
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(186-189)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10
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The experience economy in UK city centres: A multidimensional and interconnected response to the ‘death of the high street’?

James T White(英国格拉斯哥大学)
James Hickie(英国伦敦大学学院)
Allison Orr(英国格拉斯哥大学)等五位作者
Abstract: Since the 1990s the UK’s city centre high streets have been losing market share to out-of-town shopping and e-retailing. The shocks of the Global Financial Crisis and COVID-19 have hastened this and precipitated widespread store closures. The experience economy is increasingly promoted as a means to avert the ‘death of the high street’, and this prompts our study of its evolution. An exploration of the literature reveals the experience economy to be an interconnected phenomenon focused on the creation of a memorable event that elicits a sensory response via multi-dimensional innovation and design. Using this to guide our empirical work, we undertake a comparative mixed method longitudinal case study of five UK city centres. We initially chart the changing manifestations of experience uses before analysing supporting interviews and observations that reveal three interconnected layers of the experience economy: in-store commercial experiences; leisure and entertainment-orientated adaptations to shopping centres and department stores; and the wider regeneration of the public realm. Implications for city centre management are discussed.
Keywords: city centre management, experience economy, high street, public realm, retail
关键词:城市中心管理, 体验经济, 商业街, 公共领域, 零售


Beyond urban ecomodernism: How can degrowth-aligned spatial practices enhance urban sustainability transformations


Alejandro De Castro Mazarro(德国莱布尼茨生态城市与区域发展研究所)
Ritu George Kaliaden(德国莱布尼茨生态城市与区域发展研究所)
Wolfgang Wende(德国莱布尼茨生态城市与区域发展研究所)
Markus Egermann(德国莱布尼茨生态城市与区域发展研究所)


Abstract: For spatial practices such as architecture, urban design and planning, degrowth remains an abstract concept, as there is no clear alignment of its principles into spatial strategies. To bridge this gap, this paper examines how degrowth can be operationalised into sustainable spatial practices. Through a review of more than 200 sustainable spatial projects across the world operating at the building, neighbourhood and citywide scales, the paper shows that while the majority of sustainable interventions representative of dominant architecture and urban design culture do not align to degrowth principles, a significant number of examples using sustainability strategies such as convivial technologies, building retrofitting, urban renaturation and revitalisation, eco-urbanisation and spatial infrastructure upgrading are in fact aligned to degrowth principles. We suggest that these examples form a potential stepping-stone to enable an urban design and building culture rooted in a degrowth agenda, however further research and conceptualisation are needed to enable this to happen.
Keywords: architecture, degrowth, ecomodernism, urban design, urban sustainability transformation, urban theory
关键词:建筑, 反增长至上, 生态现代主义, 城市设计, 城市可持续发展转型, 城市理论

Scaling-up degrowth: Re-imagining institutional responses to climate change

William Otchere-Darko(英国纽卡斯尔大学)


Abstract: Focusing on the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 and the New Urban Agenda, this commentary suggests that by engaging with degrowth, these mainstream policies can potentially provide alternative ecological values as climate responses. In turn, degrowth can also benefit from engaging with the multiple scales and sectors of these institutions for climate and planning practice. However, such multi-scalar engagements demand a repoliticisation of institutional and professional routines, processes and procedures.
Keywords: Buen Vivir, climate change, degrowth, planning, resilience
关键词:美好生活, 气候变化, 反增长至上, 规划, 韧性

Progressive cities: Urban–rural polarisation of social values and economic development around the world
Davide Luca(英国剑桥大学)
Javier Terrero-Davila(英国伦敦政治经济学院)
Neil Lee(英国伦敦政治经济学院)等四位作者


Abstract: In contrast to the conservative values of rural populations, cities are often seen as bulwarks of more tolerant, liberal and progressive values. This urban–rural divide in values has become one of the major fault lines in Western democracies, underpinning major political events of the last decade, not least the election of Donald Trump. Yet, beyond a small number of countries, there is little evidence that cities really are more liberal than rural areas. Evolutionary modernisation theory suggests that socio-economic development may lead to the spread of progressive, self-expression values but provides little guidance on the role of cities in this process. Has an urban–rural split in values developed across the world? And does this gap depend on the economic development of a country? We answer these questions using a large cross-sectional dataset covering 66 countries. Despite the inherent challenges in identifying and operationalising a globally-consistent definition of what is ‘urban’, we show that there are marked and significant urban–rural differences in progressive values, defined as tolerant attitudes to immigration, gender rights and family life. These differences exist even when controlling for observable compositional effects, suggesting that cities do play a role in the spread of progressive values. Yet, these results only apply at higher levels of economic development suggesting that, for cities to leave behind rural areas in terms of liberal values, the satisfying of certain material needs is a prerequisite.
Keywords: cities, economic development, modernisation, progressive values, urban–rural polarisation
关键词:城市,经济发展,现代化, 进步主义价值观, 城乡两极分化

Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百八十六期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百八十七期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百八十八期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百八十九期

Urban Studies 文章精选(173-177)

Urban Studies 文章精选(178-181)

Urban Studies 文章精选(182-185)

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