

法律竞赛 法律竞赛 2022-03-20

Call for inputs: 

report on the role of PMSCs in humanitarian action

The Working Group welcomes submissions from States, civil society organizations, academics, international and inter-governmental organizations, national human rights institutions, private companies, individuals and any other concerned actors.


This thematic study on the role of PMSCs in humanitarian action will focus on the current trends, practices and human rights impacts of contracting private security services, as well as related regulations, monitoring and oversight mechanisms. On this basis, the Working Group hopes to formulate concrete, time-bound and actionable recommendations aiming to ensure that the human rights and IHL protection of all civilian populations in humanitarian contexts are guaranteed when PMSCs provide some form of support or assistance.

Scope of study and key questions

The Working Group welcomes any information deemed pertinent to the issue, and is particularly interested in the below mentioned areas.

While addressing the questions, please provide data, examples, good practices and recommendations to the extent available that you consider important in the context of this questionnaire, as well as any analysis on future developments in this area.

-  Current trends and developments

-  Regulatory frameworks and their application

-  Human rights and IHL impact of the use of PMSCs in humanitarian action


- Current trends and developments

1.Please provide information on the types, level and scale of services provided by PMSCs in humanitarian settings, whether contracted by States or non States actors, particularly with regard to:

2.What motivations, conditions and priorities inform the decisions of humanitarian actors to contract PMSCs (armed or unarmed) to support their work?

3.What precautions and measures do humanitarian actors take when contracting PMSC, if any?

4.What is the role of PMSCs contracted by international and regional organizations, including UN peace operations and other international or regional organizations (e.g., UN, EU, NATO, AU, Arab League)?

5.How did the needs of humanitarian actors evolve in recent decades prompting the recruitment of PMSCs, and what are the implications for humanitarian independence?

- Regulatory frameworks and their application

6.Please provide information on existing legislative, policy or other frameworks that regulate the use of PMSCs in humanitarian action. This can include for instance rules and procedures, contractual requirements, monitoring and oversight of contractual clauses and standards, and accountability mechanisms put into place to protect and safeguard against human rights violations by security service providers.

7.Please provide information or examples of performance-based contracts and performance assessments of private security providers involved in humanitarian action, incorporating human rights/IHL provisions and/or humanitarian principles.

- Human rights and IHL impact of the use of PMSCs in humanitarian action

8.How do IHL standards and humanitarian principles apply to PMSCs operating in humanitarian action, and what are the consequences for the protection of civilians?

9.What are the human rights/IHL implications for humanitarian actors contracting PMSCs to operate in humanitarian action, including in third countries?

10.Please provide information on allegations of human rights abuses by PMSCs in humanitarian contexts. This may include, for instance, acts in which PMSCs are reportedly directly responsible for, or acts that support the commission of violations and abuses by other actors.

11.What efforts have been undertaken to secure accountability for abuses and violations by PMSCs, and to provide effective remedies for victims?

How and where to submit inputs

Inputs may be sent via e-mail, and must be received by 9 March 2021. When submitting your reply, kindly indicate if you have any objections with regard to your reply being posted on this website.

E-mail address:


E-mail subject line:

Input for the report on cyber mercenaries of the WG on the use of mercenaries

Word limit:

No limit

File formats:

Accessible Word document

Accepted languages:

English, Français, Español


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