
北京课改版四年级英语上册Unit5 Lesson18微课视频 | MP3朗读 | 同步练习

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃四年级资源 2021-08-10



Lesson 18

Now I can say

Which…would you like?


This…looks nice.

这个… 看起来不错。

Now I know the sound

ir :    girl 女孩   birthday 生日    first 第一   skirt 裙子

er :   teacher老师    winter 冬天  slipper  拖鞋   silver 银


When is the birthday of that girl in the silver skirt?


It’s in winter,on December the third.


 Now I can read

Guoguo goes to a shoe shop for a pair of shoes. The shop sells sneakers,slippers, sandals, and boots. Guoguo gets a pair of blue shoes. They are comfortable.


Readand write. 读并写

Guoguo gets a pair of blue shoes.


It  is getting cold. Sara’s mother takes Sara to a shop to buy a jacket. The red jacket looks nice on Sara. Her mother will get it for her.


Read and write. 读并写

The red jacket looks nice on Sara.


Now I can write

brown  shop  take  pair  shoes

Xixi:Look! That shop sells all kinds of shoes.


Dudu:Do you like this pair?


Xixi:Yes. I like the brown colour.


Xixi: How much are they?


 Assistant:Sixty yuan.


Dudu:Fine. I will take them. I think I will buy a pair for my brother,too.



Lesson 18 同步练习 2

一、判断所给单词画线部分读音是 (T)否(F)相同。

1. girl  silver(  )

2. first  her(  )

3. teacher  winter(  )

4. word  slipper(  )


on  for  with  at  to  of

1. May I look ________ that black overcoat?

2. Sara's mother takes her ________ a shop.

3. Mike goes to a shop ________ a pair of shoes.

4. That shop sells all kinds ________ shoes.

5. It won't go ________ my jacket.

6. The red one will look nice ________ you.

三、读一读 ,给下列物品标上相应的价格。

1. W: How much is the shirt?

M: It's twenty-five dollars.

2. W: How much is the backpack?

M: Fifty yuan.

3. W: How much is the pencil-case?

M: Twelve yuan.

4. W: How much is the pen? Ten yuan?

M: No, it's twenty yuan.

5. W: How much is this pair of shoes?

M: Guess!

W: Is it twenty dollars?

M: No, it's thirty dollars.

6. W: How much are the shorts?

M: They're fifteen dollars.


1. help  you  I  can


2. sells  all  shop shoes that  kinds  of

______________________________ (.)

3. will  buy  jacket  you  new  a I

_____________________________ (.)

4. do  colours  have  you  what

__________________________ (?)

5. about  red  one  the how

___________________________________ (?)


A: ____1____

B: Yes, I want to buy a shirt.

A: We have different colours. ____2____

B: I like white.

A: What about this one?

B: ____3____

A: It's 80 yuan.

B: It's too expensive( 昂贵的 ) . ____4____

A: It's 50 yuan. It's cheap( 便宜的 ) .

B: ____5____ I'll take it.

A. It will go with my trousers.

B. What colour do you like?

C. Can I help you?

D. How about that one?

E. How much is it?

1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________

六、阅读短文 ,判断正 (T)误(F)。

Sam is a little boy, and he is only eight years old. One day he goes to the cinema( 电影院 ). It is the first time for him to do that. He buys a ticket( 票) and then goes in. But after two or three minutes he comes out, buys a second ticket and goes in again. After a few minutes he comes out again and buys a third ticket. Two or three minutes later he asks for another ticket.Then the girl in the ticket office asks him," Why  do you buy so many  tickets? How manyfriends do you meet?" Sam answers," No, I have no friend here. But a big boy always stops me at the door and tears my tickets in pieces."

(  ) 1. Sam is eight years old.

(  ) 2. It is the third time for Sam to go to the cinema.

(  ) 3. Sam bought two tickets.


一、 1. F 2. T  3. T  4. F

二、 1. at  2. to  3. for  4. of  5. with  6. on


四、 1. Can I help you?

2. That shop sells all kinds of shoes.

3. I will buy you a new jacket.

4. What colours do you have?

5. How about the red one?

五、 1. C  2. B  3. E  4. D  5. A

六、 1. T  2. F 3. F  4. T  5. T


