
中国范儿131 立夏:蛙鸣蝉叫初夏来

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!

Beginning of Summer: Frogs and cicadas call for an early summer


China's 24 solar terms were initially determined by the direction of the Big Dipper handle. When the handle of the Big Dipper points to the southeast, it is the Beginning of Summer. This is the first solar term in summer, the seventh of the 24 solar terms.

In the Beginning of Summer, everything flourishes and life rejuvenates. The chirp of the mole beetle breaks the tranquility of early summer. The earthworm stirs to life and melons and wild vegetables in the field start growing vigorously. Because of China's vast territory, north-south span and different natural rhythms, only the south to Fuzhou to Nanling line experiences real summer in China, while parts of the northeast and northwest enter spring. Whether it’s on the north or south of the river, it's the best time for crops to grow. In the wheat fields, rice fields and tea gardens, people are busy working.

Ancient China attached great importance to the solar term of Beginning of Summer. According to historical records, on the day of Beginning of Summer, the ancient emperor led all officials of civil and military affairs to the outskirts to "welcome summer" and express his wish for a good harvest.


This day was also the day of "Qibing". The ice stored in the ice cellar last winter was taken out and the emperor would reward the officials. According to folklore, "cold water" was sold in the neighborhood, infused with arbutus, peaches, red flowers and so on, commonly known as "ice peaches" and "ice arbutus” — a distinctive delicacy.

There are many traditional customs of Beginning of Summer, some of which have been preserved up to now. People in some areas of southern China use red beans, soybeans, black beans, green soy beans, mung beans to mix rice to cook "five-colored rice", commonly known as "Beginning of Summer rice”. In Southern Fujian, eating shrimp noodles is popular. People buy sea shrimps and mix them into noodles to cook, the sea shrimps turn red when they are cooked, which is an auspicious color in Chinese tradition. The words shrimp and summer share similar pronunciation in Chinese, so shrimp noodles heralds the beginning of summer. Apart from cooking, people also play games. Families indulge in “Fighting Eggs Play” in which they cook eggs, put them in a silk net bag and hang the eggs on children’s neck, and some paint patterns on the eggs. Then children in groups of three or five play with each other and the game is called Fighting Eggs.

Twenty-four solar terms, as an ancient and scientific "time system" in China, not only serve as a compass for agricultural production, but also as an integral part of folk life for thousands of years.



Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!



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