
【复活节】Creepy Easter Bunnies Are Creepy

大牛 Culturalbility 2019-11-29

Happy Easter everyone! 

As with all other holidays around the world, Easter has its fair share of strange holiday traditions. One famed custom is for children of all ages to get their photos taken with the Easter Bunny.

For those who don't know, the Easter Bunny is a folkloric figure and longtime symbol of Easter, typically depicted as a cute little rabbit bringing Easter eggs and Easter candy in its Easter basket to all the well-behaved children of the world wearing their Easter bonnets.

But over the years, people seem to have forgotten what a cute rabbit is supposed to look like.

WARNING: What you're about to see is not for the faint of heart.

Don't say we didn't warn you...

Sweet dreams! And in the comments below, let us know which Easter Bunny you'd like YOUR photo taken with~~

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