零浪费旅行指南 Zero Waste Travel Guide
今天你是否就要收拾假期出行的行李?这是零浪费行李箱里的东西,有和你一样的吗?你的行李箱里有什么?欢迎与我们分享 🌱🌏🌸🌿🚃
Are you about to start packing for a trip? See below for zero waste travel packing. Is it anything like yours? Here goes...
THE BULK HOUSE 零浪费旅行必备技能:
Zero Waste Travel Tips from THE BULK HOUSE
1/ 以PDF格式获取机票而非打印
Use a digital PDF ticket instead of printing.
2/ 最低限度地打包行李,尽量使用手提行李箱(飞机越重,所需的燃料也就越多)
Pack lightly for a more enjoyable trip (also, the lighter the aircraft, the less fuel used)
3/ 带上可重复使用的水壶,对一次性水瓶说不(出门前盛满水壶)
Bring a reusable bottle and say no to disposables (refill whenever possible)
4/ 准备好航班上所需的零食和食物
Prepare snacks and food for the flight (save on plastic waste).
5/ 自制旅行用的洗漱用品,而非购买独立塑料小瓶装
Try your own DIY toiletries and save on using plastic containers.
6/ 寻找当地农夫市集或散装店铺
Seek out local farmers' markets and bulk stores when traveling.
7/ 参与当地零浪费社群活动
Participate in local zero-waste communities and activities.
8/ 随手捡垃圾
Pick up garbage on the beach or when hiking on a mountain.
9/ 行动带来改变
Remember: positive action brings positive changes.
10/ 体验胜过物质 (人生第一次跳伞)
Experience more things, buy less stuff.
11/ 一颗喜欢探索世界的好奇心
Get lost in nature and you will find yourself (or eaten by a bear).
12/ 做一位负责任的旅行者
Be conscious, be responsible, have the time of your life!
13/ 随身携带可重复利用的布袋
Bring your own bags
How will you reduce waste whilst traveling?
如 何 购 买
线 上 微 店
Online Weidian Store
扫 码 进 入 微 店 选 购
线 上 淘 宝 店
Online Taobao Store
扫 码 进 入 淘 宝 选 购
推 荐 阅 读
THE BULK HOUSE 是中国首家致力于倡导零浪费生活的社会企业,通过组织分享零浪费的主题系列活动和内容来引导人们与自然和平共处,并提供一系列日常实用且独具美感的零浪费好物,旨在帮助人们轻松开启一站式零浪费生活之旅。THE BULK HOUSE 为了提倡环境保护,加入1% For The Planet "1%地球税” 的国际环保组织,将产品售出的1%收入捐献给这个组织。我们也将一直支持 “1%地球税”,并希望将我们企业为地球带来的负担降低到最小。
THE BULK HOUSE is the 1st social enterprise in China committed to promoting the zero waste lifestyle. We do this in 3 ways: ① Create and promote valuable content. ② Organising events revolving around the 6 R's in our logo. ③ Provide environmentally friendly products to make the zero waste lifestyle more convenient for all. We are proud to be a 1% For The Planet member. This means we contribute at least 1% of our annual sales to environmental causes.
For any cooperations, interviews, re-posting, please email at:
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