
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(76-79)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10

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Provincialising smart urbanism in Taipei: The smart city as a strategy for urban regime transition



I-Chun Catherine Chang(美国麦卡莱斯特学院)

Sue-Ching Jou (国立台湾大学)

Ming-Kuang Chung(国立台湾大学)



Abstract: The appeal of revolutionising urban governance through information technologies has prompted cities across the globe to pursue smart city initiatives. The mainstream scholarship on these initiatives has mostly focused on technology and corporate-led urban development, and it also often privileges the experience of cities in the global North. Nevertheless, this mainstream understanding of the smart city may obscure emerging new power dynamics and locally contextualised processes associated with smart urban development, especially in cities at the global periphery. Inspired by post-colonial theories, this article makes the case for ‘provincialising’ smart urbanism by dislodging technology from the centre of analysis, accentuating perspectives of cities outside the locations where the smart city knowledge is traditionally produced and attending to power relationships. In our case study of Taipei, this provincialising approach helps unveil various logics, intentionalities, assemblages and power dynamics through which the smart city is employed as a political strategy to facilitate urban regime transition. We argue that the current non-affiliated Ko administration exploits the veneer of technological superiority and political neutrality of its smart city agenda to set a new growth agenda, form new development coalitions, establish new institutions and incorporate rising populist momentum into policy-making. Focusing on the politics of being smart, our findings illustrate how smart city experiments reshape power dynamics and regime formation through reorganising actors and interest groups, reconfiguring government institutions, reallocating resource distribution and, in the end, bolstering governing legitimacy.




Keywords: provincialising, smart city, Taipei, urban regime transition


关键词:地方化, 智慧城市, 台北, 城市政体转型




New directions in transnational gentrification: Tourism-led, state-led and lifestyle-led urban transformations



Thomas Sigler(澳大利亚昆士兰大学)

David Wachsmuth(加拿大麦吉尔大学)



Abstract: Transnational gentrification is class-based neighbourhood change driven by relatively affluent international migrants. In contrast to the conventional globalisation narrative in which people are significantly more place-bound than capital flows, transnational gentrification suggests that a globally mobile capitalist class has been in large part responsible for rapid change in many urban neighbourhoods. Observations of transnational gentrification have accelerated over the past decade, with scholarly accounts reporting on cases in disparate locations – particularly those in Latin America and the Mediterranean with ‘charming’ old-world architecture, significant cultural amenity and rents below OECD averages. In this article we attribute transnational gentrification in the 21st century to three primary drivers: new forms of tourism and short-term rentals; state-led initiatives to revitalise urban neighbourhoods and catalyse economic activity; and lifestyle-driven migration and new forms of consumption. We argue that transnational gentrification is not simply an outcome of aglobalised ‘rent gap’ but instead a product of a new global residential imaginary coupled with enhanced possibilities for transnational mobility facilitated by digital platforms and state-led efforts to extract new forms of rent from particular neighbourhoods. We conclude by offering a number of potential avenues for future research, many of which resonate with key themes that emerged decades ago as gentrification first began to transform cities and urban policy.


摘要:跨国绅士化是由相对富裕的国际移民推动的、基于阶级的街区变化。传统的全球化叙事认为,人对地方的依恋远远超过资本,与此形成对比的是,跨国绅士化表明,全球流动的资本阶级是推动许多城市街区迅速变化的重要原因。过去十年来,学界对跨国绅士化的观察速度已经加快。学者们报告了不同地区的案例,特别是拉丁美洲和地中海地区的案例,这些地区拥有迷人的古老建筑、浓厚的文化氛围和低于经合组织 (OECD) 平均水平的租金。本文中将21世纪的跨国绅士化归结为三个主要驱动因素:新型旅游业和短期租赁;政府主导的振兴城市街区和促进经济活动的举措;以及生活方式移民和新的消费形式。我们认为,跨国绅士化並不是简单的全球化“租金差距”的结果,而是由新的全球居住理念与更便利的全球旅行共同造成的。而这种更便利的全球旅行又是由数字平台与政府举措共同推动的,政府通过这些举措,以新的形势从特定街区提取地租。最后,我们为未来的研究提供了一些潜在的路径,许多路径的灵感来自于几十年前、当城绅士化首次开始改变城市和城市政策时出现的重要主题。


Keywords: gentrification, housing, migration, neighbourhood, redevelopment, short-term rentals


关键词:绅士化, 住房, 移民, 街区, 重建, 短期租金



Why does everyone think cities can save the planet?



Hillary Angelo(美国加州大学圣克鲁斯分校)

David Wachsmuth(加拿大麦吉尔大学)


Abstract: This article identifies and explains an underlying transition in global urban policy and discourse from the city as a sustainability problem to the city as a sustainability solution. We argue that contemporary policy discourses of cities saving the planet should be understood in the context of three major historical developments which have their roots in the 1970s and which intensified throughout the 1990s. The first is sprawl: the urban sustainability policyagenda in the Global North has been in large part a reaction to several decades of urban expansion and car-based planning. The second is informal settlements: since the introduction of UN-HABITAT in 1978, an international policy agenda has formed around addressing the environmental deficits associated with processes of informal urbanisation above all in the Global South. And the third is climate change, as the overarching concern that connects urban-environmental problems and policies in the North and South. We then contextualise the articles in this special issue by outlining a new research agenda for decoding the notion that cities can save the planet, which emphasises the need for an historical, multi-spatial, political and representational analysis of urban sustainability thinking and policy.


摘要:本文识别并解释全球城市政策和话语的一个潜在转变,即,城市从一个可持续性问题变成了一个可持续性解决方案。我们认为,当代关于城市拯救地球的政策论述应该在三大历史发展背景下理解,这三大历史发展根源于1970年代,并在整个1990年代得到强化。第一个历史发展是城市蔓延:全球北方的城市可持续发展政策议程在很大程度上是对几十年的城市扩张和基于私家车的规划的回应。第二个历史背景是非正规住区:自联合国人居署 (UN-HABITAT) 于1978年成立以来,围绕解决与非正规城市化进程相关的环境赤字(首先是在全球南方)形成了一个国际政策议程。第三个历史背景是气候变化,它是连接北方和南方城市环境问题和政策的首要问题。然后,我们概述了一个新的研究议程来解读“城市可以拯救地球”的概念,强调需要对城市可持续发展的思想和政策进行历史的、多空间的、政治的和代表性的分析,从而将这些文章置于本期特刊的背景中。


Keywords: informal settlements, sprawl, climate change, urban sustainability


关键词:非正规住区, 蔓延, 气候变化, 城市可持续性



Flows in formation: The global-urban networks of climate change adaptation



Kian Goh(美国加州大学洛杉矶分校)



Abstract: As climate change threats to urban centres become more alarming, cities are proposingambitious plans to adapt to climate impacts. These plans are increasinglysubsumed within urban development projects, and embedded in global flows ofcapital and networks of environmental governance and planning. And yet, scholarship on urban adaptation has tended to approach the city as ananalytically bounded territory, neglecting interconnections across space and processes of globalisation, urbanisation, and geopolitics. This paper extends theories of relational geographies to explore the emerging conditions of urban adaptation in the context of climate change and globalised urban development. Focusing on the global links of Dutch water expertise, and tracing relationships within and between Rotterdam, New York, and Jakarta, it illustrates the formation of global-urban networks – the multiscalar, multilevel connections through which capital, knowledge, and influence flow. It probes the ways in which these networks emerge to mobilise ideas and influence across geographical scales and political boundaries, driven and defined by interrelated factors including economic relationships, historically defined situational relationships, and interface conditions including narratives of culture and environmental urgency. The paper introduces the concept of ‘network formation’ to see and understand such interconnected, relational processes. It explains the spatial and temporal interconnections within and across sites, and the relationships between urban spatial projects and broader political economies and ecologies. The paper asserts the importance of conceptualising the relationships and interfaces of increasingly mobile and interconnected urban environmental futures.




Keywords: built environment, climate change, environment/sustainability, infrastructure, planning, theory, urban politics


关键词:建筑环境, 气候变化, 环境/可持续性, 基础设施, 规划, 理论, 城市政治



Urban Studies 论文快递:第七十六期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第七十七期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第七十八期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第七十九期

Urban Studies 文章精选(63-67)

Urban Studies 文章精选(68-71)

Urban Studies 文章精选(72-75)

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