“云春游”——科技赋能旅游新体验Spring outing goes digital in China as technology-empowered tourism offers fresh experiences 清明前后,正是春游踏青的大好时节,然而新冠肺炎疫情阻挡了人们出行的脚步。以前的“云旅游”往往在朋友圈进行,现在随着技术的发展,旅游直播这种人在家中坐,身心“逛”世界的新旅行方式,正受到人们的青睐。The coming of the Tomb-sweeping Day, which usually falls on early April, also heralds the popularity of spring outings. However, the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease has disrupted many people’s travel plans. On the other hand, it also leads to the popularity of digital tourism. Other than enjoying the beautiful pictures shared on social media networks, people now can have access to more immersive online travel experiences thanks to emerging livestreaming platforms. 博物馆“云课堂” Learn about museums’treasures by informative online tours 疫情期间,短视频平台联合中国国家博物馆、敦煌研究院等九家博物院馆推出了“在家云游博物馆”活动。观众在观看直播云游博物馆的过程中,除了能够听到专业、有趣、生动的讲解外,还可通过线上直播平台与讲解员进行互动交流,由此提出自己的疑惑,既欣赏了文物,又增长了见识,可谓是一举两得。The country’s nine popular museums including the National Museum of China and the Dunhuang Academy China have rolled out virtual tours via partnership with short-video platforms. During the virtual tours, the online visitors can enjoy professional and engaging introduction as well as interact with guides in real time. Such practices enable people to appreciate antiques in a more informative manner. 布达拉宫“云探秘”Rare glimpse into the Potala Palace via livestreaming 3月1日,布达拉宫完成了1388年历史上的第一次直播。据了解,为了准备此次直播,政府部门专门准备了5G信号车。由于网络直播没有线下客流量的压力,本次直播还展示了一些极少开放的区域,比如以往游客去不了的金顶,在直播中可以近距离地看到。很多网友评论:“这个直播太珍贵了”,还刷起来了弹幕进行交流互动。The Potala Palace, a landmark in southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, held a live streaming tour session on March 1, the first time in its over 1,300-year history. 5G signal vehicles were in place to ensure smooth livestreaming, while some regions that are rarely open to public, such as the golden roofs of the palace, were unveiled during the online tour. Many online visitors were impressed by the digital tour and exchanged their ideas on the bullet screen, which showed viewers’ real-time comments and messages. 武汉大学“云赏樱”Wuhan University’s famed cherry trees blossom online 为了让游客如约看上每年3月武大盛开的樱花,武汉大学特别开通了“云赏樱”通道。跟随音乐,武汉大学樱花大道各个角度的画面来回切换,网友不停评论留言,“曾经多想拍拍没有人的樱花大道,现在只怀念全是人的樱花大道。”Besides its academic fame, Wuhan University is also known for its cherry blossoms in the spring. The university in the epicenter city of the epidemic set up an online platform for visitors to enjoy these blossoms from different angles. Some visitors joked that they used to desire for an empty cherry blossom venue in the campus, but now they missed the crowed one. 伴随着5G时代的到来,中国在VR、AR等技术领域的高速发展,“云旅游”作为旅游的一种新延伸,未来将与景区的线下旅游有机结合,如在做出行计划安排前,可以先在线上“身临其境”,这个环节说不定会成为以后出游的一项必备功课。With the advent of the 5G era and China’s rapid development in VR, AR and other technologies, digital tourism, as a new extension of the industry, will be organically combined with offline tourism in scenic spots in the future. For example, before making travel plans, one can be personally present online to get some initial taste of the destination, which might become a necessary step for future travel. 来源:中国网 长按识别二维码可关注该微信公众平台