

四川大学 会计学术联盟 2023-02-24











小编:会计学术联盟服务员  萌小二

2020中国会计与金融国际会议 &《Accountingand Finance》2020年第5期第60卷:中国资本市场新发展2020年4月17日-4月19日中国,成都 征稿通知:四川大学商学院与《Accounting and Finance》(AF)期刊为2020年(第四届)中国会计与金融国际会议征稿。优秀论文有机会发表在“China Issue of 《Accounting and Finance》( Volume 60, Issue 5) on New Developments in ChineseCapital Markets”上。
为捕捉当前的国际热点问题,促进中国会计和金融相关领域的研究。四川大学商学院与澳大利亚和新西兰会计与金融协会联合举办2020年(第四届)中国会计与金融国际会议(CAFC)。CAFC提供高质量的学术交流平台,全球各地的会计和金融理论学者与实务从业者可以就当前国际和中国乃至世界的重大会计与金融问题深入分享彼此的研究成果。 重要期限:会议将于2020年4月17日至4月19日(4月17日为会议注册日)在位于中国成都的四川大学商学院举行。论文截稿日期为2020年2月23日 会议主题:本次会议面向会计与金融相关的各研究领域征稿。在理论和实证两个方面的论文均欢迎来稿,主题包括但不限于:审计,银行,大数据,资本市场,公司金融,公司治理,金融衍生品,环境金融,财务会计,金融系统,科技金融,投资学,管理会计和投资组合管理。
2020年中国专刊旨在出版原创性、有意义和有远见的论文,这些文章将促进新的理论和技术在相关领域的应用。大会将选出高质量的论文发表在“China Issue of 《Accounting and Finance》( Volume 60, Issue 5)”上。 承办机构:四川大学商学院 协办机构:澳大利亚与新西兰会计金融协会  会议联席主席:徐玖平,四川大学校长助理、商学院院长邓富民,四川大学商学院常务副院长石 劲,澳大利亚麦考瑞大学应用金融系教授吴卫星,对外经济贸易大学研究生院院长张学勇,中央财经大学研究生院院长应千伟,四川大学商学院会计学与公司金融系主任 论文提交:请有意在会议上汇报论文的作者同时提交一份包含作者信息的论文(英文)和一份匿名论文(英文)的PDF版本至邮箱:scucafc@163.com论文截稿日期:2020年2月23日论文进行匿名审稿,投稿作者将在2020年3月15日之前收到录用通知。所有入选论文作者除报告论文外还可能被邀请点评一篇论文。 会议费用:会议注册费为人民币1200元,费用包含茶歇、场地、材料、午餐和晚餐。 客座编辑:石  劲教授,麦考瑞大学应用金融系张学勇教授,中央财经大学金融学院吴卫星教授,对外经贸大学金融学院应千伟教授,四川大学商学院

China Issue, Accounting and Finance, Volume 60, Issue 5会议之后,由客座编辑、会议部分主席和国际学者进行初步审查,客座编辑会邀请选定的作者将其论文提交至“China Issue”。被选中的论文将会按照正常期刊评阅标准审阅,免除投稿费和版面费 
《Accounting and Finance》是社会科学引文索引(SSCI)期刊,可以使用以下链接访问期刊网站:
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1467-629X/ 请注意,在会议上汇报的论文并不能保证可以发表在《Accounting and Finance》期刊上,但在会议上汇报是论文被“China Issue”接收的前提条件。 声明:四川大学商学院与澳大利亚和新西兰会计与金融协会对非主办方责任的不可控因素(包括但不限于政府或法律因素)所导致的会议延误或取消以及论文取消发表不负任何责任。

2020 China Accounting and Finance Conference & Accounting and FinanceVolume 60, Issue 5 on New Developments inChinese Capital MarketsApril 17 to April 19, 2020Chengdu, China CONFERENCEBusiness School of Sichuan University in conjunction with Accounting and Finance  (AF)journal invites submission of academic papers to the 2020 (4th)China Accounting and Finance Conference (CAFC 2020), leading to possible publications at China Issue of Accounting and Finance( Volume 60, Issue 5) on New Developments in Chinese CapitalMarkets. To grasp the current international hot issuesand promote China-related accounting and finance research, Business School of Sichuan University (herein SCUBS) and Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (herein“AFAANZ”) co-organize the 2020 (4th) China Accounting and Finance Conference (CAFC 2020). CAFC provides a high-quality academic exchange platform, where accounting and finance scholars and practitioners worldwide canshare their in-depth research on important accounting and finance issues in China and world. The conference will be held from April 17 to April 19, 2020 (April 17 is the conference registration day) in Business School, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.  Paper Submission Deadline is Feb 23rd, 2020. TOPICS The conference organizers would like to invite the submission of papers relating toall aspects of accounting and finance. Both  theoretical and empirical papersare encouraged in areas which include, but are not limited to: Auditing,Banking, Big Data, Capital Markets, Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance,Derivatives, Environmental Finance, Financial Accounting, Financial System,FinTech, Investments, Management Accounting, and Portfolio Management. The 2020 China Issue aims to publish original,significant and visionary papers contributing to applications of new theoriesand techniques developed in the related areas. High quality papers in theconference will be selected for consideration for publication in China Issue of Accounting and Finance (Volume60, Issue 5). EXECUTIVE-ORGANIZER Business School, Sichuan University CO-ORGANIZERS Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand CONFERENCE CO-CHAIRSJiuping Xu, Dean of Business School, Sichuan UniversityFumin Deng, Executive vice dean of Business School, Sichuan UniversityJing Shi,Department of Applied Finance, Macquarie UniversityWeixing Wu, Dean of Graduate School, University of International Business and EconomicsXueyong Zhang, Dean of Graduate School, Central University of Finance and Economics Qianwei Ying, Chair of Accounting and Corporate Finance Department, Business School, Sichuan University PAPERSUBMISSIONAuthors interested inpresenting their paper at the conference should submit the paper in a complete(including author information) and a blind PDF-version to: scucafc@163.comPaper submission deadline: Feb 23rd, 2020. Papers will be reviewed anonymously and authors will be notified of the decision by March 15th, 2020.All presenting authors are expected to discuss a paper in the conference. FEEConference registration fee is RMB 1200, including tea breaks, conference venues and materials,conference lunches and dinner. TheGuest Editors ·JingShi, Department of Applied Finance, Macquarie University·XueyongZhang, School of Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics·WeixingWu, School of Banking & Finance, University of International Business and Economics·     QianweiYing, Business School, Sichuan University
ChinaIssue, Accounting and Finance, Volume 60, Issue 5Subsequentto the conference, after an initial review process which involved guesteditors, conference section chairs and international academics, Guest Editorswill invite selected authors to submit their papers to the China Issue. Thesubmission fee is waived for selected papers. The standard review process ofthe journal will follow.  Accounting and Finance is a Social ScienceCitation Index (SSCI) journal and the journal websites can be visited using thelink: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1467-629X/ Please note that presentation at the conference does not guarantee acceptance of the paper for publication in the AF and presentation at the conference is a pre-condition for acceptance into the China Issue. WarrantiesBusiness School of Sichuan University and Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand will not beliable for any delay or failure to host the conference and to publish the issue caused by a factor outside our reasonable control (including but not limited to governmental or legal restraint).





中南大学肖序教授团队的环境会计论文被国际期刊Resources Policy接受




征文启事 |《当代会计评论》2020春季学术研讨会







