

2017-08-10 外交部 翻吧


Q: Is there any foreign national injured in the earthquake that hit Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan on August 8?



A: According to preliminary information gathered, several foreign nationals were slightly injured and have been sent to the local hospital for treatment. The Chinese side has notified the relevant countries of the relevant situation. At present, the relevant local authorities are making their utmost efforts to evacuate the Chinese and foreign tourists stranded in the scenic spot in an orderly way.




Q: The Japanese government approved a new defense white paper on August 8which once again laid accusations on China's defense policies and military activities. What is your comment?



A: In disregard of facts and harping on the same string, Japan's new defense white paper once again made groundless accusations against China's normal defense and military activities, made irresponsible remarks on China's maritime activities and tried to stir up troubles on the South China Sea issue. China is strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposed to that and has lodged serious representations with the Japanese side.



I would like to stress that the Chinese government is determined in safeguarding the nation's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. It is our inherent rights to patrol and enforce law in territorial waters off Diaoyu Dao, on which Japan has no right to make irresponsible remarks. It is beyond reproach for China to carry out normal activities in the air and on the sea pursuant to international law, domestic laws and regulations and defense development needs. In carrying out necessary and appropriate facility construction on parts of the islands and reefs of Nansha Islands, China is exercising the legitimate rights that a sovereign state is entitled to under international law. It has nothing to do with "militarization", still less will it pose any threat to regional security. With the concerted efforts of regional countries, the current situation in the South China Sea has been stabilized and cooled down. Meanwhile, China and ASEAN countries are focusing on stepping up cooperation, promoting comprehensive and effective implementation of the DOC and jointly working out regional rules. Various parities have fully affirmed the positive and sound momentum of the current situation in the South China Sea, and the foreign ministers of China and ASEAN countries have approved the framework of the COC and highly commended the hotline among senior officials of foreign ministries and other early harvests. We hope the Japanese side to respect the efforts by China and ASEAN countries to uphold peace and stability in the South China Sea, stop hyping up and intervening in the South China Sea issue and play a more constructive role in promoting regional peace and stability.



In recent years, Japan has been overhauling its military and security policies and attempting to justify its military buildup and amending of constitution by exaggerating security threats in the neighborhood, which has garnered wide attention from regional countries and the international community. We urge the Japanese side to learn from history, stick to the path of peaceful development, watch its words and actions in the military and security fields, and contribute to enhancing mutual political and security trust between China and Japan and maintaining regional peace and stability, instead of the opposite.










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