
PEP人教版四年级英语下册Recycle 2 微课视频|朗读|练习

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃四年级资源 2021-08-09




Read aloud. 大声读。
Tomorrow will be warm and sunny. 明天会晴朗温暖的。
Let’s have a picnic tomorrow. 我们明天去野餐吧。
Yeah! 好!
Can I help you? 有什么需要帮忙的吗?
Yes, five tomatoes and two carrots, please. 好。我要五个西红柿和两个胡萝卜。
Three bananas and two apples, please. 三个香蕉和两个苹果。
How much is that? 那个多少钱?
That’s 42 yuan in total. 一共四十二元。
That’s expensive! 好贵!
That jacket is cool! Whose is it? 那个夹克好酷!是谁的?
It’s Sarah’s. I like it, too. 萨拉的。我也喜欢。
Are those cows? They look hungry. 那些是牛吗?他们看起来很饿。
Whose tomatoes are those? 那些西红柿是谁的?
They’re Sarah’s! Quick! 是萨拉的!快!

Finish the story! 故事结束。

Can you act it out? 你能演出来吗?

Listen and tick. 听并打勾。
Conversation 1
Welcome! How can I help you? 欢迎!有什么需要帮忙的吗?
Hi, I’d like to wear some gloves. 你好,我想试些手套。
Where are they? 它们在哪?
They’re on the second floor. 在二层。
This way, please. 这边请。
What colours do you have? 你们有什么色的?
We have blue gloves. 蓝色的。
Do you have red gloves? 有红色的吗?
No, sir. 没有。

Conversation 2
Hi, can I try on some hats, please? 你好,我能试试帽子吗?
Of course. How about these? 当然。这些怎么样?
Are those hats? 那些是帽子吗?
Yes, they are. They are summer hats. 是的。是夏帽。
It’s cold and snowy outside now. 现在外面很冷还下雪。
I need a warm hat. 我需要一顶温暖的帽子。
How about this? 这个怎么样?
Great! I like red. How much is it? 很好!我喜欢红色。多少钱?
10 yuan. 十块。
That’s cheap. Here you are. 10 yuan. 好便宜。给你。十块。

Listen and check. 听并检查。
1.Can I help you? 有什么需要帮忙的吗?
Yes, do you have any oranges? 是,你们有橙子吗?
Yes, of course. How about these? 当然。这些怎么样?
They are nice. How much? 很好。多少钱?
10 yuan for four. 十元四个。
Oh, no! Thank you. That’s expensive. 哦不!谢谢。太贵了。
2.What are these? 这些呢?
They are apples. 是苹果。
How much are the apples? 苹果多少钱?
The apples are 1 yuan for four. 一元四个。
That’s fine. I’ll take eight. 不错。我要八个。

Read and tick or cross. 读并打勾或叉。
Grandpa, 祖父,
Thank you for the hat. 谢谢你的帽子。
It is sunny here. I wear it every day. 这里很晴朗。我每天都戴。
I don’t like the city. 我不喜欢城市。
The food here is very expensive! 这的食物很贵!
The food in the country is nice and cheap. 乡下的食物物美价廉。
How is my dog? He is so friendly and cute. 我的狗怎么样?它很亲切很可爱。
I miss the ducks, too. 我还想念鸭子们。
How many baby ducks are there on the farm now? 现在农场里有多少小鸭子?
Please write soon! 请尽快回信!
Love, Wang Ke 爱你的王珂



 (    ) 1. cake     cat          (    ) 2. we    hen

(     ) 3. nice     kite          (     )4. box   orange

(     ) 5. music    bus         


(     ) 1. A. monkey            B.goat           C. fat

(     ) 2. A. warm              B.wear             C. cold

(     ) 3. A. twenty             B.twelve           C. carrot

(     ) 4. A. umbrella            B.pear             C. apple

(     ) 5. A. close               B.window        C. open


(     ) 1. How many _______do youhave?

         A. lamb                       B.cows              C. sheeps

(     ) 2. How much _______ thecarrots?

         A. am                  B.are                C. is

(     ) 3. It’s windy _______Beijing.

         A. in                   B.at                C. on

(     ) 4. John _______.

         A. have many apples   B. has an apple     C. has a apple

(     ) 5.I like _______.

         A. potatoes          B. potato           C. potatos


(     ) 1.当你想询问这件外套是谁的时,你应说:________

         A. Whose coat is this?                B.How do you like this coat?

(     ) 2.假如你是一名售货员,当顾客来买东西时,你应说:________

         A. How much is it?                     B.Can I help you?

(     ) 3.当你在商店购物想询问物品的价格时,你应说:________

         A. How much is it?                     B.What colour is it?

(     ) 4.当你想知道绵羊的数量时,你应说:________

A. What are those?                      B.How many sheep are there?



一、1. ×  2.×  3.  4.  5. ×

二、1.C  2.B  3.C 4.A  5.B

三、1.B  2.B  3.A 4.B  5.A

四、1.A  2.B  3.A 4.B



mine        eleven      coat      expensive     sheep

1. Put on your_______.

2. This shirt is too_______.

3. I can see five_______.

4. There are ________horses.

5. It’s ______.


1. you (宾格) ______             2. your(名词性物主代词)_________

3. I(宾格) ________                     4. my(名词性物主代词) __________

6. her(主格)________            7. he(形容词性物主代词)_________

7. he(宾格)_________           8. she(形容词性物主代词)________


1. muchjacketthisHowis(?)


2. smallareTheytoo.


3. thoseWhosesocksare(?)


4. theseareWhat(?)


5. ItMike’sshirtis.


6. takeI’llit.





一、1. coat  2. expensive   3. sheep  4. eleven  5. mine

二、1. you  2. yours   3. me 4. mine  5. she   6. his 7. him  8. her

三、1. How much is this jacket?

2. They aretoo small.

3. Whosesocks are those?

4. What arethese?

5. It isMike’s jacket.

6. I’ll takeit.








