
人教PEP版四年级英语上册教学设计 | 免费下载







A. Lets talk. Lets play.


在Lets talk部分,Sarah和Zhang Peng在谈论他们的新教室。Sarah首先告诉Zhang Peng他们这个学期会有一个新教室。Zhang Peng很好奇教室里的布置。所以两个人一起去看了看。他们发现教室很大,Sarah还惊喜地发现自己的画被摆放在窗户旁边。在他们进行对话的过程中,呈现了如下重点句式:We have a new classroom. Whats in the classroom? Lets go and see! Where is it? Its near the window. 在接触这些重点句式的同时,学生会感受到以下词汇:classroom, window, picture, near。

Lets play是个针对重点句式进行的游戏活动。这个活动将字母的字形、发音与重点句式的操练巧妙地结合了起来。教材呈现的图片中,有三个c,两个b,两个p,一个e, 一个r,分别放在玩具汽车(car)、彩笔(crayon)、图画(picture)、尺子(ruler)、书包(bag)、文具盒(pencil box)、橡皮(eraser)的旁边。学生首先说出自己看到了哪个字母,运用句式:I see a ...同组同学询问在哪里,因为有时有两到三种物品具有同样的首字母。出题者说出其位置,这样,同组同学就可以顺利地猜出出题者所说的物品是什么了。在这个游戏过程中,学生会回忆字母的字形与字音,并回忆字母在单词中的发音。同时,操练如何询问并表达物品的位置。



1. 能够在语境中理解新词classroom, really, picture, near, window的意思,并能正确发音

2. 能够听懂、会说、认读句型:We have a new classroom. Whats in the classroom? Lets go and see! Where is it? Its near the window.

3能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用Where is it? 来询问物品的位置

4. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用Its near/ under/ on/ in...描述物品听位置

5. 能够在情景中恰当运用句型:Whats in the classroom? Lets go and see!

6能够理解对话大意, 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话



能够理解对话大意, 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话

能够在语境中理解新词classroom, really, picture, near, window的意思,并能正确发音

能够听懂、会说、认读句型:We have a new classroom. Whats in the classroom? Lets go and see! Where is it? Its near the window.

2. 难点

能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用Where is it? 来询问物品的位置

能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用Its near/ under/ on/ in...来描述物品听位置

能够在情景中恰当运用句型:Whats in the classroom? Lets go and see!


1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带

2. 文具实物及单词图卡


µStep 1 Warm up

1. 游戏:What’s in the box? 猜宝游戏。教师准备一个袋子或盒子,请学生猜一猜里边是什么,主要来复习文具类词汇。

Teacher:Hello, boys and girlsI have a box. Guess, whats in the box? You, please. A ruler? Lets see. Yes, a ruler is in the box. What else? Who can try?


µStep 2 Lead in


TeacherLook at these things. Where is the ruler? Its near the pencil. Where is the book? Its near the pencil box. ... Where is my box? Its on the teachers desk. This is a teachers desk. Where is the teachers desk? Where are we? Yes, we are in the classroom. Read after me, classroom. The classroom is a room that a class studies in it. Lets write it together, classroom. Whats in our classroom?

设计意图:通过上一环节中复习到的文具物品自然引入位置的讨论,使学生通过观察实物位置自然理解near的含义。并在讨论已知位置的情况下,引出新词汇teachers desk, classroom,使学生在语境中获取新词汇的意义。通过英语的讲解使学生感受classroom这个合成词的构成,帮助他们记忆单词。

µStep 3 Presentation

1. 导读,引出对话内容,引起学生的阅读兴趣。

Teacher:This is our classroom. Zhang Peng and Sarah have a new classroom. Whats in their classroom? Lets go and see.

2. 播放对话内容,以视频的方式使学生理解对话内容。观看的同时,向学生提出问题。

Teacher:Watch the video please. Then answer my questions. What can you see in the classroom?

Teacher:Now who can answer my question? What can you see in the classroom?

3. 再次播放课文内容,学生根据对话内容回答问题。

Teacher:Watch the video again. After that, try to more questions. Is the classroom big? Whose picture can you see? Where is it?

Teacher: Can you answer these questions? Is the classroom big? Whose picture can you see? Where is it?


µStep 4 Practice


Teacher: Listen to the tape. Read after it, please.

2. 自由练习读课文。教师巡视,并为学生提供帮助。

Teacher:Read the dialogue freely. If you have any questions, please raise your hand and ask me.

3. 分角色朗读课文。

Teacher:Lets read the dialogue in roles. Boys will be Zhang Peng. Girls will be Sarah. Lets read the dialogue. Now girls will be Zhang Peng. Boys are Sarah. Read it again.

4. 表演课文。

Teacher:Lets act the dialogue out. Who wants to try? Lets find the best pair.


5. 利用学生的文具、书等物品进行问答,练习新学习的句型。

Teacher:Where is my book? Yes, its on the teachers desk. Where is your book? Oh, its on the desk. And its near the pencil box. In pairs, ask and answer, please.


6. 完成Lets play活动。

Teacher:Look at the picture. There are some letters. What are they? Read them please. What are the letters for? This C is for the car. This c is for the crayon. The b is for bag and book. Now, lets play a game. I see a c. Guess what it is. You can ask me where the c is. Then you can know it. It’s on the desk. What is it? Yes, its a car.

Teacher: Lets do a pair work. Play the game in pairs.

Teacher: Which pair wants to show your dialogue?


µStep 5 Summary


Teacher: Look at the picture. Lets say a chant about it. Listen to it first.

Book, book, where is the book? Where is the book?

Desk, desk, its on the desk. Its on the desk.

Crayon, crayon, where is the crayon? Where is the crayon?

Desk, desk, its in the desk. Its in the desk.

2. 学生跟唱韵句,然后自己编制韵句并表演。

Teacher:Say the chant after me, please.

Teacher: Please make a chant like this. You can make it in groups.

Teacher: Which group want to show your chant? Let’s find the best pair.




A. Lets learn; Lets chant.


在Lets learn 部分,Zoom和Zip站在教室的窗外向外张望,想知道教室里都有些什么。Zoom问站在窗台上的Zip:Whats in the classroom? Zip回答:One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs... 在教室的其他物品上,呈现了本课的四会词汇:classroom, blackboard, window, light, picture, door。因为单词都标注在相应图片的旁边,学生可以一目了然地了解其意思,因此,重点是让学生建立起字义与字形及字音之间的联系,整体记忆单词。

接下来的Lets do中,学生会看到五个指令,Open the door. Turn on the light. Close the window. Put up the picture. Clean the blackboard. 五个指令主要用来操练上一部分中学习到的重点词汇。同时,这些指令又与教室里的物品相关,可以用真实的活动让学生理解这些指令的含义,并通过操练这些指令让学生熟悉这些重点词汇。



1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词classroom, blackboard, light, picture, door, window

2. 能够在游戏或真实的情景中正确使用句式:Whats in the classroom?并回答

3. 能够听懂指令:Open the ... Turn on the ... Close the ... Put up the... Clean the...并做出正确反应



能够听懂、会说、认读单词classroom, blackboard, light, picture, door, window

能够在游戏或真实的情景中正确使用本课单词及句式:Whats in the classroom?

2. 难点

能够听懂指令:Open the ... Turn on the ... Close the ... Put up the... Clean the...并做出正确反应


1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带

2. 教室内物品的单词图卡


µStep 1 Warm up

1. 与学生互致问候之后,请学生注意自己带到教室里的物品,并根据其位置呈现韵句。

Teacher: Whats this? Yes, its my book. Where is my book? Its on the desk. Lets say a chant about it. Listen to it first.

Book, book, where is the book? Where is the book?

Desk, desk, its on the desk. Its on the desk.

Crayon, crayon, where is the crayon? Where is the crayon?

Desk, desk, its in the desk. Its in the desk.

2. 学生齐唱韵句。

Teacher:Lets say the chant together.


µStep 2 Lead in

1. 讨论:Whats in our classroom?请学生根据自己所处的教室来讨论自己在教室里所见的物品。

Teacher: My book is on the desk. Where is the desk? Yes, its in our classroom. Whats in our classroom? Yes, many desks, many chairs, a teacher and many students.

2. 出示教材中的图片,引起学生的阅读兴趣。

Teacher: This is Zip and Zoom’s new classroom. Whats in the classroom? What can Zip and Zoom see in the classroom? Lets listen.


µStep 3 Presentation

1. 播放课文内容,学生跟读。

Teacher: Lets listen to the tape and find what is in the classroom. Read after it, please. 


2. 分组读课文。

Teacher:Lets read the text in groups. I will find the best group.


3. 使用图卡和实物相结合,教授新授单词。

Teacher:(指向黑板)Whats this? Its a blackboard. What colour is it? Yes, its black. Its a board. Its a black board. We call it blackboard. (板书单词,提示学生注意此单词由两个单词合成)Let’s write it together. (学生书空)(走到门边,打开门,指着门询问)Whats this? Its a door. (板书单词,学生书空)Lets write it together. Its a door. How many doors are there in our classroom? (指向窗户)Is this a door? No. Its a window. (板书单词,分成两个音节教授学生) Read it together, window. How many windows are there in our classroom? Next, please guess. They are high in our classroom. They are bright. I can see nine. (根据教室里的灯的数量说出数字)What are they? Yes, they are lights, one light, two lights. (提示学生注意单复数的不同读音)Can you see lights on the streets? Yes, they are traffic lights.(呈现交通信号灯的图片)What colour are they? They are red, yellow and green. Read after me, please, light. And on the wall, we can see beautiful pictures. (板书单词)Read after me, picture. (讲解字母组合true的发音)


µStep 4 Practice

1. I say you point. 我说你指。教师说出物品名称,学生指向相应的物品。

Teacher: Now I say the word, you point to it. A blackboard, a light, a window...

2. I point you say. 我指你说。教师或指向黑板上的单词,或者指向教室里的实际物品,请学生说出单词。

Teacher: This time, I point you say. I will point to the word on the blackboard, or the things in our classroom. Please say the word.


3. 猜单词。教师先将学习到的单词词卡呈现给学生,学生逐一读出单词。接着,将词卡反转,打乱顺序,请学生猜一猜是什么单词。

Teacher: Whats this? (呈现单词卡,请学生读出单词)

Teacher:Guess,whats this? Is this a blackboard? Is it a light? (反转单词卡,请学生猜)

4. 出示被遮盖的物品图片,请学生猜出单词。

Teacher:Look,whats this? Is this a picture? Is this a window? Guess, please.设计意图:通过猜单词,让学生不断地重复新学过的单词。这样的操练既起到了机械操练的作用,又避免了机械操练的枯燥。在游戏的过程中,引导学生注意倾听同学的答案,保证自己不重复、不说错误的答案,提高自己猜的准确性。这也有利于培养学生良好的听课习惯。

 5. 教师以自己的动作来示范,讲授指令性句子,使学生理解指令的含义。

Teacher:This is the door. I open the door. Say with me, open the door. Now, I close the door. Close the door. (板书句子)Listen to me, open your book. Close your book. (擦黑板)I clean the blackboard. In the afternoon, you will clean our classroom. Do you clean the window? Do you clean the desks? (板书句子)

Teacher:Look at the picture. What is john doing? He is turning on the light. Can you turn on the light? Thank you. (板书句子)And in this picture, John puts up the picture. Do with me, put up, put up the picture. (做出挂画的动作)

6. I say you do. 教师说句子,学生模拟动作。

Teacher: Lets play. I say you do. Turn on the light. Open the window. Close the door. ...


µStep 5 Summary

1. 游戏:Simon says。教师说出指令性动作,学生做出相应反应。

Teacher:Lets play a game, Simon says. When I say Simon says, sit down. Please sit down. If I say sit down. Please dont do that. Simons says, stand up. Sit down. Simon says, open the window. Simon says, clean the window. Close the door. ...




A. Lets spell



在Read, listen and chant活动中,教材呈现了四幅图片,来帮助学生理解语音例词cake, face, name, make,并且把元音字母a和不发音的字母e标红,使学生能够一目了然地感受开音节的结构,并通过韵句:My name is Jake. My name is Jake. I like my name, and I can make a cake. Hello, Jake. Hello, Jake. My name is Dave. AnI like to eat a cake. 来感受含有a-e结构的单词的拼读。

Read,listen and tick活动中,教材呈现了三组单词,前一个为闭音节,后一个为a-e开音节,学生需要根据所听到的单词来选择正确的答案,并打上对勾。而Listen, circle and write活动中,每个图片下方有代表闭音节的字母a和代表开音节的a-e,学生听到单词后,先需要判断一下是闭音节还是开音节,圈出正确的一项,然后再把听到的单词按正确的格式写在横线上。


1. 能够感知并归纳字母a在开音节(a-e结构)中的发音规则

2. 能够读出符合a-e发音规则的单词

3. 能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合a-e发音规则的单词





2. 难点



1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带

2. 语音例词单词卡


µStep 1 Warm up

1.播放韵句:Whats your name? 学生先听一遍韵句,再同老师一起说韵句。

Teacher:Boys and girls, lets say a chant. Listen to me first.

What is your name? What is your name?

My names Tom. My nameTom.

What is your name? What is your name?

My names Sam. My names Sam.

Teacher: This boy is Tom. And this boy is Sam. Lets say the chant about them together.


µStep 2 Lead in

1展示Read, listen and chant中Jake的图片谈论与之相关的问题,引出语音例词。

Teacher:Whos this boy? Oh, his name is Jake.(板书单词name, Jake) Read after me, please, Jake. This is Jakes face. Read after me, face. (板书单词)What can Jake do? Listen. (播放前一部分韵句) Jake can make a cake. Look, this is a cake. Can you make a cake? (板书单词make, cake)


µStep 3 Presentation

1. 展示Dave的图片,播放韵句的后半部分,完整呈现韵句,引导学生感受和发现字母a在开音节中的发音。

Teacher:Is this Jake? No, his name is Dave. What does he like? Listen. (播放韵句)What does he like? He likes to eat a cake. (板书单词Dave)

Teacher: Lets listen to the chant again. Please say with it.

Teacher: Look at these words on the blackboard. What can you find? Talk in groups and then show your opinions.

Teacher: We can find an a in these words. Read them, what is the sound of a? Yes, its /  /. Look at my mouth and say it, / /.


µStep 4 Practice

1. 学生练习韵句,并表演

Teacher: Practice the chant, please.

Teacher: Now letsay the chant together.



Teacher:Look at these four letters. Put them in order, you can get a word. What is it? Spell it and read it, please.


3. 完成Read, listen and tick活动。

Teacher:(呈现题目中的单词,请学生读一读)Look, whats this? Read it, please. Now, listen to the tape. Tick the word that your hear. Are you ready?

Teacher: Show me your answer, please.


4. 比较闭音节中a的发音及开音节中的a的发音,练习使用发音规则拼读单词。

Teacher:This iscat. What is the sound of a? Yes, its /æ/. Look at my mouth, /æ/. How to read this word? (依次出示dad, hat, cap, map, have, black)What is the sound of a in these words? Yes, /æ/. Is it the same? What is it? Its cake. The sound of a is //. Read these words, please. (出示cake, date, hate, face, name, make 等单词)What do you find from these words? They all have an a. They all have an e at the end of them. We call it open syllable(开音节)In this syllable, a sounds / /.


5. 出示更多的单词,请学生按照语音规则分一分类,读一读。

Teacher:Can you read these words? Have a try, please. (依次呈现date, gate, game, lake, late, plate, plane, snake, grape, Kate等单词,请学生尝试读一读)

Teacher: What about these words? Read them, please. (依次呈现mad, bat, bag, can, Sam, max, fan等单词,请学生尝试读一读)


6. 完成Listen, circle and write活动。

Teacher:Now please look at these pictures. Below them, there is a and a-e. Listen to the tape. If the word is like cat, please circle a. if the word is like cake, please circle a-e. And you should write the word. Are you ready? Listen carefully.

Teacher: Show me your answer, please.


µStep 5 Summary

1. 播放韵句,学生齐说韵句。

Teacher: Lets listen to the chant again.

Teacher: Lets say the chant together.




(    ) 1. c__p   A. u    B. o     C. a

(    ) 2. c__ke  A. e    B. a      C. i

(    ) 3. fa__e  A. a     B. u     C. c

(    ) 4. na__e  A. m    B. n     C. t


(    ) 1. cake     make        (    ) 2. cat    date

(    ) 3. dad      hat         (    ) 4. map    cat

(    ) 5. date     hat          (    )6. face    cake


My n______ is Jake. Im a boy. I like to eat c_____. And I can m_____ a cake.

My n____ is Kate. Look at my f____. I have big eyes. This is my h___ on my head.


一、1.C 2. B 3. C 4. A

二、1.√ 2.× 3.√ 4.√ 5.× 6.√

三、name, cake, make, name, face, hat


Unit One My classroom

A. Lets spell

a  cake     face    name     make

a  cat      dad     hat       map






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