
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(38-40)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10
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Transfer-based decentralisation, economic growth and spatial inequality: Evidence from China’s 2002–2003 tax sharing reform
Fan Fan(中国人民大学,中国)
Ming Li(宾夕法尼亚大学,美国)
Ran Tao(中国人民大学,中国)
Dali Yang(芝加哥大学,美国)
Abstract: China has adopted a transfer-based fiscal decentralisation scheme since the mid-1990s. In the 1994 tax sharing reform, the central government significantly raised its share of government revenue vis-à-vis local governments by taking most of the newly created value-added tax on manufacturing. One aim for the adoption of the transfer-based fiscal scheme was to channel more funds to less developed regions and rural areas, and to alleviate growing interregional inequality and urban–rural income disparity. In 2002 and 2003 the Chinese central government further grabbed 50% and 60%, respectively, of the income taxes previously assigned only to local governments while providing more fiscal transfers to the country’s poor regions and the countryside. Utilising the 2002–2003 change in China’s central–local tax sharing regime as an exogenous policy shock, we employ a Simulated Instrumental Variable approach to causally evaluate the effects of the policy shock on growth, interregional inequality and urban–rural disparity. We find the lower local tax share dis-incentivised local governments and led to lower growth. Although higher central transfers helped to reduce interregional inequalities in per capita GDP and per capita income, the equalising effects were only present for urban incomes. We argue that transfer-based decentralisation without bottom-up accountability was detrimental to economic growth and had limited impact on income redistribution.

Keywords: economic growth, income inequality, local accountability, transfer-based decentralisation

关键词:经济增长, 收入不平等, 地方问责制, 基于转移的财政分权

Convivial encounters: Conditions for the urban social inclusion of people with intellectual and psychiatric disabilities
Femmianne Bredewold(University of Humanistic Studies,荷兰)
Alke Haarsma(University of Applied Sciences Zwolle,荷兰)
Evelien Tonkens(University of Humanistic Studies,荷兰)
Marja Jager(University of Applied Sciences Viaa,荷兰)
首次出版时间:2019/9/25 | 研究论文
Abstract: Recent work has pointed to the importance for their social inclusion of convivial encounters between people with and without disabilities, but little is known about the spatial and social conditions of the places that encourage these encounters. This paper is concerned with public places that are conducive for convivial encounters between people with and without disabilities. Drawing on extensive participative observations of four community projects and 78 interviews with people visiting or working at these projects we investigated which elements in these places encourage ‘strangers’ to move frommerely co-presence to conviviality. Three conditions seem to be conducive, namely: (1) a shared purpose, (2) built-in boundaries, (3) freedom to (dis)engage. These conditions were beneficial for convivial encounters, but do not lead to friendship or long-term support. People engage in such contact because they can be sure that these contacts do not raise expectations oflong-term support or friendship.

Keywords: cohesion, community, deinstitutionalisation, diversity, neighbourhood, people with disabilities, politics, public space, segregation

关键词:凝聚力, 社区, 非制度化, 多样性, 街区, 残疾人, 政治, 公共空间, 隔离

Lively cities made in sound: A study of the sonic sensibilities of listening and hearing in Wollongong, New South Wales

Gordon Waitt(卧龙岗大学,澳大利亚)
Ian Buchanan(卧龙岗大学,澳大利亚)
Michelle Duffy(纽尔斯卡大学,澳大利亚)
Abstract: This paper seeks to better understand the lively city with reference to recent analysis of sonic affects, bodily sensations and emotions. The notion of ‘hearing contacts’, as it is usually deployed in discussion of the lively city, emphasises the social interactions with other people in a rather narrow anthropocentric way. Yet, it overlooks the diversity of felt and affective dimensions of city sounds. This paper takes up this challenge by bringing Deleuze and Guattari’s notion of territory into conversation with Greimas’s semiotic square. In doing so, this paper offers a compelling theoretical framework to better understand the sonic sensibilities of listening and hearing to provide a clearer sense of how people decide to attach specific meanings to sound, and which ones they do not. The paper first reviews various theoretical approaches to sound and the city. Next, the paper turns to an ethnographic account of sound and city-centre urban life recently conducted in Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia. This research seeks to better understand the ways bodily dispositions to sonic affects, materials and cultural norms helped participants territorialise the city centre, distinguishing ‘energeticbuzz’, ‘dead noise’, ‘dead quiet’ and ‘quiet calm’.

Keywords: Australia, semiotic square, sound diaries, territorialisation 

关键词:澳大利亚, 符号广场, 声音日记, 领土化

Persistence and cyclical dynamics of US and UK house prices: Evidence from over 150 years of data
Giorgio Canarella(内华达大学拉斯维加斯校区,美国)
Luis Gil-Alana(纳瓦拉大学,西班牙)
Rangan Gupta(比勒陀利亚大学,南非)
Stephen M Miller(内华达大学拉斯维加斯校区,美国)
首次出版时间:2019/10/14 |研究论文
Abstract: This paper provides a new and unique look at the dynamics and persistence of historical house prices in the USA and the UK using fractional integration techniques not previously applied to housing markets. Unlike previous research, we consider two components of persistence of house prices: the component associated with the long-run trend and the component associated with the cycle. We find evidence of cyclical and long-run persistence in the UK housing markets. In contrast, we fail to find evidence of cyclical persistence for the USA. For the sub-samples, which account for a structural break in each series, an important difference is the asynchronous pattern of the breaks, an indication of heterogeneity in the house price dynamics of the two countries and a sign that national rather than global events have played an important role. Although the house price movements of the last decade are dramatic, the greatest structural changes in the overall nominal and real price dynamics of the UK and the USA appear to have taken place much earlier, in the late 1970s and early 1980s in the UK and in the mid-1950s and early 1970s in the USA. An important result, common to the whole and sub-samples, is that long-run persistence plays a greater role than cyclical persistence in explaining the dynamics of house prices in both countries. These findings have substantial implications for policy decisions.
摘要: 本文使用以前没有应用于住房市场的分数次积分技术,对美国和英国历史房价的动态和持续性提供了一个新的独特视角。与之前的研究不同,我们考虑了房价持续性的两个组成部分:与长期趋势相关的组成部分和与周期相关的组成部分。我们发现了英国房地产市场周期性和长期持续性的证据。相比之下,我们没有发现美国周期持续性的证据。对于每个系列中构成结构性突变的子样本,一个重要的区别是突变的异步模式,这是两国房价动态异质性的标志,也是国家而非全球事件发挥了重要作用的标志。尽管过去十年的房价变动十分剧烈,但英国和美国整体名义和实际价格动态的最大结构性变化似乎发生得早得多,英国发生在20世纪70年代末和80年代初,美国发生在20世纪50年代中期和70年代初。一个重要的结果是,在解释这两个国家的房价动态时,长期持续性比周期持续性发挥更大的作用,这在整个样本和子样本中都很常见。这些发现对政策决策有重大意义。
Keywords: cyclical behaviour, house prices, fractional integration, persistence

关键词:周期性行为, 房价, 分数次积分, 持续性


Settlement scaling theory: Bridging the study of ancient and contemporary urban systems
Jose Lobo(亚利桑那州立大学,美国)
Luis MA Bettencourt(芝加哥大学,美国)
Michael E Smith(亚利桑那州立大学,美国)
Scott Ortman(科罗拉多大学波德分校,美国)
首次出版时间:2019/10/17 |研究论文
Abstract: A general explanatory framework for the social processes underpinning urbanisation should account for empirical regularities that are shared among contemporary urban systems and ancient settlement systems known throughout archaeology and history. The identification of such shared properties has been facilitated by research traditions in each field that define cities and settlements as areas that capture networks of social interaction embedded in space. Using Settlement Scaling Theory (SST) – a set of hypotheses and mathematical relationships that together generate predictions for how measurable quantitative attributes of settlements are related to their population size – we show that aggregate properties of ancient settlement systems and contemporary metropolitan systems scale up in similar ways across time, geography and culture. Settlement scaling theory thus provides a unified framework for understanding and predicting these regularities across time and space, and for identifying putative processes common to all human settlements.


Keywords: cities, comparative urbanism, data, pre-moderncities, settlement scaling

关键词:城市, 比较城市化, 数据, 前现代城市, 住区规模


Urban Studies 论文快递:第三十八期
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Urban Studies 论文快递:第四十期

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