# These scientists have already been recognized by last year's Lasker Award, it's just a matter of time for them to receive the Nobel Prize.
# Prof. Rao is prescient to list Bob Horvitz as the only certain Nobel laureate in apoptosis research. Given the principle of recognizing only pioneers, I thought the 3 recipients might have been John Kerr, Andrew Wyllie, and Bob Horvitz (The senior author of the classic 1972 Kerr/Wyllie/Currie paper, Prof. Alastair Currie, passed away in 1994). The other names won't qualify as pioneers. Prof. Xiaodong Wang's discovery of cytochrome c and other key components of the apoptosome was the watershed event in the field, but it is very unlikely that there will be another prize for the biochemical mechanisms of apoptosis. At the end of the day, I think the Nobel Committee did a good job to circumvent the problem by awarding the study of C. elegans as a successful model organism. The Brenner-Sulston-Horvitz combination makes sense.
Elizabeth Blackburn(美国旧金山加州大学UCSF)和Carol Greider(美国霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins),端粒子和端粒酶,Blackburn主要发现在UC Berkeley做,Greider那时是她的学生。另外有复旦的留学生余国良在Blackburn实验室做过一些早期工作。
# Discoveries made by Mark Ptashne and Bob Tjian might not reach the threshold of a Nobel prize. Prof. Rao’s prediction for Blackburn & Greider is very solid, but I’d like to add the name Jack Szostak as the co-discoverer of telomerase.
# It'll be very difficult for the field of ion channels to win a Nobel prize, just too controversial to narrow down to 3 pioneers.
# The chance is very slim for the RFLP method to win a Nobel, PCR markers and radiation hybrid technique had much greater impact. After the award for PCR in 1993, RFLP's time window was also closed.
# In the spirit of Alfred Nobel’s will, an engineering project like Human Genome Project (HGP) should never be awarded a prize unless there was a major scientific breakthrough or an important invention during the process.
# The GFP technology and in vivo calcium imaging have revolutionized biological research, but it may take the Nobel Committee quite some time to award these works.
# For tumor suppressor gene (TSG) research to be awarded, Knudson and Weinberg would be a good combination. Knudson was a pioneer to study retinoblastoma and Weinberg's lab cloned the Rb gene in 1986. W.H. Lee's paper was published in 1987. Bert Vogelstein may or may not be included, I'll say more likely not for two reasons: (1) Although Arnold Levine's original work on p53 had errors, he's still recognized the pioneer of the p53 discovery. Given the time precedence of Rb cloning, the Nobel Committee might pass over p53; (2) Vogelstein's lab has a Varmus-like co-PI Ken Kinzler, this might also complicate the picture of narrowing down to 3 laureates.
# Animal cloning is too early to be considered a Nobel prize.
# If I remember correctly, the discovery of MHC has already been awarded a Nobel. Why another one for the structure of MHC? Membrane proteins are difficult to crystalize, but pioneering structural determination of the photosynthetic center has already been awarded. So I don't think this area has a fair chance.
# No way for PKC and IP3 to be awarded after several prizes have already covered the field of signal transduction.
Aaron Ciechanover(以色列工学院Technion),Avram Hershko(以色列工学院Technion),Alexander Varshavsky(美国加州理工学院Caltech),发现蛋白质降解的生物化学机理。
# The field of ubiquitin and proteasome is very close to my heart! Based on my personal bias (my Ph.D. thesis was on small ubiquitin-like proteins), I wish a ubiquitin Nobel will happen soon, most likely as a Chemistry prize.
# Judah Folkman is a trail-blazing pioneer, he deserves to be the sole winner of a Medicine Nobel Prize!
# It is always regrettable to see Benzer passed over by the Nobel Committee, he did some elegant classical genetic experiments in bacteriophage. As the mentor of L.Y. Jan and Y.N. Jan (Prof. Rao's Ph.D. thesis advisor), Benzer also made significant contributions to behavioral neuroscience.
16Marc Raichle(美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学Washington University),用正电子扫描(PET scan)做活体人影像检测,可能和发明改进fMRI(“功能性核磁共振”,或称“功能性磁共振影像”)的人合得。他们的工作是生物医学影像的重要发展。
# MRI surely deserves a Nobel prize someday given the fact that CT was awarded more than 20 years ago. I’m not quite sure about PET scan, whose importance is clearly lower than CT or MRI.
# I don’t think the mere discovery of a new virus deserves a Nobel prize, plus Bob Gallo is a controversial figure. If someone find a way to cure AIDS or develop an HIV vaccine someday, then he or she should be awarded.
Tim Bliss(英国)和Terje Lomo(挪威),发现长期性增强作用(LTP),推动高等动物学习记忆研究。这项奖,受Eric Kandel近年刚因为研究低等动物(海兔)学习记忆得奖而可能推后。
# Paul Berg already shared the 1980 Chemistry Nobel for his work related to recombinant DNA. Although I think Boyer & Cohen deserve a separate Medicine prize, the writing is on the wall that the Nobel Committee already moved on from the topic of recombinant DNA.
# There was an intriguing story behind the Pert-Snyder controversy, interested observers might enjoy reading Robert Kanigel’s 1986 book “Apprentice to Genius” for more details. I have to say the chance for this area has already been passed due to many political reasons, we should simply forget it.
Apprentice to Genius(英文原版和中文译本的封面)
# RNAi is very hot right now, but antisense RNA showed conceptual similarity. It is very difficult to make a prediction in this area, we need the test of time. But if RNAi gets recognized by the Nobel Committee in the future, I think Ken Kemphues won’t share the prize as he missed the opportunity of pursuing why the “negative control” sense strand in Su Guo’s antisense experiment also showed knockdown activity.
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