
Moot Shanghai 2021 | 好久不见,甚是想念

法律竞赛 2022-03-20

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Moot Shanghai 介绍

Moot Shanghai国际模拟商事仲裁庭上海邀请赛是Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot(简称“Vis Moot”)的预赛之一,也是中国大陆唯一一个邀请外国队伍参赛的模拟仲裁比赛。第十一届Moot Shanghai将于3月8日至12日上海及线上举办,并吸引了来自全球11个法域60支知名院校的400多名学生正式参赛。



由于新冠疫情对各国参赛队伍的持续影响,本次的Moot Shanghai将以线上+线下结合的方式举办。赛事将使用第28届Vis Moot的案件素材。比赛采用模拟商事仲裁的形式,参赛队伍将担任案件中申请人被申请人代理律师,根据联合国国际货物销售合同公约和瑞士国际仲裁规则,就产生于国际贸易主体间的国际货物买卖合同争议展开辩论本届赛事所使用的案例基于购买许可协议,聚焦新冠疫苗的研发与销售,探讨了全球疫情背景下线上仲裁和知识产权担保责任等热门话题


About Moot Shanghai

Moot Shanghai is one of the official pre-moots of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (“Vis Moot”). It is also the only moot in China (except for Hong Kong SAR) that invites international participants. The 11th annual will be held in hybrid mode from March 8-12. Over 400 students from 60 leading education institutions in 11 jurisdictions are registered to this year’s competition. 

The competition is organized by East China University of Political Science and Law and Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, and it is co-organized by Shanghai International Arbitration Center and The International Chamber of Commerce Court of Arbitration. The competition is supported by UNCITRAL Regional Center of Asia and Pacific, Shanghai Bar Association, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, China Academy of Arbitration Law, Singapore International Arbitration Centre, Korean Commercial Arbitration Board, and China Legal Education and Career Seminar Series. Moot Shanghai 2021 is sponsored byDahui Lawyers and T&C Law Firm. It is hosted by Adaltys, Hui Ye Law Firm, Dentons, Fangda Partners, King&Wood Mallesons, Junhe LLP, Jin Mao Law Firm, Tiantong Law Firm, YuandaWinston,and Zhong Lun Law Firm, who will host the general rounds.

The Competition

Due to the continued impact of the COVID-19 on participating teams from different countries, this year’s Moot Shanghai will be held in hybrid mode. Moot Shanghai 2021 will use the case materials of the 28th annual Vis Moot. Teams will take on the roles as counsels for Claimant and Respondent to an international commercial arbitration. They will submit on a dispute arising from an international sale of goods transaction under the framework of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (“CISG”) and the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration.This year’s case is based on a purchase and license agreement, and focuses on the development and sale of COVID-19 vaccines. It also involves the heated topics of virtual hearing and IP warranties in the context of the global epidemic.

The moot examines practical skills in dispute resolution. It simulates and tests all segments of an international arbitration advocacy, including procedural challenges and substantive arguments. Tribunals of three arbitrators, composed of attorneys, arbitrators, or business professionals, will hear the moot and evaluate the teams’ legal knowledge, advocacy skill, improvisation, and teamwork. The competition consists of a general round and an elimination round. The top 16 teams of the general round will advance into the elimination rounds.

Moot Shanghai 2021




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