
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(57-60)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10
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Neighbourhood effects in cross-Atlantic perspective: A longitudinal analysis of impacts on intergenerational mobility in the USA and Germany



Junia Howell(美国匹兹堡大学) 

首次出版时间:2018/10/24|2019年Urban Studies最佳论文候选作品


Abstract: Research in the USA provides evidence that neighbourhood conditions affect intergenerational mobility. However, what remains unclear is the extent to which the US context is unique in producing this influence. To examine this question, the present study directly compares neighbourhood effects on intergenerational mobility in the USA versus those in Germany – a country whose housing market and social welfare policies differ significantly from those in the USA. Results provide a blueprint for conducting cross-national neighbourhood effects studies and illuminate how the nature and severity of neighbourhood effects are nationally specific. These findings underscore the importance of considering how broader political contexts shape neighbourhood effects on intergenerational mobility – a consideration that has implications for proposed policy interventions.




Keywords: cross-national comparison, Germany, income mobility, neighbourhood effects, USA


关键词:跨国比较, 德国, 收入流动性, 社区效应, 美国



Inter-generational housing inequalities: ‘Baby Boomers’ versus the ‘Millennials’
Jennifer Hoolachan(英国卡迪夫大学)
Kim McKee(英国圣安德鲁斯大学) 
首次出版时间:2018/7/3|2019年Urban Studies最佳论文候选作品

Abstract: In contrast to the post-war period, the late 20th and early 21st centuries in the UK have been characterised by the advancement of neoliberal policies including privatisation of the housing system and employment casualisation. Consequently, there are growing socioeconomic inequalities between those born in the post-war period – the ‘Baby Boomers’ – and the younger generation – the ‘Millennials’. Such inequalities have led to narratives of inter-generational conflict with Baby Boomers framed as jeopardising the futures of Millennials. Drawing on Mannheim’s theory of social generations, the concept of generational habitus and qualitative data from 49 Baby Boomers and 62 Millennials, we unpack the ways in which inter-generational inequalities are intersubjectively understood and discussed. Our data indicate that while young people are aware of inter-generational inequalities, they do not feel resentful towards their parents’ generation for profiting at their expense. Instead, many blame the government for not representing their interests. Thus, narratives of inter-generational conflict misleadingly direct blame towards the agency of Baby Boomers rather than political structures.
Keywords: Baby Boom, generation, generational habitus, housing, Millennial, youth
关键词:婴儿潮, 世代, 世代习惯, 住房, 千禧年, 年轻人


Land in urban debates: Unpacking the grab–development dichotomy



Femkevan Noorloos(乌特勒支大学)

Christien Klaufus(阿姆斯特丹大学)

Griet Steel(乌特勒支大学) 

首次出版时间:2018/9/11|2019年Urban Studies最佳论文候选作品


Abstract: On the heels of the rural ‘land grab’ debate, the ongoing urban transition combined with large-scale urban infrastructure investments and land scarcity forces us to also pay more attention to issues of land in urban discussions. Yet how can we conceptualise land-related problems in order to connect and integrate rural and urban debates in overarching discussions of development? In this commentary, we argue for moving beyond the directly visible outcomes and presumed ‘culprits’ of land investments by critically analysing indirect and long-term effects of land acquisitions on people’s livelihoods as well as the differentiation of these effects for different actors. We propose three specific arguments to disentangle the grab–development dichotomy: 1) placing a focus on the sequential chain of effects of displacement; 2) paying more attention to the ambivalent roles and contradictory interests of different actors; and 3) taking the three-dimensional aspects of land development into account.




Keywords: development, displacement, exclusion, gentrification, land grab, land investments, land use, poverty, redevelopment, regeneration

关键词:发展, 拆迁, 排斥, 绅士化, 抢地, 土地投资, 土地使用, 贫困, 再开发, 再生


Global expertise, local convincing power: Management consultants and preserving the entrepreneurial city


Anne Vogelpoh(汉堡大学)

首次出版时间:2018/6/11|2019年Urban Studies最佳论文候选作品

Abstract: The advice of management consultancies on urban policy is particularly influential in moments of crisis involving entrepreneurial principles. As global experts, management consultants appear as appropriate assistants for steering growth-oriented, competitive urban development. In order to show how consultants turn the urban into an entrepreneurial project to be managed, I discuss the literature on urban policy and consultants then examine the activities of private management consultancies in six German cities. Empirically, I first explore the specificities of urban policy advice given by globally operating consultancies (their methodological approach and the projectisation of the urban; global networks and comparative–competitive thinking; fast databases; reputation; externality). Second, I critically reflect on how the consultants’ advice is fundamentally reshaped by localactors in the process of policy making (through participation, appropriation, slowdown and politicisation). The paper thus critically evaluates the rise of expertise–policy relations and calls attention to mechanisms for patching the fractures of the entrepreneurial city.



Keywords: comparative urban studies, globalisation, governance, local government, management consultants, policy 

关键词:比较城市研究, 全球化, 治理, 地方政府, 管理顾问, 政策



Urban Studies 论文快递:第五十七期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第五十八期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第五十九期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第六十期


Urban Studies 文章精选(44-48)

Urban Studies 文章精选(49-51+第一季度编辑优选)
Urban Studies 文章精选(52-56)


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