
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(49-51+第一季度编辑优选)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10
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Temporary use of space: Urban processes between flexibility, opportunity and precarity
Ali Madanipour(纽卡斯尔大学,英国)
Abstract: The temporary use of privately-owned, empty space has been advocated by some as economically sensible and socially progressive, making use of unproductive and empty spaces by providing access to space for those who are otherwise unable to obtain it. The article critically examines this concept, arguing that the temporary use of space should be analysed as part of the urban development process with its temporal and spatial fluctuations and its multivalent outcomes. It investigates the production of empty space and the temporary use of space as a space of opportunity and a flexible method of production. By drawing on the case of Chesterfield House in London, in the context of the British response to the global financial crisis, the temporary use of space is shown to be a moment in a complex process, offering some opportunities, but also revealing the brevity of this moment and the precarity of its users. Beyond the realm of necessity, it may be transformed into a cultural choice, a lubricant of urban development and a medium of social change, signifying a space of opportunity for some and vulnerability for others.


Keywords: flexibility, opportunity, precarity, spatialproduction, temporary urbanism

关键词:灵活性, 机遇, 不稳定, 空间生产, 临时都市主义



The data-technology nexus in South African secondary cities: The challenges to smart governance
Rushil Ranchod(巴斯大学,英国)

Abstract: This article focuses on two critical and intersecting issues on the global urban agenda: the growing importance of secondary cities in urban development policies, and the proliferation of digital technologies and data to support smart urban governance. This article contends that smart governance is a critical factor in urban technological transformation processes. Smart governance aims at improving urban management through enhanced data-informed decision-making and the commensurate inclusion and participation of civicactors in this process. Drawing on interviews with administrators in three South African secondary cities, the analysis highlights the complex challenges that limit the effective inculcation of smart governance practices in these cities. It focuses specifically on the strategic, organisational and political challenges of municipal administrations, and the obstacles to effective interaction between key actors in developing an effective municipal data-technology ecosystem. In doing so, this article contributes new insights into enhanced governance practices in smartening secondary cities; it initiatesa critical inquiry on the uneven ways these small, less resourced and socio-economically contentious cities negotiate complex social, administrative and political dynamics in incipient processes of urban smartening.
Keywords: data, secondary cities, smart cities, smart governance, South Africa

关键词:数据, 二线城市, 智慧城市, 智慧治理, 南非


What’s so special about character?
Mario A. Fernandez(奥克兰议会,新西兰)
Shane L. Martin(奥克兰议会,新西兰)
Abstract: Special Character Areas (SCAs) in Auckland, New Zealand, are areas with distinctive aesthetic, physical and visual qualities. Preservation policies entail controls on the design and appearance of new buildings, and on demolition, additions and alterations to existing buildings. To promote densification of the city, the Auckland Unitary Plan (AUP) removed SCA preservation rules in certain areas. This article assesses the trade-off between SCA preservation and housing development. We employ hedonic prices models to about 85,000 sale transactions between 2012 and 2016 and find that in 2012, the SCA price premium was 11.4% whereas the premium on upzoned properties (those with increased development allowances under the AUP) was zero. Over time, the SCA premium decreases, and by 2016 it was down to about 4.3%. At the same time, upzoning premiums increased to about 5% in 2016. These results reveal a demand shift from the protections of SCA towards flexibility on the development options of land.
Keywords: builtenvironment, economic processes, land use, planning, policy, special character areas, substitutability

关键词:建筑环境, 经济过程, 土地使用, 规划, 政策, 特色区域, 可替代性


Informal urbanism and the Internet of Things: Reliability, trust and the reconfiguration of infrastructure

Joseph Chambers(曼切斯特大学,英国)
James Evans(曼切斯特大学,英国)
Abstract: Of the build out of humanity predicted up to the end of the century, a substantial portion will occur within informal urban settlements – areas characterised by poor access to infrastructure and services. There is a pressing need to better understand how and with what implications the growing proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, as a component of smart urbanism, are being applied to address the challenges ofthese areas. The following paper addresses this research gap, showing how IoT technology is reconfiguring trust within water and energy infrastructures in Nairobi. We apply work on informal urban infrastructures and smart urbanism to three case studies, producing novel insights into how IoT technologies reconfigure connections between users, providers and infrastructures. This reconfiguration of trust smooths chronic infrastructural uncertainties and generates reliability within informal settlements and, in doing so, leads to increased personal economies. We conclude by considering how these examples provide insights into the implications of IoT for everyday urbanisms in informal settlements and how these insights relate to global smart city debates more widely.
Keywords: informality, smart urbanism, Internet of Things, infrastructure, Africa

关键词:非正规性, 智慧城市化, 物联网, 基础设施, 非洲


Urban Studies 论文快递:第四十九期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第五十期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第五十一期

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