
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(178-181)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10
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State-steered smartmentality in Chinese smart urbanism

Jun Zhang(英国爱丁堡龙比亚大学)
Jo Bates(英国谢菲尔德大学)
Pamela Abbott(英国谢菲尔德大学)

Abstract: This study explores the socio-political shaping of Chinese smart urbanism by examining the power relations between the government (national and municipal), private firms and citizens embedded in smartmentality. Our exploration begins with teasing out key analytical standpoints of Alberto Vanolo’s concept of smartmentality applied in neoliberal practices of smart urbanism. Through this analytical framework, we conceptualise Chinafied smartmentality and illustrate how it is actually playing out in China by undertaking documentary research and in-depth interviews from an inductive case study of the Smart Transportation System (STS) in the city of Shijiazhuang. We observe that the idea of Chinafication extends smartmentality with a focus on the power dynamic. We further argue that this Chinafied smartmentality implies uncritical technological solutionism that is state-steered in nature, and citizen participation in digital platforms that is performed with limited roles and power for inclusion. The article concludes by calling for future research on the critical examination of value co-creation for shaping a truly citizen-centric mode of governance in Chinese smart urbanism.

摘要:本项研究通过考察智慧思维(smartmentality)中所嵌入的政府(国家政府和市政府)、私营企业和公民之间的权力关系,探讨了中国智慧城市化的社会政治塑造。我们探索的出发点是对阿尔贝托·瓦诺洛(Alberto Vanolo)的智慧思维概念在智慧城市化的新自由主义实践中应用的关键分析观点进行梳理。凭借这一分析框架,我们通过对石家庄市智慧交通系统(STS)进行归纳案例研究(包括文献研究和深入访谈),将中国化智慧思维概念化并说明它是如何在中国实际发挥作用的。我们观察到,中国化的想法扩展了智慧思维,重点关注权力动态。我们进一步认为,这种中国化的智慧思维本质上是一种国家主导的、不加批判的技术解决方案主义,以及公民在参与数字平台方面的作用与包容性权力的有限性。本文最后呼吁未来的研究对价值共创进行批判性检验,以在中国智慧城市化过程中塑造真正以公民为中心的治理模式。
Keywords: Chinese cities, citizenship, governmentality, smart city, smartmentality, smart urbanism
关键词:中国城市, 公民, 政府, 智慧城市, 智慧思维, 智慧城市化
原文地址: https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211062888

The ‘medical city’ and China’s entrepreneurial state: Spatial production under rising consumerism in healthcare


Xuanyi Nie(美国哈佛大学)

Abstract: This study explores the socio-political shaping of Chinese smart urbanism by examining the power relations between the government (national and municipal), private firms and citizens embedded in smartmentality. Our exploration begins with teasing out key analytical standpoints of Alberto Vanolo’s concept of smartmentality applied in neoliberal practices of smart urbanism. Through this analytical framework, we conceptualise Chinafied smartmentality and illustrate how it is actually playing out in China by undertaking documentary research and in-depth interviews from an inductive case study of the Smart Transportation System (STS) in the city of Shijiazhuang. We observe that the idea of Chinafication extends smartmentality with a focus on the power dynamic. We further argue that this Chinafied smartmentality implies uncritical technological solutionism that is state-steered in nature, and citizen participation in digital platforms that is performed with limited roles and power for inclusion. The article concludes by calling for future research on the critical examination of value co-creation for shaping a truly citizen-centric mode of governance in Chinese smart urbanism.


Keywords: China, consumerism, healthcare, hospitals, medical city, state entrepreneurialism

关键词:中国, 消费主义, 医疗保健, 医院, 医疗城市, 国家创业主义

原文地址: https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221131246

Compact living or policy inaction? Effects of urban density and lockdown on the Covid-19 outbreak in the US


Andy Hong(美国犹他大学)

Sandip Chakrabarti(印度管理学院艾哈迈德巴德分校)


Abstract: The coronavirus pandemic has reignited the debate over urban density. Popular media has been quick to blame density as a key contributor to rapid disease transmission, questioning whether compact cities are still a desirable planning goal. Past research on the density–pandemic connection have produced mixed results. This article offers a critical perspective on this debate by unpacking the effects of alternative measures of urban density, and examining the impacts of mandatory lockdowns and the stringency of other government restrictions on cumulative Covid-19 infection and mortality rates during the early phase of the pandemic in the US. Our results show a consistent positive effect of density on Covid-19 outcomes across urban areas during the first six months of the outbreak. However, we find modest variations in the density–pandemic relationship depending on how densities are measured. We also find relatively longer duration mandatory lockdowns to be associated with lower infection and mortality rates, and lockdown duration’s effect to be relatively more pronounced in high-density urban areas. Moreover, we find that the timing of lockdown imposition and the stringency of the government’s response additionally influence Covid-19 outcomes, and that the effects vary by urban density. We argue that the adverse impact of density on pandemics could be mitigated by adopting strict lockdowns and other stringent human mobility and interaction restriction policies in a spatially targeted manner. Our study helps to inform current and future government policies to contain the virus, and to make our cities more resilient against future shocks and threats.


Keywords: built environment, Covid-19, density, health, lockdown, planning,policy

关键词:建筑环境, 新冠肺炎, 密度, 健康, 封锁, 规划, 政策

原文地址: https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221127401

Centring the periphery in urban studies: Notes towards a research agenda on peripheral centralities


Nicholas A Phelps(澳大利亚墨尔本大学)

Paul J Maginn(澳大利亚西澳大学)

Roger Keil(加拿大约克大学)

Abstract: Based on presentations across two days as part of an Urban Studies Foundation-funded seminar series, we elaborate a thematic agenda for considering the centrality of urban peripheries. We move beyond a typology of suburban centres to depict senses of peripheral centrality in terms of: their pervasiveness; their visibility across multiple scales; their underlying social relations; the agency exerted in their imagining and production, and the associated policy mobility.

摘要:作为城市研究基金会(Urban Studies Foundation)资助的系列研讨会的一部分,我们以两天的讲座为基础,详细阐述了一个研究城市周边的中心性的主题议程。我们超越了郊区中心的类型学,从以下方面来描述外围中心性的意义:它们的普遍性;它们不同程度的可见性;它们潜在的社会关系;在它们的设想和生产中起作用的机构,以及相关的政策流动性。

Keywords: built environment, extended urbanisation, planning, suburbanisation, theory

关键词:建成环境, 扩展城市化, 规划, 郊区化, 理论

原文地址: https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221135418

Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百八十一期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百八十期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百七十九期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百七十八期

Urban Studies 文章精选(163-168
Urban Studies 文章精选(169-172)

Urban Studies 文章精选(173-177)

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