
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(151-154)

UrbanStudies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10

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Introduction: Generating concepts of ‘the urban’ through comparative practice

Jennifer Robinson(英国伦敦大学学院)

Abstract: This Introduction to the special issue, ‘Comparative Methods for Global Urban Studies’, outlines the basis for a reformatted comparative method inspired by the complex spatialities of the urban world. The articles in the volume each bring forward innovative approaches to comparative methods which support wider conceptualisations of urban processes and urban experiences. The articles in this volume consider a wide range of urban contexts and collectively move beyond geopolitically imprecise propositions of ‘southern’ urbanism to embrace the wider comparative agenda of thinking with both the diversity and the profound interconnectedness of the urban globally. The articles contribute to decentring urban studies, opening conceptualisation to a range of different contexts and differently positioned writers. They also speak to the analytical and methodological challenges posed by current trends in global urbanisation, as dispersed, fragmented and extending over vast territories. Thinking with the multiple elsewheres of any urban context invites a comparative imagination – this introduction draws together the creative ways in which authors in this volume have responded to this potential. Processes of conceptualisation both emerge from and more acutely reveal the spatiality and nature of the global urban: comparative method, then, also proposes a certain mode of theorisation of the urban.


Keywords: comparative method, comparative urbanism, conceptualisation, global urban studies, spatiality

关键词:比较方法, 比较城市研究, 概念化, 全球城市研究, 空间性




Disposable infrastructures: ‘Micromobility’ platforms and the political economy of transport disruption in Austin, Texas


John Stehlin(美国北卡罗来纳大学)
Will Payne(美国罗格斯大学)

Abstract: The rapid rise of digital platform-based transportation services over the past decade has begun to transform urban mobility. Fleets of dockless bicycles and scooters – or ‘micromobility’– represent the newest horizon of investment, particularly in the United States. Micromobility platforms launch rapidly, with minimal public planning or funding and no fixed infrastructure, using inexpensive, GPS-connected vehicles stored in public space. These platforms represent a deepening of the neoliberalisation of transport, in which infrastructural properties emerge biopolitically from the dynamics of private platforms. This article examines public debates over the regulation of micromobility platforms in Austin, Texas, in early 2018. Drawing on interviews with city officials and bikesharing professionals, observation of public meetings and GIS analysis of usage data, we argue that conflicts we observed over new micromobility platforms – specifically ‘clutter’, equity in geographic coverage and data privacy – obscured the deeper political economy of platformisation and the austerity that limited the effectiveness of the existing public station-based bikeshare system. In Austin, the search for ‘innovative’ micromobility transportation at no public cost resulted in the further erosion of the underfunded public system. We argue that despite their flexible, low-carbon image, existing micromobility platforms in the United States largely exploit rather than address inadequacies of urban transport.


Keywords: displacement, gentrification, inequality, infrastructure, neoliberalism, sharing economy, smart cities, transport, technology

关键词:驱逐, 绅士化, 不平等, 基础设施, 新自由主义, 共享经济, 智慧城市, 交通运输, 科技



Population density and SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: Comparing the geography of different waves in the Netherlands

Willem Boterman(荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学)


Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has boosted public and scholarly debate about the relationship between infectious disease and the urban. Cities are considered contagious because they are hubs in (inter)national networks and contain high densities of people. However, the role of the urban and population density in the spread of pathogens is complex and is mediated by the wider bio-social environment. This paper analyses the role of population density in the outbreak of COVID-19 in the densely and highly urbanised context of the Netherlands. It compares the geography of the different phases in the epidemic and assesses when and where density plays a role. Using municipal data on the rate of infections and hospitalisations, this paper reveals that spatial patterns differ substantially in time, which does not appear to be simple diffusion. Using panel regressions, it is demonstrated that population density plays a role in those stages in which containment and mitigation measures were least strict, while in periods of lockdown other factors such as household size are associated with higher infection rates. It concludes that lockdowns may have greater effect in urban areas as key urban elements are temporarily cancelled out.


Keywords: health, demographics, agglomeration/urbanisation, COVID-19, population density

关键词:健康, 人口统计, 集聚/城市化, 新冠肺炎, 人口密度



Making cities through migration industries: Introduction to the special issue

Nir Cohen(以色列巴伊兰大学)
Tatiana Fogelman(丹麦罗斯基勒大学)
Henrik Lebuhn(德国柏林洪堡大学)

Abstract: Migration industry has recently emerged as a lens through which to theorise the intertwinement of non-state actors who aim to provide diverse migration-pertaining services. However, while much of their work is done in and through cities, consequently (re)forming variegated urban landscapes, scholarly literature has thus far neglected the nexus between cities and the migration industry. In this special issue, we begin filling this gap by exploring the significance of migration industries – as a resurgent concept and an area of research from migration studies – for understanding the urban. We start by reviewing the urbanisation of migration studies, highlighting its key limits. We then move on to introduce the migration industries debate, pointing out its existing implicit urban dimensions. We proceed by elaborating our main argument about why and how migration industries provide an especially productive lens for urbanists to consider. Specifically, we stress the three key analytical vantage points that the attention to migration industries enables us to see as central to contemporary city-making. These are its political-economic embeddedness, the urban-constitutive nature of trans-local connectivities, and how business-driven city-making dovetails with more serendipitous, bottom-up shaping of the arrival city. Each of these points also describes how individual papers speak to them. We conclude by briefly outlining a research agenda for migration industries that is thoughtfully embroiled in the (post-)pandemic urban.


Keywords: editorial, migration industry, transnationalism, theory, urban

关键词:编者按, 移民产业, 跨国主义, 理论, 城市


Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百五十一期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百五十二期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百五十三期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百五十四期

Urban Studies 文章精选(137-141)
Urban Studies 文章精选(142-146)
Urban Studies 文章精选(147-150)

排版 | 张祎娴

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