

Soren 经济学人双语精读 2022-06-09
2021 年 2 月 20 日的《经济学人》China 版块中有篇文章报道了「人人影视被查封」一事,我从中节选了第一段与大家精读。先看原文、听音频,了解段落大意:

For a generation of young Chinese, American television shows like “The Big Bang Theory”, “Breaking Bad” and “Sex and the City” were their first taste of life in the West. Growing up with limited English inside China’s “great firewall”, millions of them watched pirated versions online, with the help of subtitles produced by volunteers. Many of the translators were Chinese students, both in China and at universities abroad. They provided their skills for little reward, except the glory of an on-screen credit, to streaming services that allowed free access or offered super-cheap subscriptions. Being accepted into such firms’ “translation groups” was a badge of distinction. Standards were high and competition for membership was fierce. It will not be in future, however.


①For a generation of young Chinese, American television shows like “The Big Bang Theory”, “Breaking Bad” and “Sex and the City” were their first taste of life in the West.


句子开头先交代了主要群体:For a generation of young Chinese「对年轻一代中国人来说」,随后在主干部分交代了美剧对这一群体的意义:American television shows were their first taste of life in the West.
television shows 就是「电视剧」意思,也可以说 TV drama,文中 television shows 后面还跟了一个 like...介词结构,补充例子:like “The Big Bang Theory”, “Breaking Bad” and “Sex and the City”,比如《生活大爆炸》、《绝命毒师》和《欲望都市》。
first taste of...可理解成「...的初体验」,这里的 taste 由「尝」引申出「体验」的意思,比如我们经历了千辛万苦终于有了一次成功的体验,就可以说:

This is my first taste of success after a lot of hard work.

另外,taste 作名词也有「爱好、兴趣」的意思,搭配为 a taste for/in sth,可用在写作中,比 interest (n.) / like (v.) 等词更加新颖,举个例子:

That trip gave me a taste for foreign travel. 


②Growing up with limited English inside China’s “great firewall”, millions of them watched pirated versions online, with the help of subtitles produced by volunteers.


句子开头先以一个 V-ing 状语一笔交代了这些年轻人的成长环境:Growing up with limited English / inside China’s “great firewall”
grow up with...不难理解,表示「伴随着...长大」,后面 limited English 指「有限的英语资源」,合起来:他们从小就没有太多英语资源。
inside China’s “great firewall 暗示了 limited English 的原因:中国的“防火墙”。
状语部分不难,但却很实用,我们可以直接把 growing up with limited sth 当成一个模板套路记下来,用于描述小时候某物的匮乏,进而体现时代的发展或巨变等,造个句子:

Growing up with limited entertainment, we can only stay at home watching TV or go out of the house playing with our friends. Now, young people enjoy a much wider range of leisure activities, from video games to family picnic.(可用于「娱乐/电子游戏」话题)

主干部分则交代了这些年轻人的应对方法:millions of them watched pirated versions online
pirate 原指旧时「海盗」,现在常指视频、书籍、软件的「盗版者」,文中 pirated 是其形容词,表示「盗版的」,pirated versions 文中是「盗版版本、盗版电影」的意思。
online 是副词,修饰 watch,意为「在网上观看」。
我们也可以把动词 watch 改为 turn to,句子意为依然成立:

Millions of them turned to online pirated versions.

turn to 在这里表示 to start to do or use something new, especially as a way of solving a problem「改用,开始使用」,比如:

Many people here are turning to solar power. 



Many college students now are turning to part-time jobs to finance their habit.


Many schools are turning to online teaching because of the restrictive measures.

回到文中来,watched pirated versions online 后面又跟了一个状语结构进行补充:with the help of subtitles produced by volunteers.
这部分的核心结构是 with the help of subtitles「在字幕的帮助下」
subtitle 就是「字幕」的意思,可作动词、名词,比如一部电影有英文字幕,我们可以说:a movie with English subtitles,也可以说 a movie subtitled in English.
后面 produced by volunteers 是 V-ed 形式的后置定语,修饰 subtitles,意思是:由志愿者制作的字幕。

③Many of the translators were Chinese students, both in China and at universities abroad.


这句话很简单,注意介词 at:表示「在...大学」用介词 at。比如《经济学人》中曾有篇文章讲到了越来越多的中国人选择出国留学,文中有这么一组数据:

About one in 11 new students at the University of California’s campuses is now from China, and that does not include those born in China but permanently resident in America when they applied.



④They provided their skills for little reward, except the glory of an on-screen credit, to streaming services that allowed free access or offered super-cheap subscriptions.


这句话不好理解,我们先把主干拎出来:They provided their skills for little reward to streaming services.
for 后面加钱、报酬等,表示「以...的价钱」,比如,他们的房子卖了 800 万人民币,可以说:

They sold their house for 8 million RMB.

文中 for little reward 指「几乎不求回报」。
stream 本义是「小溪」,现在常指一种新的视频播放技术「视频流」(因为这种技术可以使视频数据像流水一样稳定、连续地输送),比如 live-streaming platforms 直播平台, stream media 流媒体,如中国的腾讯、爱奇艺、人人视频、B 站,国外的 Netflix.
文中 streaming services 指「流媒体视频公司」,service 除了「公司」,也可以指服务性的「企业」,比如 financial services「金融公司」。
这句话之所以难,是因为主干结构 provide sth to sb「向某人提供某物」被一个插入语切断了,我们看插入语:except the glory of an on-screen credit
这部分修饰 little reward.
on-screen 是形容词,指「屏幕上的、荧屏上的」,英文解释更直观一些:appearing or written on the screen of a computer, television or cinema / movie theater.
比如你去 KTV 的时候,屏幕上显示的歌词就叫 on-screen lyrics.
on-screen 也可以作副词,比如你就可以用下面这个句子形容你喜欢的明星:

XX is immensely attractive, both onscreen and offscreen.

荧屏内外 XX 都令人倾倒。

credit 在这里是熟词僻义,指 a list of all the people involved in making a film or television programme, which is shown at the beginning or end of it 电影/电视剧开头或结尾播放的「全体演职员表」,如图:
the glory of an on-screen credit 指的是 把自己的名字加到屏幕上制作人员名单上的一种荣誉,如图:
图 | 署在美剧片头的翻译昵称,这对字幕组成员来说是一种荣誉
They provided their skills for little reward, except the glory of an on-screen credit, to streaming services.
streaming services 后面嵌套一个定语从句,作进一步补充:that allowed free access or offered super-cheap subscriptions
allow 后面加名词,表示 make it possible for something to happen「使...可以发生」,举个例子,2019 年 Text1 讲到了金融市场的短期主义,文中有句话就出现了「allow+n.」的结构:

In addition, new digital technologies have allowed more rapid trading of equities, quicker use of information, and thus shortens attention spans in financial markets.


equities 复数指「股票」,allow more rapid trading of equities 字面意思是「使更快的股票交易成为可能」,  allow quicker use of information 字面意思是「时更及时的信息使用成为可能」。
access 经常出现在各类考试和外刊中,简单说就是 the opportunity or right to use sth or to see sb/sth 的意思,后面加介词 to,可翻译成使用或接触某物的「权利、机会」,比如:We grew up with limited access to English resources. 我们在成长过程中只能接触到有限的英语资源。
文中 free access (to movies and tv shows) 指字幕组成员可免费观看电影或英美剧。
subscription 指「订阅」,记住两个搭配:cancel / renew a subscription 退订;续订。
从句 streaming services that allowed free access or offered super-cheap subscriptions 可理解成:流媒体公司会让他们免费观看电影美剧,或提供超便宜的订阅。

⑤Being accepted into such firms’ “translation groups” was a badge of distinction.


这句话的主语是动名词:Being accepted into such firms’ “translation groups”
be accepted into...可理解成「加入、被录取」;translation groups 就是「字幕组」的意思。
distinction 最常见的意思是 difference「区别」,与大众区别开来就是「卓越」,英文解释为:the quality of being excellent or important,比如:a writer of distinction 优秀作家。
badge 指戴在身上的显示职衔、身份的「徽章、标记」,如图:
图 | 美国中情局的 badge
比如学校举办重大活动的时候要求学生 wear the school badge「佩戴校徽」,员工上班时要 wear name badges「佩戴胸牌」:
图 | 网络

a badge of 后面加表示优秀品质的名词,则比喻「...的标记、...的象征」,比如:

He sees his wartime injuries as a badge of honor.


Being a Communist was a badge of honour.


文中 a badge of distinction 则表示「优秀的标记、优秀的象征」。

⑥Standards were high and competition for membership was fierce.


⑥句以两个短句,短促有利,凸显出加入字幕组的不易,进而解释了为什么说加入字幕组是一种 a badge of distinction.

⑦It will not be in future, however.


⑦句以 however 进行转折:未来不会这样了。言外之意就是,人人影视被查封,字幕组的竞争不会那么激烈了。





