
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(68-71)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10

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Proximity and the evolving knowledge polycentricity of megalopolitan science: Evidence from China’s Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, 1990–2016
Haitao Ma(中国科学院)
Yingcheng Li (东南大学)
Xiaodong Huang(华东师范大学)
Abstract: Despite the two key defining features of megalopolises as incubators and hinges in a globalising knowledge economy, how intercity knowledge flows could shape the polycentric structure of the science system of a megalopolis has only gained popularity in recent years. This study focuses on measuring and explaining the evolving knowledge polycentricity of the science system of China’s Greater Bay Area (GBA) megalopolis during the 1990–2016 period. Our empirical results are generally robust when we adopt different measurement approaches and draw upon different publication databases. Overall, the degrees of knowledge polycentricity at different geographical scales have been generally increasing during the study period, though with some fluctuations. Inaddition, the degree of knowledge polycentricity becomes smaller at higher geographical scales. The mechanisms behind the evolving knowledge polycentricity have been further investigated from the proximity perspective. The increasing geographical proximity, institutional proximity and social proximity between cities within and beyond the GBA megalopolis have contributed to the strengthening knowledge polycentricity of its science system at different geographical scales.
Keywords: knowledge collaboration, megalopolis, polycentricity, proximity, urban networks
关键词:知识协同, 超大城市, 多中心性, 邻近性, 城市网络

The future of the city centre: Urbanisation, transformation and resilience – a tale of two Newcastle cities



Robert J Rogerson(斯特拉斯克莱德大学)

Bob Giddings(英国诺森比亚大学)



Abstract: Recent debates over the content and theoretical orientation of urban studies act as a strong reminder that the nature and existence of the city as a form of spatial urban agglomeration is changing. They have acted positively as a heuristic to inspire critical analysis of urbanisation and helped to illuminate the considerable empirical variation over time and space in urban agglomeration forms. However, in shifting the focus onto the planetary reach of urbanisation, such debates risk deflecting attention away from the city core at a time when it too is being subjected to transformation. The city centre has been taken for granted as critical attention has been given to the impact of development and enterprise in extending the city outwards. The recent proliferation of publicand policy interest in the future of the city centre as the archetypal expression of urban agglomeration has not been matched by similar growth in academic and theoretical accounts of its transformation. Drawing on the examples of two city centres, and placing them in the context of the recent debates of urban agglomeration theory, this article seeks to initiate deeper analysis and dialogue about the future of the urban core, including how it is being articulated and by whom. It argues for a greater analytic understanding of the ways in which the city centre as a physical and emotional entity has been so resilient, and advocates for stronger engagement with initiatives seeking to reactivate the city centre as a crucial epicentre of urban agglomeration.




Keywords: planning, policy, redevelopment, regeneration, theory, urban studies


关键词:规划, 政策, 再开发, 更新, 理论, 城市研究



Governing for and through harmonious community: The emergence of moral clinics in China



Shaoying Zhang(上海政法学院)

Derek McGhee(英国基尔大学)



Abstract: In this article, we advocate the adoption of ‘more temporal and processual characters’ to understand contemporary community governance in China. We show that communities in China are seen both as producing moral problems and as being the solutions to these problems. Furthermore, we argue that the establishment of the moral clinic provides an alternative to neoliberal ways of self-governance. In the article, we present moral clinics as a new form of community self-governance whose aim is to achieve a complex balance between various conflicts in the context of China’s unprecedented urbanisation in the name of governing for and through community harmony. Through examining the establishment of moral clinics, we expose how the relationship between the moral ‘hospitalisation’ of society and the socialisation of individuals can be understood in new ways. We argue that the institutionalisation of this ‘moral work’ is a strategy based on old techniques of Chinese traditional medicine that are being enhanced by modern organisational settings. In addition, we examine the micropolitics of the moral clinic through exposing the power relations behind its structural design, and especially its links with the state.




Keywords: agglomeration/urbanisation, Chinese traditional medicine, community, governance, local government, moral clinics, public space


关键词:集聚/城市化, 中医药, 社区, 治理, 地方政府, 道德诊所, 公共空间



Emerging problematics of deregulating the urban: The case of permitted development in England



Jessica Ferm (英国伦敦大学学院)

Ben Clifford (英国伦敦大学学院)

Patricia Canelas (英国伦敦大学学院)

Nicola Livingstone (英国伦敦大学学院)



Abstract: Urban planning systems, processes and regulations are often blamed – by many mainstream economists – for constraining the supply of housing by interfering with the efficient allocation of land by the market and unnecessarily delaying development. In England, this orthodox view has influenced the government’s deregulatory planning reforms, including – since 2013 – the removal of the requirement for developers to apply for planning permission for the conversion of an office building to a residential one (making it ‘permitted development’). Drawing on original empirical research in five local authority areas in England, this article examines the impacts of this deregulation of planning control on the ground. We find that, although more housing units have been delivered than were expected, a focus on housing numbers is eclipsing problems of housing quality, the type of housing being made available and whether it is in sustainable locations. There are also costs of deregulating planning, including direct financial costs and the lost opportunity to secure affordable housing and public infrastructure through planning gain. We conclude by examining the contradictions in the UK government’s approach to addressing the housing crisis and propose there are dangers of deregulating the urban that have consequences for England and other countries pursuing neoliberal reforms.




Keywords: change of use, deregulation, housing, permitted development, planning


关键词:改变用途, 放松管制, 住房, 许可开发, 规划



Urban volumetrics: From vertical to volumetric urbanisation and its extensions to empirical morphological analysis



Gerhard JB Bruyns (香港浸会大学)

Christopher D Higgins U(加拿大多伦多大学士嘉堡分校)

Darren H Nel(香港浸会大学)



Abstract: While cities have become gradually more vertical and complex over the past century, our methods for conceptualising their characteristics and measuring their forms and functions are still largely based in a horizontal mindset. Recent work has sought to shift urban discourse towards understanding cities according to their volumetric properties. Moving the debate further, this paper approaches volumetric urbanism from a morphological perspective, setting out aresearch agenda that operationalises the concept as a means of better capturing the morphological characteristics of cities as volumetric entities. First, we deconstruct volumetric urbanism into the five basic building blocks that define volumetric morphologies: density, functional mix, compaction and compression, complex networks and interaction intensity. Next, we propose two methods for capturing the urban volumetrics of cities based on spatial and network interaction and apply them to a hypothetical case and a preliminary study of Hong Kong. We conclude by arguing that a volumetric approach is required to capture the complex form of compressed, multi-layered and highly connected cities. In response, urban morphological and planning discourses must move away from the horizontal analytical mindset, embrace a multi-layered three-dimensional view of cities and place greater emphasis on spatial configurations and network relations by measuring interaction.




Keywords: network analysis, spatial analysis, urban form, urban morphology, urban volumetrics


关键词:网络分析, 空间分析, 城市形式, 城市形态, 城市容积



Urban Studies 论文快递:第六十八期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第六十九期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第七十期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第七十一期

Urban Studies 文章精选(57-60)
Urban Studies 文章精选(61-62+第二季度编辑优选)
Urban Studies 文章精选(63-67)

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