美国哥伦比亚大学王晓东教授9月6日在线上举办的浙江大学“智能信号处理” 国际工作坊上做了题为“雷达通信一体化信号处理”的讲座。
Xiaodong Wang received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University. He is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at Columbia University in New York.
Dr. Wang’s research interests fall in the general areas of signal processing and communications, and has published extensively in these areas. Among his publications is a book entitled “Wireless Communication Systems: Advanced Techniques for Signal Reception”, published by Prentice Hall in 2003. His current research interests include wireless communications, statistical signal processing, and genomic signal processing. Dr. Wang received the 1999 NSF CAREER Award, the 2001 IEEE Communications Society and Information Theory Society Joint Paper Award, and the 2011 IEEE Communication Society Award for Outstanding Paper on New Communication Topics. He has served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Communications, the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, and the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and listed as an ISI Highly-cited Author.