Q: Director-General Zhao Bentang of theDepartment of Latin American and Caribbean Affairs of the Ministry of ForeignAffairs of China will meet with his Russian counterpart Shchetinin AleksanderValentinovich and hold relevant consultation in Beijing on February 26. Whatwould be the main topics of their consultation?
A: As part of the consultation mechanismbetween the two foreign ministries, the China-Russia consultation on LatinAmerican affairs has been held for ten rounds since 2001, contributing tobetter mutual understanding and China-Latin America and Russia-Latin Americaties. The two sides agreed at the last round of consultation to hold the 11thround in Beijing in the near term to exchange views on the situation in LatinAmerica, China-Latin America and Russia-Latin America relations. BesidesRussia, China also has such kind of consultation mechanism on Latin Americanaffairs with the ROK, Japan and the US.
Q: According to a US website, duringPresident Trump's visit to China last year, a scuffle broke out between Chineseand US security officials. Can you confirm this and what is your comment?
A: We have taken note of this report. Iknow that the relevant authority on the US side has clarified the situation,saying that the report is false.
I want to point out that President Trump'sstate visit to China last November was a great success. The working teams ofthe two sides closely communicated and coordinated with each other in afriendly and highly effective way before and during the visit. The two sidesare quite satisfied with each other's work.
Q: According to reports, on February 22,French President Emmanuel Macron promised that he is going to take measures toprevent foreign investors from buying French farms, and these measures arerelated to concerns that Chinese businesses are purchasing French agriculturalland at cheap prices. What is your response to that?
A: I am not aware of the specifics of therelevant business cooperation. The Chinese government always asks itsenterprises to observe laws and regulations when expanding markets overseas. Wealso hope that the relevant party could provide an enabling environment and alevel-playing field for Chinese enterprises' investments and operations thereand contribute to the sound development of bilateral economic cooperation andtrade.
Q: According to reports, theChina-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan highway will open to traffic on February 25. Canyou give us more details?
A:China, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistansuccessfully carried out a trial operation of the International Road Transportof Goods along the route Tashkent-Andijan-Osh-Irkeshtam-Kashgar from October 30to November 1, 2017. Based on that, the three parties plan to officially putthe International Road Transport of Goods into operation within this month andare stepping up efforts to achieve that.
The China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan highway isan important connectivity project for this region. China would like to take thisopportunity to enhance its transportation cooperation with Kyrgyzstan andUzbekistan so that the Belt and Road Initiative would deliver more tangiblebenefits.
Q: According to the Reuters, a senior USofficial said that Australia, the United States, India and Japan are talkingabout establishing a joint regional infrastructure scheme as an alternative toChina's Belt and Road Initiative. What is your comment?
A: The Belt and Road Initiative proposed byChina is meant to realize development for all by strengthening infrastructureand connectivity and fully tapping into the growth potential of all economies.Following the principle of shared benefits through extensive consultation andjoint contribution since its inception five years ago, the Belt and Road Initiativehas achieved fruitful outcomes in its pursuit for win-win results. With itspositive effects felt so extensively, this Initiative has won widespreadpopularity. When representatives from more than 140 countries gathered inBeijing for the International Cooperation Forum of the Belt and Road Initiativein May, 2017, it was clear that this Initiative had won the vote of confidencefrom the international community.
We have said many times that any country,as long as they share the same principle and vision, could take part in thisopen and inclusive initiative if they want to, including those mentioned byyou.
One last point I want to make is thatinfrastructure is an important driving force for economic development. Wewelcome larger inputs into the infrastructure field from other countries. Allcountries should strengthen such kind of international cooperation under theprinciple of openness, inclusiveness and mutually beneficial cooperation so asto promote regional and global economic development for the benefit of all.