
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(163-168)

UrbanStudies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10

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Segregation, mobility and encounters in Jerusalem: The role of public transport infrastructure in connecting the ‘divided city’


Jonathan Rokem(英国伦敦大学学院)
Laura Vaughan(英国伦敦大学学院)

Abstract: This paper assesses ways in which urban segregation is shaped and transformed by Jerusalem’s public transport network, enhancing mobility and potential group encounters. We suggest that segregation should be understood as an issue of mobility and co-presence in public space, rather than the static residential-based segregation that continues to be a central focus of debate in urban studies. We explore public transport infrastructures, considering how their implementation reflects the variety of ways that transport can have impact: segmenting populations, linking populations and/or creating spaces for interaction or conflict between the city’s Jewish Israeli and Arab Palestinian populations. Space syntax network analysis suggests that in the case of Jerusalem, access to public transport is multi-dimensional: as well as providing access to resources, it shapes opportunities for spatial mobility that may either overcome or reinforce area-based housing segregation. We discuss these opportunities in the light of Jerusalem’s on-going ethno-national division in an increasingly fractured urban reality.


Keywords: contested cities, Jerusalem, mobility and co-presence, public transport, space syntax, urban segregation

关键词:被争夺的城市, 耶路撒冷, 流动性和共存, 公共交通, 空间句法, 城市隔离



African urbanisation at the confluence of informality and climate change


Brandon Marc Finn(美国哈佛大学)
Patrick Brandful Cobbinah(澳大利亚墨尔本大学)

Abstract: Africa contributes the least to global greenhouse gas emissions, yet it faces climate change’s harshest consequences. Ramifications of climate change pose daunting multi-scalar urban challenges, specifically because urbanisation across most African countries is embedded in, linked to and defined by various notions of informality. However, there is limited theoretical attention to the confluence of African urbanisation, informality and climate change. This article addresses this issue by laying out three fundamental matters of this relationship. First, it analyses urban informality in the context of three domains: the informal economy, informal settlements and the state. Second, it highlights the significance of climate change to theoretical and empirical studies of informality. We propose that climate change poses challenges to the practice of informality and its contemporary theorisation, prompting new questions about how African informality is understood and framed. Finally, it discusses new perspectives on planning for climate change and urban informality that do not frame ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ approaches as necessarily mutually exclusive. Climate change fundamentally challenges life within informal economies and settlements, and its synthesis within debates on African urbanisation is urgently required. Notably, and in turn, the global discourse on climate change also requires specific attention to the theories and practices of informality.


Keywords: climate change, inequality, informal settlements, urbanisation

关键词:气候变化, 不平等, 非正规住区, 城市化


Private urbanism and the spatial rationalities of urban governance


Austin Dziwornu Ablo(加纳大学)

Abstract: Many cities across Africa are characterised by poor planning, housing deficit, waste management challenges and land-use conflicts. Government efforts to address these challenges remain inadequate, with increased private sector participation in urban governance which in recent times has taken the form of privatised cities. Deploying governmentality – the distributed and subjectified statehood – as an analytical frame, and with data produced through interviews, observation and review of various documents, this article analyses spatial rationalities of private city development in Ghana. Rationalities are viewed as drawing boundaries and producing order to foster correct comportments in analysing the logic underlying actors’ approach to private city development. For the state, private city projects provide a quick fix to the urban planning and governance challenges by providing critical infrastructure and development control. Investors view private city developments as profitable ventures that offer the so-called ‘ideal cities’ that can respond to urban governance challenges. The discourses regarding privatised cities are focused on technocratic notions such as tenure security, development control and service delivery. It is, however, argued that the focus, target and strategies of privatised cities are piecemeal and limited in scope and cannot address the urban governance challenges confronting African cities.


Keywords: Accra, Ghana, governmentality, private cities, spatial rationality, urban governance

关键词:阿克拉, 加纳, 治理, 私有化城市, 空间理性, 城市治理


Sydney as ‘Sinoburbia’: Patterns of diversification across emerging Chinese ethnoburbs


Shanthi Robertson(澳大利亚西悉尼大学)
Alexandra Wong(澳大利亚西悉尼大学)
Christina Ho(澳大利亚悉尼科技大学)等五位作者

Abstract: ‘Chinese Sydney’ has shifted away from its inner-city Chinatown towards new residential suburban concentrations with varied histories of progressive diversification. In some of these suburbs, where 40% or more of residents report Chinese heritage, older generations of diaspora Chinese intermingle with a substantial recent wave of China-born middle-class professionals – often distinguished as the ‘new Chinese’. This paper situates the localised, internal diversities of the modern arrival city within the geo-political conditions, urban development strategies and migration patterns that shape Sydney’s Chinese ethnoburbs (or ‘Sinoburbs’). Drawing on demographic analysis, site mapping of local infrastructure and site observations, we trace changing demographics and patterns of suburban development within three different case study suburbs. In doing so, we elucidate some emerging lines of inquiry that challenge the extant focus in both enclave and ethnoburb models of urban ethnic concentration and suggest a number of new interventions to future research on emerging Sinoburbia localities both in Australia and elsewhere.

摘要:“华人的悉尼”已经从市中心的唐人街转移到新的郊区住宅集中地,这些郊区具有不同的渐进式多元化历史。在其中一些郊区,40% 或更多的居民声称有华裔血统,老侨民与大量新移民混杂在一起。新移民大多是出生在中国的中产阶级专业人士,通常被称为“新华裔”。本文将悉尼这一现代移民目的地城市的本地化、内部多样性置于地缘政治条件、城市发展战略和塑造了悉尼华裔郊区(或Sinoburbs)的移民模式中考察。利用人口统计分析、当地基础设施的场址地图绘制和场址观察,我们追踪了作为案例研究的三个不同郊区中不断变化的人口统计和郊区发展模式。藉此,我们阐明了一些新的研究路线,这些研究路线质疑对城市种族集中的飞地和民族郊区模式的现有关注,并为未来对澳大利亚和其他地方新兴华裔郊区的研究提出了一些新的干预措施。

Keywords: ethnoburb, local infrastructure, metropolitan Sydney, new Chinese migration, suburban transformation and diversification

关键词:民族郊区, 地方基础设施, 悉尼大都市, 新华裔移民, 郊区转型和多元化


Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百六十三期

Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百六十四期

Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百六十五期

Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百六十六期

Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百六十七期

Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百六十八期


Urban Studies 文章精选(151-154)

Urban Studies 文章精选(155-158)

Urban Studies 文章精选(159-162)‍

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