaves into a basket and carry them home.
As soon as he got home, he held up one leaf after another in turn to cover his eye, and asked his wife: “Can you see me?” At first, his wife always answered: “Yes, I can.” After a while, she became impatient and when his husband asked her again, she said: “No, I can’t see you now!” Hearing this, he became excited and ran out to the street. Holding the leaf in his hand, he grabbed the goods in a shop. But he was caught in the end.楚国有个书生,由于生活贫穷,很想找到一条发财的门路。他读到一本书,书上说:谁得到螳螂捕蝉时遮身的那片树叶,别人就看不见了。他信以为真,整天在树下抬头望着。嘿!他终于看到了一只螳螂躲在一片树叶后面,正准备捕捉知了呢!他连忙把那片树叶摘下来。不料那片树叶掉下来,混在地上的落叶里,再也辨认不出了。他只好把所有的树叶扫回家来,一片一片地试。他把树叶遮住自己的眼睛,问妻子:你看得见我吗?妻子总是说:看得见!后来,妻子被他问得厌烦了,随口答了一声:看不见!他马上带着这片树叶,当面去取人家的东西,结果被人家扭送到衙门去了。县官经过审问,忍住笑,说:你真是一叶障目,不见泰山呀!