
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(142-146)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10

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Anchoring the social economy at the metropolitan scale: Findings from the Liverpool City Region


Matthew Thompson(英国利物浦大学)
Alan Southern(英国利物浦大学)
Helen Heap(英国利物浦大学)

Abstract: This article revisits debates on the contribution of the social economy to urban economic development, specifically focusing on the scale of the city region. It presents a novel tripartite definition – empirical, essentialist, holistic – as a useful frame for future research into urban social economies. Findings from an in-depth case study of the scale, scope and value of the Liverpool City Region’s social economy are presented through this framing. This research suggests that the social economy has the potential to build a workable alternative to neoliberal economic development if given sufficient tailored institutional support and if seen as a holistic integrated city-regional system, with anchor institutions and community anchor organisations playing key roles.




Keywords: anchor institutions, city-regionalism, local economic development, social economy, urban policy


关键词:定机构, 城市区域化, 地方经济发展, 社会经济, 城市政策






Haphazard urbanisation: Urban informality, politics and power in Egypt
Deen Sharp(英国伦敦政治经济学院)
Abstract: The Egyptian military regime of Abd al-Fattah el-Sisi has announced as part of its Vision 2030 its intention to eliminate informal urban areas. The regime has identified these areas – commonly known by the Arabicterm ‘ashwa’iyyat (which means haphazard) – as a threat to the nation. The Egyptian state, however, has no clear conception of what urban informality constitutes or what exactly it is eradicating. To understand how and why the state has placed urban informality as central to its politics, I contend that we have to examine the political processes through which this uncertain yet powerful concept is produced. Urban informality, I argue, is a political intervention that is always fleeting and geographically specific in another wise haphazard context. Haphazard urbanisation points to the complex power struggles by a range of actors, both within and beyond the state, through which the formal and informal divide can mark urban life. In a critical reading of the first major study of informality in Egypt, I show how the urban was divided into the formal and informal through outdated laws. I detail, by engaging sources in English and Arabic, how the Egyptian state militarised urban informality from the 1990s onwards. I argue that it is through this historical framing that we must understand el-Sisi’s current war against urban informality. Inturn, I argue that the regime’s attempt to eliminate informality has not resulted in greater control over what and how urban informality appears but has deepened the hazardisation of urban life.
摘要:阿卜杜拉·法塔赫·塞西(Abdal-Fattah el-Sisi)的埃及军事政权宣布,作为其《2030年愿景》的一部分,其计划消灭非正规城市地区。该政权将这些地区(阿拉伯语通常称其为“阿什瓦伊亚特”[ashwa’iyyat],意思是“杂乱”)视为对国家的威胁。然而,埃及政府对什么是城市非正规性以及它到底在消除什么没有明确的概念。为了理解国家如何、以及为什么将城市非正规性作为其政治议程的核心,我认为我们必须研究产生这一不确定但强大的概念的政治过程。我认为,在原本杂乱的背景下,城市非正规性作为一种政治干预目标总是具有暂时性、且与特定的地理位置相联系。杂乱无章的城市化来源于政府内外一系列行为者的复杂权力斗争,通过这种斗争,正规和非正规的鸿沟可能会成为城市生活的标志。我批判性地解读了对埃及非正规性的首次主要研究,展示了城市如何被过时的法律分为正规和非正规两个部分。我借鉴英语和阿拉伯语文献,详细介绍了埃及政府如何从20世纪90年代开始对城市非正规性展开军事行动。我认为,我们必须通过这一历史框架来理解赛西政权当前针对城市非正规性发动的这场战争。进而,我认为,政府消除非正规性的努力并没有使政府更好地控制城市非正规性的面貌,而是加深了城市生活的危险性。
Keywords: development, Egypt, inequality, informality, social justice,theory, urban violence
关键词:发展, 埃及, 不平等, 非正规性, 社会正义, 理论, 城市暴力

原文地址: https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211040927


Towards a constructed order of co-governance: Understanding the state–society dynamics of neighbourhood collaborative responses to COVID-19 in urban China
Zhilin Liu(清华大学)
Sainan Lin (武汉大学)
Tingting Lu(上海交通大学)
Abstract: The state–society relationship in neighbourhood governance has been a focal topic in the urban governance literature, though the existing scholarship was primarily drawn from non-crisis situations. Adopting a mixed-methods approach, this study investigates the intricate state–society dynamics manifested at the neighbourhood scale as state and societal actors collaborated during China’s COVID-19 responses. Our study reveals a pattern of collaborative rather than confrontational dynamics between resident committees and other stakeholders during pandemic responses, which reflects the emergence of a constructed order of neighbourhood co-governance in urban China. Previous community-building reforms consolidated the political legitimacy, power and capacity of resident committees, which were empowered to play a critical coordinating role in bridging hierarchical state mobilisation and horizontal stakeholders in the collaborative pandemic responses. These findings contribute to a more nuanced understanding of neighbourhood co-governance in the international literature and provide lessons for resilience governance from a comparative lens.
Keywords: COVID-19, neighbourhood governance, resident committees, state–society relationship, urban China
关键词:新冠肺炎, 街区治理, 居民委员会, 政府-社会关系, 中国城市


Inter-city transport infrastructure and intra-city housing markets: Estimating the redistribution effect of high-speed rail in Shenzhen, China
Zheng Chang(美国哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院陶伯曼州和地方政府中心)
Mi Diao(同济大学)
Abstract: This study analyses the changes in intra-city housing valuesin response to improved inter-city connection brought by high-speed rail (HSR), using the opening of the Hangzhou–Fuzhou–Shenzhen Passenger Dedicated Line (HFSL) in Shenzhen, China, as an example. The opening of the HFSL and its integration into the local metro network at Shenzhen North Station provide exogenous intra-city variations in access to the surrounding economic mass. With a difference-in-differences approach, we find that the HFSL showed an egative local effect as housing values declined by 11.5%–13.3% in the proximity of Shenzhen North Station relative to areas further from the station after the opening, possibly due to the negative externalities of the HFSL. The HFSL effect can spread along the metro network and lead to, on average, a 7% appreciation of housing values around metro stations (network effect). The direction and strength of the network effect vary by metro travel time between Shenzhen North Station and metro stations. Housing values decreased by 7.7% around metro stations within 5–15 minutes of metrotravel time but increased by 63.6%, 16.6% and 29.2% around metro stations within 15–25, 25–35 and 35–45 minutes of metro travel time to Shenzhen North Station, respectively. The HFSL effect on housing values diminishes when the rail travel time is above 45 minutes. We interpret these findings as evidence of the redistribution effect in the city related to HSR connection.
Keywords: China, high-speed rail, intra-city housing values, network effect
关键词:中国, 高铁, 城市房价, 网络效应

Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百四十二期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百四十三期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百四十四期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百四十五期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百四十六期

Urban Studies 文章精选(129-132)
Urban Studies 文章精选(133-136)
Urban Studies 文章精选(137-141)

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