
中国范儿128 中医药:抗击疫情的独特力量

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!


How Traditional Chinese medicine has emerged as a unique force in fighting the pandemic

Traditional Chinese Medicine has its roots in the Chinese civilization. It is a scientific understanding that has been explored and gradually institutionalised by generations of Chinese practitioners in their long struggle against various diseases. It contains thousands of years of Chinese concepts and theories about health combined with practical experience. In a sense, it is the very essence of Chinese culture that has passed down for thousands of years. A handful of herbs and a silver acupuncture needle have safeguarded the health and prosperity of the Chinese nation. At present, the wisdom of ages stored in ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine is playing a key role in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Smallpox, which once ravaged human beings, was declared by the World Health Organization in 1980 as eradicated from the world. Because of an early collision between Chinese and Western medicine: the idea of vaccination was borrowed from Traditional Chinese Medicine in the 18th century. This inspired British doctor Jenner to invent “vaccinia". Today, vaccines are built for all viruses as standard treatment.

Wu Youke, a famous doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the end of Ming Dynasty, would have hardly thought that a treatise on "plague theory” — a prescription for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases — would be used by people, some 360 years later, to deal with a new infectious disease SARS in 2003. Tu Youyou, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine, was inspired by the classical literature of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and discovered artemisinin — a new method of malaria treatment —benefiting hundreds of millions of people around the world.

COVID-19 has surfaced as a common disaster for mankind. In China's plan to fight against COVID-19, Traditional Chinese Medicine has made a crucial contribution. More than 4,900 Traditional Chinese medical staff were sent to support Hubei Province. "The COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment plan (trial version 7)", Qingfeipaidu decoction is included in the first choice of TCM clinical treatment. Qingfeipaidu decoction played an important role in the field of anti-epidemic and its total effective rate is more than 90%. It not only played an important role in containing the epidemic at home, but also made inroads abroad. Recently, experts in Traditional Chinese Medicine went to Italy, Iraq and other countries equipped with Lianhuaqingwen and Jinhuaqinggan, the first two Traditional Chinese Medicine products to help fight the pandemic overseas."The COVID-19 Hubei preventive granule" has been exported to Netherlands and Italy, according to the prescription provided by the Hubei Health Protection Committee, and has proven effective.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is an important part of the splendid culture of the Chinese nation. It is not just a legacy left by the ancients, but also combines modern scientific and technological know-how. This has helped experts explore more possibilities for traditional Chinese medicine and find new ways to integrate Chinese and Western medicine, thus, inheriting and innovating at the same time. 



Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!



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